영하 (Unspoken Goodbye) Lyrics by HYNN 박혜원 is a latest Korean song in the voice of HYNN 박혜원. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new 영하 (Unspoken Goodbye) song lyrics are also written by HYNN 박혜원. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a song about the painful yet bittersweet feeling of missing someone after a breakup. The singer reflects on the cold winter day they first met and the warmth of their connection. As time passes, they try to forget the past, but the memories and longing still linger. The singer struggles with unspoken feelings, wondering if the other person has moved on, while wishing they could hold on to the love they once shared. Despite the pain, they express hope for a future reunion, even though they can’t forget the sadness of the present.
영하 (Unspoken Goodbye) Lyrics
[“영하 (Unspoken Goodbye)” 가사]
[Verse 1]
처음 만난 날을 아직 기억합니다
유난히 차가웠던 그 겨울 그 거리
조금씩 어른이 되어 가는건가요?
보고픈 마음들을 견뎌내는 일
시린 내 두 손에 입김을 불어
그리웠던 그대 모습 떠올립니다
처음 내게 아이처럼 눈부신 웃음을 건네주던
새 하얀 풍경 속 그댄 어디 있나요?
혼잔가요? 또다른 누구와 새로운 꿈을 꾸나요?
난 아직 여기 추운 그리움 속에 있죠
눈 맺힌 창가에 입김을 불어
다정했던 그대 눈빛 그려봅니다
처음 내게 아이처럼 눈부신 웃음을 건네주던
새 하얀 풍경 속 그댄 어디 있나요?
혼잔가요? 또다른 누구와 새로운 꿈을 꾸나요?
난 아직 여기 추운 그리움 속에 있죠
보고싶다는 그 한마디를
혼자 아프게 앓아 넘겨요
언젠가 우리 다시 만나면
두팔 가득 그댈 안아볼텐데
잘지내요 나없이도 아니 잘지내지는 말아요
가끔씩 그대도 나를 생각해줘요
그댈 정말 좋아했었다고 못다한 말이 많은데
짧았던 우리 오래 보내주기로 해요
처음 만난 날을 애써 지워봅니다
여전한 마음 모두 모른척합니다
HYNN 박혜원 Songs
영하 (Unspoken Goodbye) Lyrics Meaning
[Verse 1]
The singer remembers the day they first met, especially the cold winter and the street they were on. They’re reflecting on how they’re growing older and learning to cope with the yearning for someone they miss.
The singer tries to warm their cold hands by breathing on them and remembers the image of the person they miss, longing for their presence.
The singer recalls how the person first smiled brightly like a child, and wonders where they are now. Are they alone or with someone else, dreaming new dreams? The singer is still stuck in the cold, painful longing.
They breathe on a frosted window and try to picture the person’s kind gaze, recalling the warmth and tenderness they once shared.
The singer reflects again on the bright smile the person gave them, wondering where they are now. They still remain trapped in their own cold feelings, while the other person may have moved on.
The singer struggles with the words “I miss you,” unable to express them and silently enduring the pain. They imagine that if they ever meet again, they would hold the person tightly.
The singer wishes the other person well but asks them not to be too fine without them. They long for the person to remember them occasionally and share the things they never got to say. They vow to cherish their brief but meaningful time together.
The singer tries to forget the day they first met, pretending that their feelings have disappeared, even though their heart still holds on to those emotions.
Q. Who has sung 영하 (Unspoken Goodbye) song?
A. 영하 (Unspoken Goodbye) song is sung by HYNN 박혜원.
Q. Who wrote 영하 (Unspoken Goodbye) lyrics?
A. 영하 (Unspoken Goodbye) lyrics are penned by HYNN 박혜원.
Q. Who has given the music of 영하 (Unspoken Goodbye) song?
A. 영하 (Unspoken Goodbye) music is composed and produced by HYNN 박혜원.
“This concludes the lyrics of 영하 (Unspoken Goodbye)” by HYNN 박혜원. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.