’NA VITA ANNANZ Lyrics by SLF is a latest Italian song in the voice of SLF. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new ’na Vita Annanz song lyrics are also written by SLF. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. NA VITA ANNANZ’ by SLF tells the story of a young person caught in a cycle of violence, poor choices, and regret. Reflecting on a life of wrong decisions, the song explores themes of lost dreams, crime, and the harsh realities of growing up in a tough environment. The singer regrets not being able to turn back time, feeling suffocated by their past and questioning their fate. The lyrics also express disillusionment with society and a sense of hopelessness, as the character struggles to find redemption amidst a life marked by pain and mistakes.
[Pre-Ritornello: Lele Blade]
Sempe stato a ll’urdemo banco
Maje tenuto n’angelo a ffianco
Machine ‘e lusso, cullane ‘rosse, faccio penziere sbagliate
Scusa, ma’, si aggio sparato
Vulesse turnà areto, però nun torno â casa
[Ritornello: Yung Snapp]
Nn’so’ maje stato uno d”e tante
Nun respiro, l’aria me manca
Tenevo nu suonno, tenevo nu nomme
Tenevo tutt”a vita annanze
Scusa, ma’, m’hanno sparato
Mo stongo stiso ‘nterra, ‘o core s’è fermato
[Strofa 1: Lele Blade & Geolier]
Facce pulite, mane sporche ‘e sanghe, killer a quinnic’anne
‘A vita perde valore e l’aria se fa pesante
Cresciuto ch”e mite sbagliate, l’esempio d”o pate
Che è stato cchiu ‘a dinto che â casa, pare fatto c”o stampo
Parte nu colpo che spezza ‘o silenzio
Pe fà esperienzie ‘mmiez’â via se mette fine a n’esistenza
E Napule chiagne n’atu figlio martire
E ‘sta società ch’emargina chi è bbuono e dà nu premio a chi nn’s”o ‘mereta
Nun basta truvà ‘o colpevole pe cagnà ‘e cose
‘E sorde nn’ponno accattà chello ca nun tene costo
Te chiede: “Chesta è ‘a strada giusta?”, Dio nun t’ha risposto
Chi vò fà bbene dint’â vita nn’pò ricevere l’opposto
Vive ‘o pericolo comm’abitudine
Puorta nu fierro a ll’inguine tutt”e sere p’attitudine
Cecato dô putere, penza d’essere invincibile, yeah
Ma po se trova sulo (Ah), na ferita inguaribile, yeah
[Strofa 2: Geolier]
Scusa ma’, scusa pa’, scusa Dio, scusa fra’
Scusa â mamma e ô pate ‘e chi è caduto ‘nterra
Scusa ch’alla fine è juto comme te penzave
Scusa pa’, ‘o saccio ca tutte ‘sti scuse nun te serveno
Santo forse era ‘ddiventato jucatore
E pure Giogiò era ‘ddiventato musicista
I’ so ‘ddiventato detenuto, prevenuto
‘O munno m’hê caduto ‘ncuollo e sto sulo i’ e nisciuno ‘o ‘iza
‘O sanghe ‘nterra pe via ‘e ll’intemperie s’aggrumisce
‘Sta pistola, tutto ‘sto sudore arrugginisce
Mammà cu tutt”e collere che piglia more primma
Papà nun me difende nonostante songo ‘o figlio
Scusame, usame comm’e n’esempio
Mo nun tengo futuro ma sulo passato e presente
Ma papà e mammà m’amano sempe
[Pre-Ritornello: Lele Blade]
Sempe stato a ll’urdemo banco
Maje tenuto n’angelo a ffianco
Machine ‘e lusso, cullane ‘rosse, faccio penziere sbagliate
Scusa, ma’, si aggio sparato
Vulesse turnà areto, però nun torno â casa
[Ritornello: Yung Snapp]
Nn’so’ maje stato uno d”e tante
Nun respiro, l’aria me manca
Tenevo nu suonno, tenevo nu nomme
Tenevo tutt”a vita annanze
Scusa, ma’, m’hanno sparato
Mo stongo stiso ‘nterra, ‘o core s’è fermato
[Strrofa 3: MV Killa & Vale Lambo]
Simmo vittime e carnefice (Ah)
Tu saje distinguere ‘o bbene dô male
Dipende ‘a comme sî stato educato
Passo veloce, precoce, yeah
‘Mmiez’â via ‘o segno d”a croc
uagliune senza voce prese ‘e mira
Chi sbaglia vò nu lieto fine, ma nn’è ‘o cinema
‘A realtà tene quase sempe nu finale atroce (Finale atroce)
E nn’è normale ca chi studia, chi fatica
Fernesce tre metre sottoterra ‘int’ô tauto
Ccà nisciuno te salva
Nisciuno t’aiza ‘a terra si nn”o faje tu
Te muove oppure aspiette che cagna?
Nisciuno penza a te si nn’ce pienze tu
Dimme che faje quando pierde ‘a fede
T’aize e vaje annanze o te guarde areto?
‘Sti strade so’ fredde, nisciuno ccà vence (Angelo)
[Strofa 4: Vale Lambo]
Quanto costa na vita? Arrive ê diciotto e po?
I’ jucavo ô pallone cu nu guaglione ‘e core
Chi te vò bbene vò sempe coccosa
Caccio ‘a pistola si me spuorche l’Air Force (Fah-fah-fah-fah)
Mo me ne vaco, meglio si me ne fujo
Io nun so’ comme lloro, lloro nn’so’ comme nuje
Napule ê vote fa male, ma nun è colpa soja
Forse ce manca nu Stato oppure simmo nuje
[Ritornello: Yung Snapp]
Nn’so’ maje stato uno d”e tante
Nun respiro, l’aria me manca
Tenevo nu suonno, tenevo nu nomme
Tenevo tutt”a vita annanze
Scusa, ma’, m’hanno sparato
Mo stongo stiso ‘nterra, ‘o core s’è fermato
SLF Songs
’NA VITA ANNANZ Lyrics Meaning
[Pre-Ritornello (Lele Blade)]
In this part, the singer reflects on a life of bad decisions. They’ve always been on the edge, made wrong choices like having fancy cars and expensive things, but now regret the mistakes. They express sorrow for a shooting and wish they could turn back time, but it’s too late to return home.
[Ritornello (Yung Snapp)]
Here, the singer describes how they never felt like they belonged. They had dreams and a name, but now they’re lying on the ground after being shot, heart stopped, and they regret the life they’ve led. They feel suffocated by the consequences of their actions.
[Strofa 1 (Lele Blade & Geolier)]
This verse paints a picture of a dangerous world where youth are pushed into violence. The singer grew up with wrong influences and a broken family, leading to choices that caused pain. Society rewards the wrong people and punishes those who try to do good. They reflect on the irreversible damage done by violence and how everyone’s caught in a vicious cycle, thinking power makes them invincible, but in reality, it leads to deep wounds, both physical and emotional.
[Strofa 2 (Geolier)]
Here, the singer apologizes to their parents and God, reflecting on the wasted potential in their life. They admit that all the apologies can’t undo the past, and the mistakes have caught up with them. They feel isolated, with no future to look forward to, but the love from their parents remains constant despite everything. They’re caught in a grim reality, with violence and regret weighing heavily on them.
[Pre-Ritornello (Lele Blade)]
The same sentiments as earlier, where the singer repeats their feelings of regret. They acknowledge the bad choices they’ve made and the deadly consequences, wishing for a chance to go back but realizing it’s impossible.
[Ritornello (Yung Snapp)]
The same chorus is repeated, emphasizing the feeling of being trapped in a life that has gone horribly wrong, with no way to fix it. The singer feels lost, overwhelmed by their past mistakes, and is paying the price for them.
[Strofa 3 (MV Killa & Vale Lambo)]
In this verse, the singers discuss how society shapes people into victims and perpetrators. The line between good and evil is blurred by upbringing, and many young people are pushed to make bad choices, leading to tragic outcomes. They question the fairness of the system, where hardworking people end up in graves while those with power thrive. They reflect on the harsh reality of life on the streets, where no one helps unless you help yourself, and if you lose faith, it’s easy to give up.
[Strofa 4 (Vale Lambo)]
Here, the singer questions the cost of life, reflecting on how quickly everything can fall apart. They remember better times, playing football as a child, and acknowledge that love is often attached to material things. Now, they feel the need to escape the violent cycle they’re in, unsure of how to get out, and they point out that Naples has its pain, but it’s not entirely to blame—the system is also a factor.
[Ritornello (Yung Snapp)]
The final chorus repeats the earlier themes of regret and the feeling of being trapped by a life full of wrong choices. The singer is reflecting on their past and the irreversible consequences they now face, lying in pain and regret.
Q. Who has sung ’NA VITA ANNANZ song?
A. ’NA VITA ANNANZ song is sung by SLF.
Q. Who wrote ’NA VITA ANNANZ lyrics?
A. ’NA VITA ANNANZ lyrics are penned by SLF.
Q. Who has given the music of ’NA VITA ANNANZ song?
A. ’NA VITA ANNANZ music is composed and produced by SLF.
“This concludes the lyrics of ’NA VITA ANNANZ” by SLF. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.