XX Lyrics – Ali Geramy, Sajad Shahi

XX Lyrics by Ali Geramy, Sajad Shahi is a latest Persian song in the voices of Ali Geramy, Sajad Shahi. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Xx song lyrics are also written by Ali Geramy, Sajad Shahi. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. The song It and Sajad Shahi portrays a deeply emotional and complex relationship. The lyrics express feelings of regret and confusion after a breakup, with the singer struggling with the aftermath of their love story. They reflect on how their partner has moved on, leaving them in a state of emotional turmoil. There’s a sense of loneliness and frustration, with the singer mentioning how their heart feels empty and their emotions have been drained. Despite these intense feelings, there’s also a desire for closure, with the singer wanting to let go and move forward.

XX Lyrics

نمیخوام بی تو فردا رو
دراگو میزنم بعد تو رو
پشیمونی اورد هر دوش
بذار بوست کنم دیگه بعد برو
نمیگیرم دستتو
چون یکی دیگه گرفت دستاتو
نیست میدونم دست تو
قرار این بود جشن بگیریم هر سالو

[ورس اول : علی گرامی]
وقتی بالام میگم درآر لنزو

مثل چشاته پوستم سبزه
یادم میره دیگه روی جنسو
چرا بهم میگی زدی با سارا جی
عزیزم گفتم که پنفیت سجاده
این جالبه پابلیک
ساکتی رو تختمی مثل ساراجی
البته پریشب خوابیدم کاناپه
میگی بهم یه دافه گرفته امارت
میدونی دوست دارم مثل مامانت
این که تو لوس بشی جزئی از کاراته
حرفی راجبم میشنوی حرصی میشیو
دوست داری تو فقط درتی بری
زمین هست آخه به گردی چشات ندارم
حوصله خیلی واسه لاو

شمال صورتت ابریه
از نبودم چشات ترسیده
خیس شدن جنگل وقتیه
که جفت چشای تو اشکیه
هر جا بری میشی پیشم تهش خیس
بده اینو تشخیص که کی خودتو میخوادش قلبی
حسمو نمیشه کرد معنی


نمیخوام بی تو فردا رو
دراگو میزنم بعد تو رو
پشیمونی اورد هر دوش
بذار بوست کنم دیگه بعد برو
نمیگیرم دستتو
چون یکی دیگه گرفت دستاتو
نیست میدونم دست تو
قرار این بود جشن بگیریم هر سالو

[ورس دوم : سجاد شاهی]
نخواستی کمکم بیایی
روحم خیلی ساله مرده
تو نی حالیت قلبم سوراخ شده
انگار سی تا تیر خورده
یه شاهم بی سلاح
وقتی که میشه خیس چشات
یه اثر هنری بی لباس
مثل من میکردش کی نگات
عصبیم همش چی میشه
هی کی بغلته شبا کی پیشته
با این که دورم دختر هی میپلکه
ولی تنهام داره قلبم میترکه
عصبیم همش ته دلم چیزی نیست
زجه زدم میدیدی
من که جورتو میکشیدم الان طلبکاری
تو رو به سرنوشت باختم
هر چی که زور زدم
منی که با همه بود طرف آدما
همه شدن از دور قشنگ
دنیا تاریک شد مادرم بود فقط نداشتی جنبه
اخر شکوندی دلمو سنگدل
یهو تمومش میکنم نکنم هندل

Ali Geramy Songs

XX Lyrics Meaning

In the chorus, the singer expresses a feeling of not wanting to face tomorrow without their lover. There’s a sense of bitterness, as they mention regret and the pain of the separation. They convey the idea of moving on by letting go, not holding onto the past, and realizing their partner is now with someone else.

[ورس اول : علی گرامی]
In this verse, the singer reflects on the confusion and emotional disarray after a breakup. They mention how they get lost in moments and forget what they used to care about. There’s also frustration over accusations from the ex-lover about being with someone else. They highlight the emotional turmoil, talking about sleeping on a couch, and how the ex accuses them of seeing someone else. Despite everything, the singer admits that they still have feelings and compares their love to a mother’s love, but the situation is now tainted with misunderstandings and hurt.

In this bridge, the singer describes the emotional impact of the ex’s absence. Their face is compared to a cloudy sky, symbolizing sadness and uncertainty. The pain of seeing their lover cry is described as something that affects everything, with a sense that the ex’s love is now distant and unclear.

In this repeated chorus, the singer continues to express the inner turmoil caused by the separation. They emphasize not wanting to face the future alone and feeling regretful about the breakup. Despite wanting to move on, they are left with the reality that their partner has moved on with someone else.

[ورس دوم : سجاد شاهی]
In the second verse, the singer expresses deep emotional pain and frustration. They feel abandoned, as their partner didn’t come to help when they needed it, leaving them emotionally drained and numb. The singer compares their broken heart to being shot multiple times, symbolizing the deep wounds they carry. They feel like a king without power, and every thought of their ex causes them more pain. They mention that even though their ex is now with someone else, they still feel alone and empty. There’s a lot of anger directed at themselves for caring too much, as they feel that they lost in the end. The singer reflects on how everything once seemed so beautiful, but now the world feels dark and lonely. They feel betrayed by their ex, who has become cold-hearted. The verse ends with a sense of finality, expressing the intention to stop fighting for the relationship.


Q. Who has sung XX song?
A. XX song is sung by Ali Geramy, Sajad Shahi.

Q. Who wrote XX lyrics?
A. XX lyrics are penned by Ali Geramy, Sajad Shahi.

Q. Who has given the music of XX song?
A. XX music is composed and produced by Ali Geramy, Sajad Shahi.

“This concludes the lyrics of XX” by Ali Geramy, Sajad Shahi. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.