Tabban – تباً Lyrics – Fawzi PS – فوزي, Daboor – ضبور

Tabban – تباً Lyrics by Fawzi PS – فوزي, Daboor – ضبور is a latest Arabic song in the voices of Fawzi PS – فوزي, Daboor – ضبور. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Tabban – تباً song lyrics are also written by Fawzi PS – فوزي, Daboor – ضبور. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. The song Tabban – تباً by Fawzi PS and Daboor speaks to the struggles and frustrations of life in difficult circumstances. It addresses themes of resistance, survival, and confronting adversity with strength. The lyrics describe how the people are tired of deceit, hardship, and betrayal, but still stand firm, relying on each other for support. The artists express defiance against the system, highlighting their resilience in the face of oppression. The message is clear: despite the tough situations, they remain determined to fight for their rights and protect their truth. The song combines defiance, hope, and solidarity.

Tabban – تباً Lyrics

[المقطع الأول: فوزي]
البث مباشر، إعزف يا ناظر
ونعيذ بالله من كل شي قادم
ألحان العود تجبر خواطر
بتنسي واقع واكع وباطل
بعطيك الصافي من دون ما أماطل
واللي بستحملش إله رب بعين
بطلنا نأمن، كيف بدنا نأمن
كمشة جواسيس مستعربين

[المقطع الثاني: ضبور]
الله أكبر

تفتح مخي تنور أفكاري
في قلب لهيب مصباحي
حنا نضاف وراسنا خرائي
منسرح فيك بطلعش أسراري
منسرح فيك مناخدك منجيبك
منسرح لأن محروق كرتيسك
منسرح فيك بعيوني الحقيقة

[المقطع الثالث: فوزي]
نسرح فيك بعيون الحقيقة
وعيونها وسخة غدارة
عيون الهم بتسيل بتنزل دم
بتظبطش معاها القطارة
يوم الجد نصيد الخنزيرة
ونرش سواق الخرارة
ترعد فوق جبالك يا بلادي
صوات كلاشن كارلو كتسارة

[المقطع الرابع: ضبور]
ناس بتزرع شوك، إحنا منزرع موت
شو المفروض إنضل نصدر بسطور
إحنا حكاية، أصل الحتوتة
بالخاوة إحنا الحكاية
سطوحنا ننرص وكحشلي طوبك
٦ حروف أماية

[اللازمة: ضبور وفوزي]
بس تبع شوف
تباً للظروف
سد بكتف خوك
نداً زاخة منموت
كتاف بتعتز بتابوت
بنفعش مع أي شيال
يابا الزين ميال
صاحب الحق خيال

[المقطع الخامس: فوزي]
عساكر دغري ع الدرب منسير
خبي الجوال، إضوي المخشير
راس البستان، شارع الإرسال
خط جوي أزماته كثير
ونضل نستنى نلقى فتحات بجدار
متذكر مين هو البنا
نفسه اللي عملكوا الدار
إسمع في كمان أزمات بالجو
موجات بطير من وادي النار بإتجاة النيص
بالشبر نقيس كيف بدنا نعود
ومبدئيا تشهد رام الله المنارة والخمس أسود

[اللازمة: ضبور وفوزي]
بس تبع شوف
تباً للظروف
سد بكتف خوك
نداً زاخة منموت
كتاف بتعتز تابوت
بنفعش مع أي شيال
يابا الزين ميال
صاحب الحق خيال

[المقطع السادس: ضبور]
قلابة نقالب لنقابل
إحنا منقلبها بس لازم
منقابل بس بشكل لابق
كعدي تمي هيك لازق
بس بوصل أهدافي
أية ليلة لولادي
كلها بتبرق بطرقع
كعادت تمي بلازق
إحنا لما نتنح منكلح
شباب صنعتها بطعج
بشدة كتيبة بتعسكر
مندخن غاز ما نهتمش
برضه ما نقصرش
ما نطخش لا لا لمعرس
وبرودي ديماً متوفر
بستنى مني بس آلشر

[جسر: ضبور]
نضل نستنى تيفوت
أهلاً مرحب بضيوف
سد بكتف خوك
نداً زاخة منموت
كتاف بتعتز تابوت
نضل نستنا تيفوت
أهلاً مرحب بضيوف
سد بكتف خوك

[اللازمة: ضبور وفوزي]
بس تبع شوف
تباً للظروف
سد بكتف خوك
نداً زاخة منموت
كتاف بتعتز تابوت
بنفعش مع أي شيال
يابا الزين ميال
صاحب الحق خيال
بس تبع شوف
تباً للظروف
سد بكتف خوك
نداً زاخة منموت
كتاف بتعتز تابوت
بنفعش مع أي شيال
يابا الزين ميال
صاحب الحق خيال

Tabban – تباً Lyrics Meaning

[First Verse (Fawzi)]
The first verse talks about a live broadcast and the speaker asking to play music while expressing a sense of foreboding about what’s coming. They say that the sound of the oud can uplift one’s spirit, taking them away from a harsh reality. There’s a mention of giving a clear message without delay, and a sense of distrust in everything, especially due to the presence of spies and deception.

[Second Verse (Daboor)]
This verse speaks about enlightenment and clarity, where the speaker’s mind opens up like a lamp that brightens the thoughts. Despite feeling pure and not hiding anything, there’s a sense of distancing from others. The line “burnt your card” could symbolize feeling betrayed or caught in a false situation, while the speaker emphasizes seeing things through the lens of truth.

[Third Verse (Fawzi)]
The third verse expresses how the truth can be harsh, with eyes of deceit being described as dirty and treacherous. The speaker highlights that when it comes to tough times, the only way to survive is by taking action—hunting enemies and fighting back. There’s a sense of patriotism and resistance against the oppressors, with the sound of weapons echoing across the land.

[Fourth Verse (Daboor)]
In this verse, the lyrics contrast the actions of others who “plant thorns” while they themselves “plant death.” It’s a metaphor for how they don’t just exist, but create an impact. The reference to “we’re the story” shows their belief that they are the real narrative, the ones who have control over their fate, rather than being passive.

[Chorus (Daboor and Fawzi)]
The chorus repeats the idea of defiance against bad circumstances. It emphasizes standing strong and supporting each other. There’s also a sense of fatalism in the lines, implying that no matter what happens, they will stay true to their cause, as they believe in their strength and righteousness.

[Fifth Verse (Fawzi)]
This verse highlights a journey through tough times, walking through obstacles like soldiers. There’s a reference to difficulties along the way, with issues in the air and waiting for openings in the wall. The speaker mentions remembering the builders of the past and hints at ongoing struggles, with heavy tension in the atmosphere, especially with conflicts surrounding the region.

[Chorus (Daboor and Fawzi)]
This part of the chorus is a repetition of the earlier theme, reinforcing the idea of pushing forward despite difficult conditions. The speaker acknowledges that in the face of adversity, they will continue to face challenges but remain unyielding, relying on their solidarity.

[Sixth Verse (Daboor)]
In the sixth verse, the speaker speaks about turning things around, with a focus on being strategic and calculated. They’re determined to reach their goals despite the challenges, while also showing a rebellious attitude. They describe their youth as being shaped by struggle, always prepared to face adversity head-on without hesitation, with a constant readiness for action.

[Bridge (Daboor)]
The bridge emphasizes waiting for change while remaining resilient. It shows that they’re not backing down, offering a welcoming attitude to those who align with their cause. There’s a sense of determination and resolve in the face of adversity.

[Chorus (Daboor and Fawzi)]
The final chorus emphasizes the same theme of resistance and solidarity, repeating the mantra of standing strong despite the conditions. The lyrics suggest that with their willpower, they can overcome anything. They remain confident in their belief in justice and truth.


Q. Who has sung Tabban – تباً song?
A. Tabban – تباً song is sung by Fawzi PS – فوزي, Daboor – ضبور.

Q. Who wrote Tabban – تباً lyrics?
A. Tabban – تباً lyrics are penned by Fawzi PS – فوزي, Daboor – ضبور.

Q. Who has given the music of Tabban – تباً song?
A. Tabban – تباً music is composed and produced by Fawzi PS – فوزي, Daboor – ضبور.

“This concludes the lyrics of Tabban – تباً” by Fawzi PS – فوزي, Daboor – ضبور. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.