Šesto čulo Lyrics by Bojana x David is a latest Croatian song in the voice of Bojana x David. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Šesto čulo song lyrics are also written by Bojana x David. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It captures the emotional rollercoaster of a complicated relationship. The song talks about the tension between two people who feel deeply connected, yet find themselves hiding their feelings. They’re drawn to each other like predators (hence the “hijene” or hyenas metaphor), but the situation is full of confusion, pain, and unspoken truths. Despite the connection, their “sixth sense” or intuition never leads them to fully understand each other, making them question whether they should keep hiding or give in to their desires. It’s a mix of longing, vulnerability, and frustration.
Šesto čulo Lyrics
[Tekst pesme “Šesto čulo”]
[Strofa 1: David, Bojana]
Nije do mene
Nije do tebe
Ludo je vreme
Pa ne poznajem sebe
Ma gde si ti to sad
Kad pao je već mrak?
Ma gde si ti do sad?
[Pred-Refren: Bojana & David]
Zašto se skrivamo, skrivamo
Aman zaman
Kad jedno smo drugome
Savršen par, oh
[Refren: Bojana & David]
Kao hijene, eh
Plen si za mene, eh, eh
Hijene, eh
Srce bi tebe
Moje zlo, yeah
Nikada nas nije to
Šesto čulo izdalo
[Strofa 2: David, Bojana, Bojana & David]
A gde si sad ti?
Bol me radi
Osećaš li, reci?
Daj ne drami
Sad smo sami
Hajde svrati
Ti do mene, do mene
Tvoj red je
Sad je vreme, vreme
Vreme, vreme
[Pred-Refren: Bojana & David]
Zašto se skrivamo, skrivamo
Aman zaman
Kad jedno smo drugome
Savršen par, oh
[Refren: Bojana & David]
Kao hijene, eh
Plen si za mene, eh, eh
Hijene, eh
Srce bi tebe
Moje zlo, yeah
Nikada nas nije to
Šesto čulo izdalo
[Prelaz: Bojana & David]
Kao hijene, eh
Plen si za mene, eh, eh
Hijene, eh
Srce bi tebe, eh, eh
Hijene, hijene
Hijene, hijene, oh, oh
[Refren: Bojana & David]
Kao hijene, eh
Plen si za mene, eh, eh
Hijene, eh
Srce bi tebe
Moje zlo, yeah
Nikada nas nije to
Šesto čulo izdalo
Šesto čulo Lyrics Meaning
[Strofa 1]
In the first verse, the singer expresses confusion about the situation. They feel disconnected from themselves and the other person, blaming the crazy times they’re living in. They’re searching for each other but can’t find the other person, asking where they have been and why they’re not together in the moment of darkness.
In the pre-chorus, both singers question why they’re hiding their feelings when they know they’re perfect for each other. There’s a sense of frustration about the secrecy and the unspoken bond between them.
The chorus uses the metaphor of “hyenas” to describe their intense, predatory attraction. It suggests that they’re both drawn to each other like prey, acknowledging the toxic but irresistible connection. Their “sixth sense” hasn’t failed them, meaning their instincts tell them something deep is going on between them.
[Strofa 2]
The second verse shifts to a more vulnerable tone, as one singer feels the pain of separation and questions if the other person feels the same. They’re urging them not to create drama but instead come over and make a move. There’s a sense of urgency now that they’re alone, and it’s their turn to take action.
The pre-chorus repeats, emphasizing the confusion of hiding their true feelings despite knowing they’re a perfect match. The frustration about the secrecy continues, highlighting the contrast between their feelings and their actions.
The chorus comes back, reinforcing the metaphor of hyenas and the predatory, uncontrollable attraction they feel. They acknowledge the toxic dynamic but still can’t resist each other, and again, they mention that their instincts (their “sixth sense”) have never let them down.
In this bridge, the metaphor of hyenas is repeated once again, emphasizing the predatory attraction. There’s a heightened sense of passion and intensity, as the singers express their desire and the almost uncontrollable pull they feel toward each other.
The final chorus repeats the earlier themes of predatory attraction and deep, instinctual connection. The singers acknowledge the toxic but undeniable bond between them, showing that despite the chaos, their connection has always been present and strong.
Q. Who has sung Šesto čulo song?
A. Šesto čulo song is sung by Bojana x David.
Q. Who wrote Šesto čulo lyrics?
A. Šesto čulo lyrics are penned by Bojana x David.
Q. Who has given the music of Šesto čulo song?
A. Šesto čulo music is composed and produced by Bojana x David.
“This concludes the lyrics of Šesto čulo” by Bojana x David. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.