Too Ragi Lyrics – Shayea

Too Ragi Lyrics by Shayea is a latest Persian song in the voice of Shayea. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Too Ragi song lyrics are also written by Shayea. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a heartfelt song about deep friendship and loyalty. The lyrics describe a bond between two friends who are always there for each other, no matter the situation. The singer expresses a desire for a friend who sticks by their side through thick and thin, supporting each other through struggles and moments of joy. They share intense experiences, from reckless fun to emotional depth, and promise to never leave each other’s side. The song highlights the importance of trust, companionship, and staying true to one another, even in difficult times.

Too Ragi Lyrics

[متن آهنگ «تو رگی» از شایع]

خاک پاتم داداش
شما نگفته ما میگیم چَشم

[قسمت ۱]
یه تو رگی میخوام یه داداشی
که همیشه خدا یه جا باشیم
با هم درگیر شیم با صدا آژیر
مست بریم تو دیوار بره بگا ماشین
یه تو رگی میخوام بیست چهار ساعته
بهم بگه فقط وقتی اینجاست راحته

بگم قلب رفیق جان واسته
میگذرم از یه ایران بابتت
یه تو رگی میخوام حق بده به من
همیشه حتی وقتی حق با بقیه‌ست
یکی که یکی دیگه اَ ما نگیرش
دوباره قدم نزنم تنها ولیعصر
یکی که زدم بزنه
هرجا میره منم ببره
حرفم حرفشه حرف اون حرفِ منه
حالا چپم هر چقدر چپش هر چقدره
یه تو رگی میرسه به ما
با هم سگ مست کنیم زیر چشِ ماه
برسم خدمتش تا میده یه ندا
بگم تو جیبته‌ها دادا کوچیکته‌ها
بهش بگم بد و خوبت با من
به هیچ‌جا هم نرسی دوست دارم
تا لفظ میاد ببینه اوکی دادم
یه زیر پله بگیریم زیر پونز باهم
دادا خیلی لازمش دارم
یکی که باهام رفیق باشه لای اشکالم
کمرنگ نشه تا گرفتارم
توونش رو میدم حتی باشه زندان هم
یه تو رگی میرسه به منم
که تو جمع هم حتی همیشه یه نفرم
یکی که تو بغلش بیمه بدنه‌ام

بدشو بخواد کسی ریششو میزنم

تو همه کسمی
ننمی، آقامی
داداشمی، رفیقمی
جونمم برات میدم
تو فقط بخند داداش

[قسمت ۲]
نمیکشم دیگه تنهایی داداش
داشِت منتظرته همراه شی باهاش
هیشکی جز من و تو از ما نی داداش
پرچمم بغلم باشی بالاست
هنوز برات تنهایی میرم
تنهایی میگام، تنها میمیرم
لاشیا پشتمون فردا چی میگن؟
اگه بارون شه نباشی و تنها بشینم
یه تو رگی به ما میرسه
که نفر اول صفم اگه بگایی بشه
میرسم قبلِ اینکه دو تا بشه سه
میرسم قبل اینکه خدا برسه
لنگ میزنم وقتی لنگی
یا ببینم کم میخندی
رسم ما غیر معرفت نی
دوتایی میریم زیر سنگِ سنگین
یا با هم میتونیم یا با هم نه
نمیریم واسه هم بالا منبر
میریم به عشق اشتباه کردن
شبا دربند عرق اَ من
سلامتی جفتمون داش
که همه چی جز رفیقه مفت گرون
اون که گشنه موند و
با تو لقمه دوست داشت
جاش تو دله جای مهرش اونجاست

Shayea Songs

Too Ragi Lyrics Meaning

In the intro, the speaker humbly expresses respect for the friend, saying “خاک پاتم داداش” (literally, “I bow to your feet, bro”) and acknowledges the unspoken understanding between them, implying trust and loyalty.

[قسمت ۱]
In this part, the singer talks about wanting a true, loyal friend, someone who’s always there for them, no matter what. They want a friend who will stick by them through tough moments, even if things get chaotic—like getting caught in trouble or doing reckless things together. The singer desires someone who will always back them up, even when they’re wrong, and someone who can make them feel safe and supported. There’s a deep sense of loyalty here, with the speaker ready to give up anything, even their homeland, for their friend. They want someone who understands them completely, speaks the same language, and shares the same values. They describe a friend who will always be present, through both good and bad times, and someone who will never judge or leave them alone in difficult situations. The singer mentions how they are willing to go as far as taking on risks or even facing jail, just to stay loyal to their friend. It’s all about mutual respect, trust, and understanding—no matter what the world thinks.

In the bridge, the singer sums up the importance of the friendship, saying, “You’re everything to me—my brother, my friend. I’ll give my life for you. Just smile, bro, smile.” It’s a deep expression of love and loyalty, where the speaker would sacrifice anything for the happiness and well-being of their friend.

[قسمت ۲]
In the second verse, the singer talks about how they can’t live without their friend anymore. They can’t bear the thought of being alone and are waiting for their friend to be there with them. They emphasize that there’s no one else but the two of them—together, they rise, and with their friend by their side, they feel invincible. They talk about how they would rather face hardships together than be apart, and the bond they share is so strong that no external judgment or opinion matters. They even mention the idea of sharing mistakes, celebrating their flaws, and growing together through mistakes, like making wrong choices or facing struggles. The singer reflects on how valuable their friendship is, saying that nothing else in life has the same worth. They also express their willingness to face any challenge, even societal judgment or loneliness, as long as their friend is with them. There’s a sense of shared struggle, with the two of them facing the world as a united front, even if it means going through hard times together. The verse ends by recalling their shared moments of hardship, emphasizing the deep love and loyalty they feel toward each other.


Q. Who has sung Too Ragi song?
A. Too Ragi song is sung by Shayea.

Q. Who wrote Too Ragi lyrics?
A. Too Ragi lyrics are penned by Shayea.

Q. Who has given the music of Too Ragi song?
A. Too Ragi music is composed and produced by Shayea.

“This concludes the lyrics of Too Ragi” by Shayea. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.