Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة Lyrics – Essam Sasa – عصام صاصا

Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة Lyrics by Essam Sasa – عصام صاصا is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Essam Sasa – عصام صاصا. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة song lyrics are also written by Essam Sasa – عصام صاصا. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Waklen El Mestahbela by Essam Sasa is a bold and empowering song where the artist expresses frustration with people who have wronged him and taken him for granted. He’s had enough of their fake excuses and pretensions, and now he’s closing the door on them. The song reflects his self-confidence and determination to move on, no longer caring about those who caused him pain. He tells them to stop pretending and warns them that their actions will come back to haunt them. It’s a message about standing up for oneself and embracing independence.

Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة Lyrics

واكلين المستهبلة
طب عادي ما فيش مشكلة
غلطاتكم متسجلة
جاي حساب الفواتير
إتقلو هتتكيفو
وساعتها بقى هتعرفو
اللي يحن أنا هكرفه
ما أنا مش شايف تقدير

مشيتها تشوفني هشوفك
ما تجيش وتقولي ظروفك
أنا هعمل إيه بكسوفك؟

يا حبيبي صعبت عليا
إسلك علشان أسلكلك
هتحور مش هضحكلك
والله بيبان على شكلك
يا إبني أنا بقراك بعينيا

خليكو عارفين بس وفاهمين
لقطاتكو دي مش بنساها
وإن عديتهالكو يا ريت تفهمو
إن أنا عديتكو معاها
بطلت عتاب وقفلت الباب
اللي موديني في متاهة
ده أنا بدل الصفحة فتحت كتاب
ما بناقص منكو بلاها

وصلو للي مفكرني
بزعل ع اللي بيخسرني
ما يغور اللي يعكرني
أصلها مش طالبة صداع
والله في حالي أحلالي
مبسوط ومريح بالي
ولا فارقة عزيز ولا غالي
ماشية في كل الأوضاع

إسمع بقى كلمة أخيرة

ما تشغلش الشريرة
هتدور شغلانة كبيرة
خدها نصيحة بقولهالك
اللي قصادك في العند
معروف عنه إنه تريند
خليك عامل من الهند
وإنت يا أمور وخيالك

مشكلتك إنك واهم نفسك
عايش دور مش دورك
والله بفصل من الضحك
أنا لما بصدفة بشوف منشورك
خف الأڤورة، بطل منظرة
فوق للي بقولهولك
والله ما جايبك فعلاً ورا
غير حواراتك وغرورك

آخرة تفكيرك فيا
هيجيبلك حالة نفسية
ليه شغلت دماغك بيا؟
طب أديك ما بقتش تنام
مليون مرة قايلهالك
أنا حد غير اللي في بالك
طب قابل اللي هيجرالك
بيني وبينك الأيام

فترة وأخليك تتمنى
على رزقك بس إستنى
على نار مستني الرنة
ألمح رقمك قدامي
بكرة اللي في بالي يحن
وأعتبره زبون بيرن
ما تقوليش حن يا جن
إنسى تعوض أيامي

أنا زي الموت ما بجيش في العمر
غير مرة ولا بتكرر
كان حلم حياتك أرد عليك
صدفة تشوفني ونتصور
جيتلي في إعجاب من تحت الباب
ودخلت على الماتادور
أنا عندي الشات بالإسكرينات
على مين جاي وهتحور؟

الكروان لما يغني
كلها تسمع بتأني
الصاصا ده واحد بس
ع الساحة ده أقوى مغني
في الكلمات نمبر وان
البابا مصطفى الجن
الأسطورة كيمو الديب
بصمته في الكون بترن
مسا على أتقل إدارات
يعني وحوش العلاقات
أبو طه ومعاذ وليد
يحميهم من الرادارات
وسع لملوك الحصري
المافيا غزالة والمصري

Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة Lyrics Meaning

In the song, Essam Sasa starts by expressing how people have been pretending to be clueless or “playing dumb.” He’s not bothered by it anymore but makes it clear that their mistakes are recorded, and soon, they’ll have to face the consequences. He warns them that when the time comes, they will realize how much they’ve taken him for granted, and anyone who shows him affection will be treated harshly since he no longer sees any respect or appreciation.

Next, Sasa talks about how people come to him with excuses, but he’s over it. He refuses to sympathize and doesn’t want to entertain any more “stories” or “circumstances.” He’s seen through their behavior, and he won’t pretend he doesn’t notice. He’s made the decision to stop explaining himself and move on. He no longer regrets anything and has closed the door on people who have led him down confusing paths. Instead of holding on to the past, he’s turning the page and opening a new chapter of his life.

He moves on to declare that he’s no longer worried about losing people who were not true to him. He doesn’t care about anyone who tries to disrupt his peace. Sasa is content with his life, free from the worries of whether someone is important to him or not. He’s in a better place, mentally and emotionally, and doesn’t care about anyone’s judgment or opinions. He’s living life as it comes, without stressing over relationships or expectations.

Later in the song, he gives advice, warning others not to bring any negativity his way. He tells them to stop pretending to be someone they are not and to drop their act. He finds their behavior laughable, and it’s clear he doesn’t take them seriously anymore. He mocks their arrogance and suggests they stop trying to impress him with their social media posts.

Sasa then addresses how people are still thinking about him, but he’s done with them. Their obsession is only causing them anxiety, while he’s already moved on, living a carefree life. He predicts that in time, they’ll regret their actions, especially when they realize he’s gone for good.

In the final sections, he reflects on the past, pointing out that he’s a rare presence in their lives, like death, which only comes once. He’s not interested in reconnecting or revisiting old memories. He sees through the fake admiration and attention people give him. He confidently mentions that his career and music have been a significant influence on the scene, and he’s surrounded by powerful people who protect him.


Q. Who has sung Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة song?
A. Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة song is sung by Essam Sasa – عصام صاصا.

Q. Who wrote Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة lyrics?
A. Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة lyrics are penned by Essam Sasa – عصام صاصا.

Q. Who has given the music of Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة song?
A. Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة music is composed and produced by Essam Sasa – عصام صاصا.

“This concludes the lyrics of Waklen El Mestahbela – واكلين المستهبلة” by Essam Sasa – عصام صاصا. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.