Nikad nećeš znati Lyrics – Milica Todorović

Nikad nećeš znati Lyrics by Milica Todorović is a latest Croatian song in the voice of Milica Todorović. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Nikad nećeš znati song lyrics are also written by Milica Todorović. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In the song *Nikad nećeš znati* by Milica Todorović, the singer expresses deep sorrow and regret over a broken relationship. She reflects on the pain of loving someone who has left, even though they promised her happiness. Despite the betrayal and heartache, she confesses that she still loves them, even though they’ll never know how much. The song portrays the emotional cost of loving deeply and the loneliness that follows, as the singer questions how to move forward while still holding on to feelings of love and longing that will remain unreturned.

Nikad nećeš znati Lyrics

[Strofa 1]
I ovu noć bez tebe suzama ja platiću
I ova izdaja na meni nek se slomi
Po ko zna koji put u sebi tiho patiću
Ja tako navikla sam ljubav da me boli
I da sam znala da će život da nas rastavi
Ja bih ti dala svoje srce da ga zgaziš
I kako sad bez tebe dalje ja da nastavim?
I kako sad, kada u svakome te tražim?

Mogla sam da budem I tvoja I srećna

Mogla sam da letim, sad pogledaj gde sam
Ne grlim ja nikoga, ne ljubim nikoga
To je cena kada srcem voli žena
Mogla sam sa tobom da gorim u vatri
Da za svaku suzu ja ljubav ti vratim
A sad nemam nikoga, ne ljubim nikoga
Da još te volim, ti to nikad nećeš znati

Nikad nećeš znati
(Nikad nećeš znati)

[Strofa 2]
Lažnu sigurnost, lažnu sreću si mi nudio
A ovoj ljubavi ti rekao si “Zbogom”
I pored toga što u meni sve si ubio
Kao bez razuma, još umirem za tobom
Rani me, mrzi I pred ljudima ponizi me
Učini to, samo na tren da me oživiš
Pa onda zauvek iz svog života briši me
Ti ovu bol ne želim nikada da vidiš

Mogla sam da budem I tvoja I srećna
Mogla sam da letim, sad pogledaj gde sam

Ne grlim ja nikoga, ne ljubim nikoga
To je cena kada srcem voli žena
Mogla sam sa tobom da gorim u vatri
Da za svaku suzu ja ljubav ti vratim
A sad nemam nikoga, ne ljubim nikoga
Da još te volim, ti to nikad nećeš znati

Nikad nećeš znati
(Nikad nećeš znati)

Mogla sam da budem I tvoja I srećna
Mogla sam da letim, sad pogledaj gde sam
Ne grlim ja nikoga, ne ljubim nikoga
To je cena kada srcem voli žena
Mogla sam sa tobom da gorim u vatri
Da za svaku suzu ja ljubav ti vratim
A sad nemam nikoga, ne ljubim nikoga
Da još te volim, ti to nikad nećeš znati

Nikad nećeš znati

Nikad nećeš znati Lyrics Meaning

[Strofa 1]
In this verse, the singer expresses the pain of being without her lover. She says that she’s used to heartache and has endured many emotional wounds from love. If she had known their relationship would end, she would have given him her heart, even if it meant being hurt. She is lost without him and feels the emptiness as she searches for him in everyone around her, reflecting how deeply he still impacts her life.

In the chorus, the singer reflects on what could have been. She could have been happy and loved, but instead, she’s left alone. She feels like she’s paying the price for loving deeply. Even though she could have been with him, loving him and forgiving him for every tear, now she finds herself without anyone to love, and no one will ever know how much she still loves him.

The singer repeats that her ex will never know how deep her feelings are.

[Strofa 2]
Here, the singer describes how her ex offered her false promises of security and happiness, only to betray her and leave. Despite the emotional destruction he caused, she still finds herself yearning for him. She wants him to hurt her, humiliate her in front of others, just for a brief moment of feeling alive again. But at the same time, she wishes he would permanently erase her from his life, as she doesn’t want him to see the pain he caused her.

This chorus is similar to the earlier one, where the singer reiterates how she could have had it all with him but is left with nothing. She acknowledges that loving with her heart has cost her dearly, and despite everything, she still loves him, even though he will never know it.

Once again, the singer emphasizes that her ex will never understand the depth of her love.

The chorus repeats the same message, emphasizing the same heartache and loss. The singer mourns what could have been, stating that the price of loving with all her heart is loneliness and longing for someone who will never know how deeply she still loves them.

The song ends with the final, haunting reminder that her ex will never truly know her love.


Q. Who has sung Nikad nećeš znati song?
A. Nikad nećeš znati song is sung by Milica Todorović.

Q. Who wrote Nikad nećeš znati lyrics?
A. Nikad nećeš znati lyrics are penned by Milica Todorović.

Q. Who has given the music of Nikad nećeš znati song?
A. Nikad nećeš znati music is composed and produced by Milica Todorović.

“This concludes the lyrics of Nikad nećeš znati” by Milica Todorović. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.