TRAUM III Lyrics by KIDD KAWAKI is a latest German song in the voice of KIDD KAWAKI. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Traum Iii song lyrics are also written by KIDD KAWAKI. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In It, the artist reflects on a deep emotional connection with someone he loves, questioning loyalty and the pain of an uncertain relationship. He expresses how much he values this person, admitting that he could never love anyone else the way he loves them. Despite feeling hurt and unsure, he contemplates the possibility of them being together forever, even beyond life. The recurring theme of being caught in a dream reflects his longing for a perfect love, even as reality brings challenges and doubt, especially when the other person seems distant or changing.


[Songtext zu „TRAUM III“]

Schreibe Lieder, doch diesmal an jemand, der meinte, er bleibe mir loyal
Das hörte ich schon mal, was würdest du opfern? Dann schaue ich nochmal
Nochmal mache ich den Fehler nicht
Anders so wie du, kenn’ ich niemanden
Diesmal ist es Schicksal, denke ich
Aber sowieso, alles geschrieben steht

[Part 1]
Du bist alles, was ich will
Ich bin alles, was du willst
Und sollten wir zusammen fallen

Wäre das nur halb so schlimm
Schlimmer wär, wenn du mich nicht lieben könntest
So wie ich dich liebe, könnt ich niemand lieben
So dumm das auch für dich klingt
Baby, will mit dir für immer leben
Lass uns beten, damit man uns nach dem Leben für ewig zusammen bringt

Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya

Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya

[Part 2]
Du bist nicht mehr so, wie du mal warst
Bin ich dir nicht genug oder was?
Was ist es, was dich stört?
Rede, ich werd’ hinhör’n
Das Letzte, was ich will, ist dir weh tun

Du tust mit weh, weil wieso gehst du?
Bevor du was sagst, damit es nicht kracht
Aber es kracht, verdammt nochmal
Es liegt in deiner Hand, du triffst die Wahl
Doch du triffst die falsche Wahl
Was aus uns wird, ist dir egal
Es war wie in ‘nem Märchen
Doch gegen Ende war niemand happy
Ich bin da, wenn du mich brauchst
Keiner ist da, wenn ich dich brauche
Und ich mag nicht, wenn du rauchst
Aber was soll’s, wenn ich selbst rauche

Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya

Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya
Bin ich wieder mal am träum’n? Wecke mich bitte nicht auf, Choya

TRAUM III Lyrics Meaning

In the intro, the artist talks about writing songs for someone who once promised to stay loyal. He’s heard such promises before, but now he’s questioning whether they would truly sacrifice for him. He’s cautious, not wanting to make the same mistake again. This time, he feels it’s fate, yet he also believes everything is already written, as if their future is predestined.

[Part 1]
Here, the artist expresses a deep, mutual connection with someone he loves. He says they both want each other, and even if they were to fall apart, it wouldn’t be the worst thing. The real pain would be if they didn’t love each other equally. He believes his love is unique and that he could never love anyone else in the same way. He wishes for them to be together forever and even prays that they will be united after death.

In this pre-hook, the artist seems to be caught in a dream-like state, reflecting on the situation with his love. He repeatedly asks not to be awakened, suggesting that he wishes to stay in this fantasy where everything feels perfect. He doesn’t want to face reality and prefers to stay in this emotional bubble.

The hook repeats the same sentiment from the pre-hook, with the artist once again asking not to be woken up from his dream. It emphasizes his desire to remain in this idealized emotional state where he feels safe, loved, and content without having to confront any harsh truths.

[Part 2]
In this part, the artist notices a shift in the person he loves, questioning whether he’s no longer enough for them. He wonders what’s bothering them and wishes they would communicate honestly. He doesn’t want to hurt them but feels pain as they seem distant. Despite trying to avoid conflict, it inevitably happens. He feels like the other person is making the wrong choices and that their future together doesn’t matter to them. He reflects on how their relationship once felt like a fairytale, but now, it’s filled with disappointment. He offers his support when they need him, but feels alone when he needs them. Even small things, like their smoking habits, bother him, but he dismisses it, acknowledging that he has his own flaws.

This pre-hook mirrors the previous ones, where the artist continues to be lost in a dream-like state, not wanting to face the reality of the situation. He’s immersed in his feelings and doesn’t want to wake up, highlighting his internal struggle and longing for an idealized connection.

The hook repeats the same emotional longing as before, with the artist continuing to wish he could stay in this dream, away from the problems in his relationship. It reinforces his desire for an escape, preferring to stay in an illusion rather than confront the difficulties and uncertainties that reality brings.


Q. Who has sung TRAUM III song?
A. TRAUM III song is sung by KIDD KAWAKI.

Q. Who wrote TRAUM III lyrics?
A. TRAUM III lyrics are penned by KIDD KAWAKI.

Q. Who has given the music of TRAUM III song?
A. TRAUM III music is composed and produced by KIDD KAWAKI.

“This concludes the lyrics of TRAUM III” by KIDD KAWAKI. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.