Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja Lyrics – Vampiri

Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja Lyrics by Vampiri is a latest Croatian song in the voice of Vampiri. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja song lyrics are also written by Vampiri. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. The song It expresses longing and reflection on a past relationship. The lyrics convey a sense of emotional emptiness and the desire to rekindle a connection with someone who knows them well. The singer acknowledges that though things have changed and there’s a feeling of loss, the bond they shared was meaningful, and they both have grown wiser. The song suggests that despite the passage of time, they still need each other, and perhaps, they are the ones who truly understand each other.

Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja Lyrics

[Tekst pesme “Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja”]

[Tekst pesme “Tebi treba neko kao ja”]

[Strofa 1]
Baš ovih dana nudim se
Tvom osmehu da nađe me
Pa da me kao nekad pre
Taj divni nemir obuzme

[Strofa 2]
Sve lepo bledi, gubi sjaj
Baš gorak ukus ima kraj
Neka praznina ostaje

Kao da nismo rekli sve

Tebi treba neko kao ja
Ko već tvoje male tajne zna
Zajedno smo prešli neki put
Nije valjda bilo uzalud
Meni treba neko kao ti
Sada smo malo pametniji
Svako ima nešto još da da
Tebi treba neko kao ja

Moje prazno srce
Više nikom ne nudim
Nemam ni sa kim
Ni šta da podelim
Po navici kuca
Čeka da ga ispuni
Neko baš kao ti

Tebi treba neko kao ja
Ko već tvoje male tajne zna
Zajedno smo prešli neki put

Nije valjda bilo uzalud
Meni treba neko kao ti
Sada smo malo pametniji
Svako ima nešto još da da
Meni trebaš ti, a tebi ja

Tebi treba neko kao ja

Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja Lyrics Meaning

[Strofa 1]
The singer is offering themselves emotionally, hoping to be found by the person they care about through a smile, wishing to feel the excitement and connection they once had.

[Strofa 2]
Everything beautiful seems to fade over time, and the end of the relationship leaves a bitter aftertaste. There’s a sense of emptiness, as if they didn’t fully express everything they wanted to say.

The singer believes the other person needs someone like them—someone who understands their small secrets. They’ve shared experiences that shouldn’t have been in vain, and now, with some wisdom gained, they still feel they have something to give each other.

The singer’s heart feels empty and no longer offers itself to anyone. It beats out of habit, waiting for someone, specifically the person they care about, to fill that void.

Again, the singer expresses that they and the other person need each other. They’ve been through important moments together, and now, as they’re wiser, they both have more to offer, reaffirming that they are meant for each other.

The song ends with the reminder that the other person needs someone like the singer, highlighting their deep connection.


Q. Who has sung Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja song?
A. Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja song is sung by Vampiri.

Q. Who wrote Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja lyrics?
A. Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja lyrics are penned by Vampiri.

Q. Who has given the music of Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja song?
A. Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja music is composed and produced by Vampiri.

“This concludes the lyrics of Tebi Treba Neko Kao Ja” by Vampiri. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.