Rehellisesti Lyrics – JVG

Rehellisesti Lyrics by JVG is a latest Finnish song in the voice of JVG. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Rehellisesti song lyrics are also written by JVG. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a song that reflects on the struggles and uncertainties of life. The lyrics express moments of feeling lost or down, questioning if life is real or just a joke. Despite these struggles, the song carries a sense of acceptance, with the chorus repeating “Ei täs kummempii” (it’s not that big of a deal). The artists reflect on the ups and downs, dealing with work, relationships, and personal challenges, all while trying to maintain a sense of humor and moving forward. The song captures a raw, honest take on life’s unpredictable nature.

Rehellisesti Lyrics

[Kertosäe: JVG]
Ai rehellisesti?
Taas lähti duunit alta, maistunu on lesti
Ei täs kummempii
On vähän huono hetki nyt ja ikuisesti
Kiva kun tunnettiin
Onks tää elämää vai Kummelii?
Valon pääs on tunneli ja luometki vaa tummempii
En osaa vastaa sulle, kun sä kysyt tunnelmii
Ei täs kummempii

[Verse 1: VilleGalle]
No mitäs tässä, juhannusta viettämässä
Vähä jäässä, sun tyhmii kysymyksii kiertämässä
Mikä on meininki? Miten sä teet sen?
Salasta reittii niit sivuteitse
Keissei mitkä nyt hyyssinä pysyy
Äläkä sä tuu junnuna kysyy
Oikeesti oon lopus
Mut ketä oikeesti kiinnostaa totuus?
Fokus kateis ollu jo aikoja
Onneks osaan mun hymyni taikoa

[Esikertosäe: VilleGalle]
Kaikki lähtee täält menemää
Vaik ois halunnu enemmä
Tää vaan menee näi
Nukutaan ja mennään eteenpäi

[Kertosäe: JVG]
Taas lähti duunit alta, maistunu on lesti
Ei täs kummempii
On vähän huono hetki nyt ja ikuisesti

Kiva kun tunnettiin
Onks tää elämää vai Kummelii?
Valon pääs on tunneli ja luometki vaa tummempii
En osaa vastaa sulle, kun sä kysyt tunnelmii
Ei täs kummempii

[Verse 2: Jare]
Rehellisesti olo ollu aikamoine
Mut kiva kun kysyit, vastaan “Ei täs ihmeitä, mitä toine?”
Vaik ei kai kiinnostais
Jutellaan turhaan siin jostai
Kuka ei tunteit piilottais?
Sä oot liidos vain, kiitos, bye
Huomenna aikane herätys
Elämä yksin, se on elämys
Lopult se oliki vedätys
Elämä yksin, se on elämys

[Esikertosäe: Jare]
Kaikki lähtee täält menemää
Vaik ois halunnu enemmä
Tää vaan menee näi
Nukutaan ja mennään eteenpäi

[Kertosäe: JVG]
Taas lähti duunit alta, maistunu on lesti
Ei täs kummempii
On vähän huono hetki nyt ja ikuisesti
Kiva kun tunnettiin
Onks tää elämää vai Kummelii?
Valon pääs on tunneli ja luometki vaa tummempii
En osaa vastaa sulle, kun sä kysyt tunnelmii
Ei täs kummempii

[Outro: JVG]
Ai rehellisesti?
Onks tää elämää vai Kummelii?
Valon pääs on tunneli ja luometki vaa tummempii
En osaa vastaa sulle, kun sä kysyt tunnelmii
Ei täs kummempii

Rehellisesti Lyrics Meaning

In the chorus, the singer reflects on a tough situation, feeling like things aren’t going well. The line “Taas lähti duunit alta” refers to losing work or stability, while “maistunu on lesti” means feeling down or defeated. Despite everything, the singer emphasizes that it’s not a big deal and struggles with understanding life’s meaning—questioning if it’s real or like a comedy show. There’s a sense of acceptance and uncertainty in the air.

[Verse 1]
In the first verse, the singer describes being stuck in a rough spot, spending time during a celebration while feeling cold and unenthusiastic. They face awkward or unnecessary questions from others. There’s a hint of secrecy, with the singer saying that some matters are kept quiet. They feel lost, their focus is gone, and although everything seems unclear, they try to mask it with a smile. It reflects a feeling of being at the end of their rope but still pretending things are fine.

In the pre-chorus, the singer acknowledges that life keeps moving forward, even if they wanted more from it. Things are progressing despite not achieving everything they hoped for. The focus is on accepting things as they are and continuing to push forward, even if it’s not perfect.

The chorus is repeated, and the meaning stays consistent: the singer is going through a rough time, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary. They question whether life is real or a joke, expressing frustration with the dark moments ahead but continuing to move forward. They struggle to answer others’ questions about their feelings but shrug it off, saying it’s not that important.

[Verse 2]
In the second verse, the singer admits that they’ve been through a lot, but they respond to others with indifference, saying there’s nothing special going on. There’s a sense of emotional detachment, as they don’t think others are genuinely interested in their feelings. They express a desire to move on quickly, even dismissing people they’ve encountered. The singer reflects on the loneliness of life, recognizing that it’s a personal journey and realizing that, in the end, it all feels like a bit of a trick.

This pre-chorus is the same as before. It speaks about the ongoing nature of life, the acceptance of things not going perfectly, and the continuation of the journey despite those imperfections.

The chorus repeats once again, reinforcing the idea that life is challenging but not a huge deal. The singer questions the meaning of life, feeling uncertain and burdened by it but still choosing to keep going. They can’t fully explain their feelings when asked but emphasize that things aren’t as bad as they might seem.

The outro reflects a final questioning tone, echoing the uncertainty about whether life is real or just a joke. The singer refers to the tunnel at the end of the light, symbolizing a challenging future ahead. Once again, the idea of not being able to explain their feelings is present, but they brush it off, repeating that it’s not a big deal.


Q. Who has sung Rehellisesti song?
A. Rehellisesti song is sung by JVG.

Q. Who wrote Rehellisesti lyrics?
A. Rehellisesti lyrics are penned by JVG.

Q. Who has given the music of Rehellisesti song?
A. Rehellisesti music is composed and produced by JVG.

“This concludes the lyrics of Rehellisesti” by JVG. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.