YOUNES MAR20 Lyrics – Mister You

YOUNES MAR20 Lyrics by Mister You is a latest French song in the voice of Mister You. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Younes Mar20 song lyrics are also written by Mister You. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In YOUNES MAR20, Mister You reflects on his experiences growing up in Belleville, a tough neighborhood in Paris, where crime, hardship, and loss are part of daily life. He recalls his youth filled with reckless behavior, making shady deals, and dealing with the dangers of street life. As he’s gotten older, he’s learned the value of changing his path and making better choices. The song mixes nostalgia with the harsh realities of his environment, highlighting the struggle to survive, the bond with friends, and the consequences of bad decisions, all while acknowledging his roots.


C’est Younes Marvin si tu l’ignores on te met au parfum
Franchis pas la frontière du 19 par le 20
On en revient toujours pas les crimes les nuisances sonores
Belleville là où j’suis né là où les reufs ils sont morts

[Couplet 1 : Mister You]
Dédicace à tout le ghetto santé au poto Fredo
Si tu veux nous blédou gros je te conseille de te lever très tôt
C’est Belleville zoo ceux que tu vois dans les reportages
Ceux qui te soulèvent et qui t’attachent ceux qui te compliquent toujours La tache
La j’suis posé sur la croisette Je graille une petite glace à la pistache

J’évite de traîner dans le tieks en ce moment y’a du pistage
Y’a des brigades de fou qui tournent et qui voudraient qu’on tourne pendant longtemps
Donc je me suis barré loin d’eux et en attendant je prends du bon temps
On était jeune et fougeux On en a fait des transactions
On a grandi avant de vieillir maintenant on veut faire de bonnes actions
On connaît bien la détention les extractions les pompes les tractions
Tu peux tout perdre en moins d’une seconde l’espace d’une fraction
Attention laissez passer mauvais garçon
Y’a le CZ y’a la conso les cojones dans le caleçon
Je connais des mecs qui ont pris 20 piges à cause de leur fréquentation
Et d’autres qui jouent les Coluche mais n’ouvrent que par ostentation
La vérité parfois ca tue comme une bécane en Thailande
La liberté c’est qu’une statue postée vers Staten Island
C’est Younes Marvin une putain de mise à l’amende
C’est Mister Kylian Mbappé featuring Earling Haaland

C’est Younes Marvin si tu l’ignores on te met au parfum
Franchis pas la frontière du 19 par le 20
On en revient toujours pas les crimes les nuisances sonores
Belleville là où j’suis né là où les reufs ils sont morts

[Couplet 2 : Marvin]
Une Vodka Pomme pour Belleville une carotte dans.une
Je fais rouler des cachetons la Terre elle tourne depuis Copernic

L’être humain est perfide on trahit pour des belles filles
On se dirige vers l’enfer les murs du paradis ont terni
On tourne en cage comme Pernelle La rage elle nous a berné
La chienne à eu le chien et l’os c’est la bouteille de Belvé
Elles suceront pour du LV LV LV
Rue Piat la.Planche Rébé
On a le goût des palabres y’a pas de blessure bénigne
Tout la nuit on baraude on veut la rose sans les épines
Du berceau à la zipette du vaisseau à la.cité
Malheureusement les larmes de nos mères on pisse des citernes
On pense à ceux qu’ont quitté On a pleuré des Vittel
Une cagoule.on a plus d’air la blanche colombe n’a plus d’ailes
On a maigri à vue d’oeil tous comme des larmes affutées
Demande à … il t’apprendra ce que c’est la pudeur
Dans les frecos y’a plus d’or en tête à tête y’a plus d’homme
J’ai.pas attendu Floyd pour cracher fort sur les Babylone
On est docteur en philo j’aimerais apprendre aux petits loups
Faut beaucoup de kilogrammes pour être Tony oublie.le pilon
B.A.C dans les parages du.produit dans des cabas
On a pris de l’âge chez nous le whisky dans la carafe
Ça kicke à la … du caviar sur le bavoir
… il faut des dollars un cocktail et on se pavane

C’est Younes Marvin si tu l’ignores on te met au parfum
Franchis pas la frontière du 19 par le 20
On en revient toujours pas les crimes les nuisances sonores
Belleville là où j’suis né là où les reufs ils sont morts

Mister You Songs

YOUNES MAR20 Lyrics Meaning

In the refrain, Mister You introduces his alter ego, Younes Marvin, who represents the hardened, street-smart side of him. He warns anyone unfamiliar with the area to be cautious and aware of its dangers. The line about not crossing from the 19th district into the 20th suggests that these boundaries are dangerous and symbolic of different worlds. Belleville, where he grew up, is a place marked by crime, violence, and death. The refrain captures the harshness of his environment, where noise and criminal activity are part of daily life. This part of the song reflects Mister You’s warning to outsiders and the reality of life in his neighborhood.

[Couplet 1]
In the first verse, Mister You gives a shout-out to his neighborhood, Belleville, and specifically to his friend Fredo, dedicating the song to people from his community. He advises anyone wanting to get involved in their world to be prepared and get up early because things move quickly and can turn dangerous. Belleville is described as a “zoo,” where the people are wild, chaotic, and unpredictable, much like the portrayal of the area in the media. The verse touches on how Mister You has distanced himself from certain places due to the heavy police presence, indicating he’s trying to avoid the trouble that used to follow him. He contrasts his past, when he was young and reckless, with his present, where he is more cautious and thoughtful. He talks about how he used to engage in illicit activities and the growth that’s come with age. Despite the mistakes and dangerous dealings of his youth, he’s now trying to make better choices and do good. He speaks about knowing the grim realities of prison life, how quickly everything can fall apart, and how one wrong move can cost you everything. The verse serves as a cautionary tale, reminding others of the consequences of certain actions. The warning also extends to people’s associations, as friends or bad company can lead you down a dark path. Mister You ends this verse by comparing his strength and status to the famous footballers Mbappé and Haaland, suggesting that he’s achieved a level of respect and recognition in his world.

[Couplet 2]
In the second verse, Marvin (another persona in the song) paints a picture of the harshness and betrayal that surrounds life in Belleville. He starts by referencing drinking vodka and apple juice for the area, symbolizing a rough, gritty lifestyle. He comments on the betrayal he sees in human nature, where people will backstab others for superficial gains, such as for a beautiful woman or material possessions. This sense of betrayal is intensified by his view of the world as heading toward destruction. He talks about how the ideals of heaven and paradise have become tarnished, and now people are just trying to survive. Marvin mentions feeling trapped like an animal in a cage, reflecting on how anger and resentment have clouded their judgment and led them to make poor decisions. He compares the struggles of his life to the painful realities of living in the streets, where everyone is out for their own gain, and even the closest people can betray you. The metaphor of “the dog got the bone” represents how people will do anything to get what they want, even if it means compromising their integrity. The verse continues with Marvin describing the harsh realities of street life, where people make choices that lead them to dark paths. He reflects on the hardships of growing up in a tough environment, where the pain of loss is ever-present. The image of “larmes affutées” (sharp tears) reflects how painful the past has been, and how these experiences have shaped them. Marvin also addresses the lack of honor and integrity, pointing out that true values have been lost. Despite all of this, he speaks about growing older and wiser, but still remaining in a world where money, status, and appearances matter more than anything else. The verse ends with a critique of society’s materialistic nature and a recognition that survival and success often come at the expense of deeper, more meaningful values.

The refrain is repeated throughout the song to reinforce the central themes of danger, survival, and the harsh realities of Belleville. Younes Marvin, as mentioned before, represents the tough persona that people must take on to survive in a place like Belleville. It acts as a reminder that crossing the wrong boundaries, even in an area like the 19th and 20th districts, can lead to trouble. The refrain highlights the ongoing struggles of living in an environment where crime, violence, and death are all too common. Belleville is presented as a place full of memories, some good and many tragic, where survival comes with a heavy cost.


Q. Who has sung YOUNES MAR20 song?
A. YOUNES MAR20 song is sung by Mister You.

Q. Who wrote YOUNES MAR20 lyrics?
A. YOUNES MAR20 lyrics are penned by Mister You.

Q. Who has given the music of YOUNES MAR20 song?
A. YOUNES MAR20 music is composed and produced by Mister You.

“This concludes the lyrics of YOUNES MAR20” by Mister You. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.