’O DIARIO Lyrics by LIBERATO is a latest Neapolitan song. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new ’o Diario song lyrics are also written by LIBERATO. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In O Diario by Liberato, the singer reflects on a personal journey marked by confusion, highs, and lows. The song captures a period of inner struggle, where the artist feels stuck and overwhelmed by life’s uncertainties. Through vivid storytelling, he recounts moments of self-doubt, feelings of isolation, and attempts to find clarity, often seeking solace in smoking or partying. Over time, there’s a sense of change and acceptance, with Liberato acknowledging the importance of self-love and the people who support him. The repeated refrain emphasizes that no one is ever truly alone in their struggles.

’O DIARIO Lyrics

Comm ogni tant succer quann e fā coccos e important
Ij nun sapev comm accuminciā stu terz’ album
Me so truvat nu poc bloccat, aggia ricere a’ veritā
Pcché m’er mis ‘ngap e fa Lana Del Rey, e capė?
Eva fa la vita vissuta, e arō accumminciav?
Allor agg fatt nu riassunt e l’ultim ddoje ann ra vita mia
M’agg appriparat nu bell spliff, me so mis annanz e fot’ ro telefon’
E agg’ accumminciat a scrivere (E agg’ accumminciat a scrivere)

Novembre ddojemila e vintiddoje
Evoj’ a cantā e canzon pe fa chiagnr a gent
Quann te succer a te, n’ata vot, te sient pop o’ cazz

Ij me so arritruvat guaglių, e na maner, mamma mā
Nun me l’aspettav proprij, nun capev cchių nient
Stev nderr, je
A verev ngopp e storie, che capill nuov, č chiar
E nun capev nient, ev’ voglij’ a fummā
E fa e festin, e ij o Basic, e cercā e nun c penzā
E ascė cu chest, e ascė cu chell
E te fa e viagg o Messico, in Argentina, che frat tuoje
Cu l’evr ch sta fernenn quann stai jenn verso sud
E menumal ca inc*ntraim’ a Natalia
Ca tenev coccos’ a fumā
Sinnō comm faciv o quarantott chella nott’ (??)
Appicciav tutt cos’

E quindi guaglių, oramai er ddojemila e vintitrč
Nun m’aizav ‘a terra
Stev pop tutt strunz, stev tutt depress
E rispunnev pur mal
E quindi Cin e a meglia cumpagna mia
Aropp na sfuriat ro cazz ra mia
Me dicettero
“Guagliō, tu stai a piezz, ma pop malamient a piezz
E stai fumann tropp assaje
E verč a coccherun”
E guaglių, c’agg pensat

Agg vist a coccherun
E a poc a poc
E malepensier se ne stevn ienn (Se ne stevn ienn)

Quatt magg ddojemila e vintitrč
O Napl ha vinciut o scudett
Na bott e serotonina c’a l’ha sentut pur o nonn mij
Ca teng ancor
Agg passat nu poc e tiemp che cumpagn mij
Ca famiglia mij, cu fratm, ca gent ca me vo bben
E po’ so iut in tour, e agg pariat comm o cess cu vuje
Agg fatt Piazza del Plebiscito
So turnat a faticā ngopp o film, e pur agg pariat a cess
E guaglių a poco a poco, chella cosa arind
Chillu vuot, chella muntagn e dulor
Je nun ce pensav manc cchių

Nun ce pensav cchių, perō
Stu fatt e l’evr nun’o controllav chių
Nun č ca primm o controllav, e non č co controll pop buon mmō
Perō mmō c prov, ogni tant m’ n’ vac’ a na part a pensā nu poc
Essa fā na pausa
Perō guaglių mmō so turnat
Agg accuminciat a scrivere n’ata vota
Sto cu coccurun, stong annammurat
Speramm ch’č tutt’appost

Forse chell’ ca ve vogl’ dicere
Č che qualunque cosa succede
Mmō a me č nu fatt e corazon
Pe tte po’ essr co mast e fatic ch’č strunz
Pe tte po’ essr o peson e cas
Pe tte po’ essr a famiglia
Pe tte po’ essr a cap
Arricuordt sul e na cos
Ca nun stai mai sul tu (Ca nun stai mai sul tu)
Ca nun stai mai sul tu (Ca nun stai mai sul tu)
Ca nun stai mai sul tu (Ca nun stai mai sul tu)
Ca nun stai mai sul tu
Ca nun stai mai sul, ca nun stai mai sul
Ca nun stai mai sul, ca nun stai mai sul
Ca nun stai mai sul, ca nun stai mai sul
Ca nun stai mai sul, ca nun stai mai sul
Ca nun stai mai sul, ca nun stai mai sul
Ca nun stai mai sul, ca nun stai mai sul
Ca nun stai mai sul, ca nun stai mai sul
Ca nun stai mai sul, ca nun stai mai sul
Ca nun stai


’O DIARIO Lyrics Meaning

In the opening lines of “O Diario,” Liberato reflects on a time when he was stuck while working on his third album. He admits to not knowing how to begin and feeling blocked, as he tried to find truth and clarity. The artist mentions struggling with inspiration, even feeling lost as he tried to recreate someone else’s style (like Lana Del Rey). Realizing the need to reflect on his life, he rewinds and looks back at the past couple of years. This time of introspection is marked by smoking and scrolling through his phone, trying to spark creativity by starting to write.

The song moves to November 2022, where Liberato expresses a desire to write music that would deeply resonate with people. He talks about how, when something happens to you repeatedly, it becomes harder to process, and you feel emotionally drained. He describes a sense of confusion and isolation—feeling like he doesn’t understand what’s happening around him anymore. He was going through some personal chaos, dealing with complicated relationships and a sense of disconnection from himself. His life had become a blur, filled with smoking, partying, and trying not to think too much. He even mentions traveling to places like Mexico and Argentina, living in the moment, but without clarity or direction.

By 2023, things take a darker turn for Liberato. He admits to feeling lost, depressed, and disconnected from the world. He was in a tough spot mentally and emotionally, struggling to find purpose. His friends noticed his state, telling him he was going down a bad path, using substances too much, and not facing his problems. In response, he starts to recognize his own issues, realizing that he had been suppressing his thoughts and emotions, pushing them away rather than confronting them. He acknowledges that his way of coping wasn’t healthy, but slowly, he starts to let go of the negative thoughts and let them fade.

Then, in May 2023, there’s a sense of renewal. Liberato mentions how his hometown Napoli won the Scudetto, a moment of collective joy that brought back some connection and hope. During this time, he feels a sense of bonding with his family and close friends, and it sparks a shift in his perspective. After some personal time away, he went on tour and worked on new projects, even reflecting on his past mistakes and choices with his friends. Despite everything, he slowly starts to find meaning in his life again, especially when he performs at significant venues like Piazza del Plebiscito. He looks back at the feelings of emptiness and sadness, realizing that he had moved past them without fully thinking about it.

Liberato talks about how the weight of his thoughts and the difficulties he faced had become unmanageable at some point, and how he was no longer able to control everything around him. There were times when he tried to control things in his life, but now he knows it’s impossible to maintain that control. Despite these challenges, he continues to push forward, taking pauses when needed but never giving up. He acknowledges his return to writing music again, finding a sense of balance and love in his life. The mention of a “coccurun” and being “in love” suggests that he’s moving forward with a renewed sense of purpose.

In the final part of the song, Liberato reflects on what he’s learned through his struggles. He stresses that no matter what happens, it’s all about following your heart. He acknowledges that for others, life may be about hard work or family, or whatever else might come their way, but for him, it’s all about following his inner compass. The repeated phrase “Ca nun stai mai sul tu” (You’re never alone) serves as a reminder that despite the isolation and personal battles, no one is truly alone. This song is ultimately about accepting your struggles, finding peace, and knowing that everyone has their own path to follow, with no one being entirely on their own in the process.


Q. Who has sung ’O DIARIO song?
A. ’O DIARIO song is sung by LIBERATO.

Q. Who wrote ’O DIARIO lyrics?
A. ’O DIARIO lyrics are penned by LIBERATO.

Q. Who has given the music of ’O DIARIO song?
A. ’O DIARIO music is composed and produced by LIBERATO.

“This concludes the lyrics of ’O DIARIO” by LIBERATO. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.