Wop Wop Lyrics – Nerissima Serpe, Papa V

Wop Wop Lyrics by Nerissima Serpe, Papa V is a latest Italian song in the voices of Nerissima Serpe, Papa V. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Wop Wop song lyrics are also written by Nerissima Serpe, Papa V. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It and Papa V is a high-energy, raw song about living in the moment and embracing a rebellious lifestyle. The lyrics repeat a catchy hook about not worrying about the future and staying loyal to their crew (“cani”), all while acknowledging the harm of drügs. The song reflects a brash attitude toward life, with references to luxury, power, and street mentality. The artists highlight their confidence, street smarts, and ability to navigate challenges, emphasizing their control over the game while warning about betrayal and the harsh realities of their world.

Wop Wop Lyrics

[Parte I]

Y-Y-Yo, Skinny, what you cook–
Lascia Fritu, my sh’

[Ritornello: Nerissima Serpe & Papa V ]
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, non penso al domani
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, sto con I miei cani
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, la droga fa male
Fa tanto male, ma male, male, male, male
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, non penso al domani

Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, sto con I miei cani
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, la droga fa male
Fa male, male, ma male, male, male, male

[Strofa 1: Papa V]
Ho scritto nella mia bio: “Dio proteggi I miei amici, che a me ci penso io”
Facciamo avanti e indietro su una via
Entro dentro casa tua come fosse casa mia, tu chiama la polizia
Se non sbaglio, io non sbaglio da quando sono nato
Se la taglio, io la taglio solo bicarbonato
Se lo dico, poi lo faccio, non è che parlo, parlo
Figa, che bella la figa quando prende il cazzo

[Strofa 2: Nerissima Serpe]
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, tranquillo
Ho la cinta in coccodrillo
Costa lo stipendio di uno sbirro
Sto girando Stati, non gioco a RisiKo!
Ho carati ai denti, mangio pasta al dente
Compro due appartamenti come fosse abitualmente
Sono un boss, Anacleti, sempre in spinta come il rugby
Sopra un’auto quattro servi, stadi pieni, Freddie Mercury

[Ritornello: Nerissima Serpe & Papa V ]
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, non penso al domani

Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, sto con I miei cani
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, la droga fa male
Fa tanto male, ma male, male, male, male
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, non penso al domani
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, sto con I miei cani
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, la droga fa male
Fa male, male, ma male, male, male, male

[Parte II]

[Intro: Shiva]
Andiamo (Mafia Slime)
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah

[Strofa: Shiva & Nerissima Serpe]
Mafia Slime già dal mattino (Milano)
Ho deciso che oggi mostrerò il lato cattivo (Questa è Milano)
Io non controllo il gioco, io lo fotto, lo ipnotizzo (Ah-ah)
Frate’, ho già girato troppo, non ricordo il mio indirizzo (Ah-ah)
Se dai per scontato tutto, poi tutto diventa un vizio (Esatto)
Se fai il bullo dentro I video, poi noi sfateremo il mito (Bu-bu-bu)
Giuro, bro, che ho perso il conto di quelli che mi han tradito
Tanto è scritto nella storia che ogni dio ha il suo nemico
Quindi ehi (Andiamo), lato oscuro come Ahsoka (Ah)
Caricatore pieno, parla male, lui si svuota
Pensavan di fottermi, ma non sono un idiota
Tutti voglion la mia testa senza la corona sopra (Santana Gang)
11-Mac, puoi sentire dopamina nel mio back (Bu-bu, bu-bu)
Il mio outfit costa trentamila senza I chain e I tag (Bu-bu, bu-bu)
Sto sporcando linee, tutte triple come fossi Steph (Glu, glu, glu, glu)
Giochi a fare il killer, fra’, sarai killato, (??) (Ah-ah)
Queste strade attive, tu non puoi dormire come Greg (No, no)
.9 nere come olive ti fanno cambiare tag
Sono armato per curare il business, un po’ come Jeff (Ah)
Fate uscire dalle gabbie tutti I condor del mio gang (Wop, wop, wop)

[Ritornello: Nerissima Serpe & Papa V ]
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, non penso al domani
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, sto con I miei cani
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, la droga fa male
Fa tanto male, ma male, male, male, male
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, non penso al domani
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, sto con I miei cani
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, la droga fa male
Fa male, male, ma male, male, male, male

Nerissima Serpe Songs

Wop Wop Lyrics Meaning

The intro is a casual and playful exchange where one person asks what the other is preparing, using the phrase “Skinny, what you cook?” The response, “Lascia Fritu, my sh’,” gives off a laid-back vibe, hinting at a sense of familiarity and relaxed confidence between the two.

In the chorus, the artists emphasize living in the moment, with a focus on not worrying about tomorrow. The phrase “non penso al domani” (I don’t think about tomorrow) repeats throughout, suggesting a carefree attitude. The line “sto con I miei cani” (I’m with my dogs) reflects loyalty to their crew. There’s also a repeated acknowledgment that “la droga fa male” (drügs are bad), but they continue to indulge in the lifestyle, despite knowing its dangers. This repetition creates a sense of recklessness, where the focus is on enjoying life now, regardless of the consequences.

[Strofa 1]
Papa V opens up about his mentality and approach to life. He starts by saying he prays for his friends’ safety but makes it clear that he can handle things himself. He mentions doing things without fear, even entering someone’s house like it’s his own and daring the police to intervene. The line “se non sbaglio, io non sbaglio da quando sono nato” (if I don’t make a mistake, I haven’t since I was born) shows his confidence in his actions. He talks about his involvement in the drug trade and how he only deals with certain substances, stating that he doesn’t just talk about actions—he follows through. There’s also a moment where he objectifies women, with crude references to s*x, highlighting the raw and often brash attitude present in his lyrics.

[Strofa 2]
Nerissima Serpe continues with a similar bold and confident tone, boasting about his luxurious lifestyle. He mentions wearing a crocodile belt, which costs as much as a policeman’s salary, indicating his wealth. He travels frequently, not playing games but moving through life with a sense of power and command. The reference to “carati ai denti” (diamonds in his teeth) shows his love for flashy, expensive items, and he speaks about buying apartments as if it were a regular habit. His comparison to a rugby player in “sempre in spinta come il rugby” suggests his constant drive and determination. The line “stadi pieni, Freddie Mercury” places him in the limelight, equating his status to that of a rockstar like Freddie Mercury. It’s all about living large, asserting dominance, and enjoying the high life.

The chorus is repeated again, reinforcing the song’s main themes: living for the moment, with no concern for the future, staying loyal to his crew (“cani”), and acknowledging the dangers of drug use. Despite this acknowledgment, the artists continue to embrace the lifestyle, showcasing a mix of awareness and disregard for consequences. This repetition strengthens the carefree, rebellious attitude that runs throughout the song.

In this intro, Shiva leads with an energetic chant, calling for action with “Andiamo” (“Let’s go”). The line “Mafia Slime” references the tough, street-savvy nature of their crew. The repetitive, chant-like “ah-ah” builds excitement and sets an intense, hyped-up tone for what’s to come, suggesting they are ready to take on whatever comes their way.

Shiva and Nerissima Serpe continue with an even bolder attitude in this verse. Shiva declares that he’s been part of the “Mafia Slime” from the beginning, and now he’s ready to show his “bad side.” He’s in Milan, representing the street life and the hustle that comes with it. He mentions how he doesn’t control the game but manipulates it, making people fall under his influence. There’s a sense of danger in his words as he talks about how he’s seen so much that he’s lost track of where he lives. He touches on the theme of addiction, claiming that everything becomes a habit if you take it for granted. The line “se fai il bullo dentro I video, poi noi sfateremo il mito” suggests that they’re ready to call out and confront those who act tough on camera but aren’t the real deal. Shiva also talks about betrayal, noting how many have turned on him, but he’s not surprised, as every leader has enemies. He hints at being prepared for any conflict, mentioning how he can outsmart anyone who tries to challenge him. The line “tutti voglion la mia testa senza la corona sopra” refers to people wanting to take him down, but without the recognition that comes with being at the top. Shiva mentions his expensive fashion choices, boasting about an outfit worth more than most people’s yearly salary. There’s also a nod to his expertise in handling business, with references to “sporcando linee” (messing with lines), a likely reference to drug dealings. He draws comparisons to a powerful figure, “Jeff,” suggesting his control over his empire. Finally, he calls out his enemies, ready to release the “condor” of his gang to assert dominance, again repeating the “Wop Wop” chant.

The chorus comes back once again, emphasizing the same themes of living in the present without worrying about the future. The loyalty to his crew and acknowledgment of the harmful effects of drügs remain central to the song, as the artists continue to embody a carefree and rebellious lifestyle. The repetition of the phrases reinforces the message of embracing the moment, even if it means ignoring potential consequences.


Q. Who has sung Wop Wop song?
A. Wop Wop song is sung by Nerissima Serpe, Papa V.

Q. Who wrote Wop Wop lyrics?
A. Wop Wop lyrics are penned by Nerissima Serpe, Papa V.

Q. Who has given the music of Wop Wop song?
A. Wop Wop music is composed and produced by Nerissima Serpe, Papa V.

“This concludes the lyrics of Wop Wop” by Nerissima Serpe, Papa V. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.