Stammi bene Lyrics – Gazzelle

Stammi bene Lyrics by Gazzelle is a latest Italian song in the voice of Gazzelle. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Stammi Bene song lyrics are also written by Gazzelle. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Stammi Bene by Gazzelle is a bittersweet song about the end of a relationship and the emotional aftermath. The lyrics reflect on feelings of pain, regret, and self-reflection, urging the other person to take care of themselves and not lose their way. It acknowledges how personal struggles and negative emotions can shape who we are, but also how letting go is necessary for healing. The song speaks to the complexities of moving on, the emotional scars that remain, and finding peace even after everything seems lost. It’s about accepting change and finding strength in letting go.

Stammi bene Lyrics

[Strofa 1]
Stammi bene
Che tutto l’odio che provi per me
È come un sassolino nella scarpa
E non riesci più a correre
Lo sai bene
Che ogni lacrima scivola via
Ma quella lacrima non è la mia
Quella lacrima non è più mia
Dormi bene
E se ci riesci spegni la TV
Che tanto il buio è solo un’invenzione

Che tanto il buio è dentro le persone
Come me, come te
Anche se abbiamo preso fuoco
Anche se adesso brucia poco

Stammi bene
E non ti perdere dentro di te
Che una volta, una volta, una volta, una volta
Sapevi pure ridere
Stammi bene
Anche se un giorno mi scordo di te
Non vuol dire, vuol dire, vuol dire, vuol dire
Che è stato tutto inutile

[Strofa 2]
Io sto bene
Da quando l’odio che provo per me
È diventato qualcosa di buono
È diventato parte di me
Ci conviene
Lasciare andare qualcosa di noi
Lasciare fare alla vita le cose
Le cose che non siamo bravi noi
Come se, come se

Come se fosse stato un gioco
Anche se non è stato un gioco

Stammi bene
E non ti perdere dentro di te
Che una volta, una volta, una volta, una volta
Sapevi pure ridere
Stammi bene
Anche se un giorno mi scordo di te
Non vuol dire, vuol dire, vuol dire, vuol dire
Che è stato tutto inutile

Stammi bene
Che una volta, una volta, una volta, una volta, una volta
Stammi bene
Non vuol dire, vuol dire, vuol dire, vuol dire, vuol dire

Stammi bene
Anche se un giorno mi scordo di te
Non vuol dire, vuol dire, vuol dire, vuol dire
Che è stato tutto inutile

Gazzelle Songs

Stammi bene Lyrics Meaning

[Strofa 1]
In this verse, the singer tells the other person to take care of themselves, despite the anger they might feel. The hate they carry is compared to a small stone in the shoe, something that hurts but isn’t overwhelming. The person can’t run away from their feelings anymore. Even though tears fall, they aren’t the singer’s tears anymore—they’ve moved on. The singer also suggests that the person should try to rest and turn off the TV, as darkness is just a creation, a reflection of inner struggles, like the ones both of them carry. Though they’ve been through a lot, the pain is starting to fade.

In the chorus, the singer urges the other person not to lose themselves in their own emotions, reminding them of a time when they could laugh and feel free. The singer acknowledges that even if they forget about each other someday, it doesn’t mean their relationship or experiences were meaningless. The emotional journey they shared still holds value, even if it’s forgotten in the future.

[Strofa 2]
The second verse expresses the singer’s personal growth. They reveal that the self-hatred they once felt has transformed into something that now belongs to them and no longer hurts. The singer encourages letting go of the past and trusting life to unfold naturally. Some things are beyond their control, and trying to force them would be like playing a game they didn’t understand. It wasn’t a game, but life’s complexities made it feel that way, showing how unpredictable and unmanageable emotions can be.

In the repeated chorus, the singer reiterates their hope for the other person not to get lost in themselves. They remind them of happier times when they could laugh together. Even if the relationship fades from memory, it doesn’t mean it was all in vain. The memories still have significance, even if they’re no longer central to their lives.

Here, the singer keeps repeating the message: “Stammi bene” (Take care of yourself), signaling that despite everything, they want the other person to be okay. It’s a final attempt to leave them with positive thoughts, encouraging them to find peace and strength in letting go. The repeated phrases underline the importance of parting on good terms, despite past pain.

In the outro, the singer finishes by saying that even if they forget the other person in the future, it doesn’t mean their past together was meaningless. It’s a final note of closure, with a recognition that even memories that fade still hold worth.


Q. Who has sung Stammi bene song?
A. Stammi bene song is sung by Gazzelle.

Q. Who wrote Stammi bene lyrics?
A. Stammi bene lyrics are penned by Gazzelle.

Q. Who has given the music of Stammi bene song?
A. Stammi bene music is composed and produced by Gazzelle.

“This concludes the lyrics of Stammi bene” by Gazzelle. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.