SEGUNDO INTENTO Lyrics by Aitana is a latest Spanish song in the voice of Aitana. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Segundo Intento song lyrics are also written by Aitana. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In *Segundo Intento*, Aitana reflects on the end of a relationship that just wasn’t meant to be, even though she saw it coming. She admits to missing the good moments but acknowledges they were already feeling unhappy before the breakup. What really hurts her is not that the relationship ended, but how it ended—filled with broken promises and a rushed goodbye, despite their “second attempt.” It’s a mix of vulnerability and resolve as she declares she’s done for good, even as lingering feelings occasionally creep in.




[Verso 1]
Lo hecho está hecho, me lo esperaba
Tumbada viendo el techo, sin ti en mi cama
Yo te lo confieso, lo veía venir
Van tres meses sola, estoy sanando
Echo de menos tú y yo aquí en mi cuarto
Pero te lo confieso, lo veía venir


No pasó nada, sé que es normal
Ya estábamos sintiéndonos mal
Supongo que cada principio tiene un final
Ya lo pude entender, esto no iba a funcionar
Pero te digo que

No fue que lo hicieras, fue cómo lo hiciste
No fue que te fueras, fue cómo te fuiste
Pero aún me duele porque te creí
Tanto prometiste en el segundo intento
Y te despediste en tan poco tiempo
Otra vez no vuelvas, ya te lo advertí

[Verso 2]
Sé que quizá era necesario hablar
Y yo no te quiero hablar porque
Tú ya no eres para tanto, esto no lo aguanto más
Pero escucho la canción de ti y de mí
Y me da la sensación que estás aquí
Me pregunto si también piensas en mí
Será que sí, será que sí

No pasó nada, sé que es normal

Ya lo pude entender, esto no iba a funcionar
Pero te digo que

No fue que lo hicieras, fue cómo lo hiciste
No fue que te fueras, fue cómo te fuiste
Pero aún me duele porque te creí
Tanto prometiste en el segundo intento
Y te despediste en tan poco tiempo
Otra vez no vuelvas, ya te lo advertí

Ya te lo advertí
Ya te lo advertí

Aitana Songs


[Verso 1]
The singer reflects on the breakup, acknowledging that it didn’t catch her by surprise. She had seen it coming and is now in the process of healing, even though she misses the presence of her ex in her life. This verse reveals her acceptance of the situation while still feeling the sting of loneliness.

She realizes that their relationship had been on a downward spiral for a while, and it’s normal for things to end. She’s come to terms with the fact that it wasn’t meant to work out, no matter how hard they tried.

Here, she expresses that the pain doesn’t come from the breakup itself but from how it happened. Her ex’s actions and the broken promises from their “second attempt” left her deeply hurt. The rushed departure and emotional impact make her firmly resolve not to give them another chance.

[Verso 2]
While she admits they probably needed to have a proper conversation, she no longer feels it’s worth her effort. Despite trying to move on, memories and songs still bring back feelings of nostalgia. She wonders if her ex feels the same way, showing her lingering emotional conflict.

She repeats the realization that their relationship wasn’t working and that endings are natural, solidifying her understanding of why things fell apart.

Once again, she emphasizes that the real pain came from the way her ex handled the breakup. Their promises during their second attempt now feel empty, and the quick goodbye leaves her resolute in not letting them back into her life.

She reaffirms her stance with finality, repeating that she had warned them not to return.


Q. Who has sung SEGUNDO INTENTO song?
A. SEGUNDO INTENTO song is sung by Aitana.

Q. Who wrote SEGUNDO INTENTO lyrics?
A. SEGUNDO INTENTO lyrics are penned by Aitana.

Q. Who has given the music of SEGUNDO INTENTO song?
A. SEGUNDO INTENTO music is composed and produced by Aitana.

“This concludes the lyrics of SEGUNDO INTENTO” by Aitana. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.