Plazma Lyrics – 米津玄師 Kenshi Yonezu

Plazma Lyrics by 米津玄師 Kenshi Yonezu is a latest Japanese song in the voice of 米津玄師 Kenshi Yonezu. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Plazma song lyrics are also written by 米津玄師 Kenshi Yonezu. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Plazma by Kenshi Yonezu is a song that explores the feeling of fate and missed connections, with a sense of longing and nostalgia. The lyrics reflect on moments of life where small decisions could have led to completely different paths, such as meeting someone or not. There’s a yearning for something more, a desire to reach beyond the limitations of the present, symbolized by the idea of shooting out into the universe. Despite physical pain or distance, the pull of these memories and emotions remains strong, shining brightly like plasma. It’s a mix of regret, hope, and the search for meaning in the vastness of existence.

Plazma Lyrics

[“Plazma” 歌詞]

もしもあの改札の前で 立ち止まらず歩いていれば
君の顔も知らずのまま 幸せに生きていただろうか

[Verse 1]
もしもあの裏門を越えて 外へ抜け出していなければ
仰ぎ見た星の輝きも 靴の汚れに変わっていた

[Verse 2]
寝転んだリノリウムの上 逆立ちして擦りむいた両手
ここも銀河の果てだと知って 眩暈がした夜明け前

聞こえて 答えて 届いて欲しくて 光って 光って 光って叫んだ
金網を越えて転がり落ちた 刹那 世界が色づいてく

飛び出していけ宇宙の彼方 目の前をぶち抜くプラズマ
ただひたすら見蕩れていた 痣も傷も知らずに
何光年と離れていても 踏み出した体が止まらない

[Verse 3]
改メ口の中くぐり抜け 肌を突き刺す粒子
路地裏の夜空に流れ星 酷く逃げ惑う鼠
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もしもあの人混みの前で 君の手を離さなければ
もしも不意に出たあの声を きつく飲み込んでいれば
もしもあの改札の前で 立ち止まらず歩いていれば
君はどこにもいやしなくて 僕もここにいなかった



飛び出していけ宇宙の彼方 目の前をぶち抜くプラズマ
ただひたすら見蕩れていた 痛みにすら気づかずに
何光年と離れていても 踏み出した体が止まらない

Plazma Lyrics Meaning

The singer wonders if their life would have been simpler and happier had they not stopped at a certain point and met someone.

[Verse 1]
The verse contemplates how different life could have been if they had made different choices, like not stepping outside or looking at the stars. Instead, those moments might have been replaced by something more ordinary, like dirty shoes.

[Verse 2]
This verse reflects on painful, childish experiences, like falling and scraping hands. Despite these physical moments, it feels as though they are at the edge of the universe, overwhelmed by the vastness of everything around them.

The singer desperately wants to be heard, to reach someone. They cry out, and in that instant, they feel the world shift as if everything has changed and come to life.

In this part, there’s a deep yearning to break free and reach for something beyond, like traveling across the universe. They’re caught in a trance, unaware of any pain, unable to stop moving forward despite being far away from the person they’re longing for.

[Verse 3]
This verse conveys a moment of sharp realization, as the singer experiences the sensation of something piercing them. There’s a chaotic image of a mouse fleeing under the stars, symbolizing a feeling of being trapped or lost.

Here, the singer reflects on pivotal moments where a simple decision (like not letting go of someone’s hand) could have changed everything. If they hadn’t made certain choices, they would have never met, and the life they know wouldn’t exist.

In a sudden, painful moment, the singer realizes what love truly is. A flying object hits them, but in that brief second, they spot something in the sky, understanding love for the first time.

The final chorus repeats the intense longing to break free, escape into the vastness, and the feeling of being mesmerized by something beyond reach. Despite the distance and the pain, the singer is driven forward by the voice they hear and the light that keeps calling them.


Q. Who has sung Plazma song?
A. Plazma song is sung by 米津玄師 Kenshi Yonezu.

Q. Who wrote Plazma lyrics?
A. Plazma lyrics are penned by 米津玄師 Kenshi Yonezu.

Q. Who has given the music of Plazma song?
A. Plazma music is composed and produced by 米津玄師 Kenshi Yonezu.

“This concludes the lyrics of Plazma” by 米津玄師 Kenshi Yonezu. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.