MANIFESTA Lyrics – Junior Hassen, O.G Gang

MANIFESTA Lyrics by Junior Hassen, O.G Gang is a latest Arabic song in the voices of Junior Hassen, O.G Gang. Its music is composed by Wolf Beats while brand new Manifesta song lyrics are written by Hassen Sassi. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It and O.G Gang is a gritty, raw track reflecting the struggles and challenges faced by those living in tough conditions. The song touches on themes like hustling for money, loyalty, family, and survival in a harsh environment. The lyrics mention a blend of personal ambition, the pressure of the streets, and overcoming obstacles. There’s a mix of defiance and vulnerability, with references to facing betrayal, staying strong, and pushing forward despite the odds. The song conveys a sense of resilience, with elements of pride and determination in the face of adversity.


No manhebech craack
Maladie netnafes rap
Nhebo money f sac
Ifamille shabi w les fans
Andi shabi albane
Alo hana fi cannes
Haso bya en panne
Jr jebnelek ak
W m3ak fel contre attaque
Rabbi 3abdek dh3iif
Chkoon touwled ble aghlat
Bnedem tab3ou nakar

Ki tweti fik etal9at
Makaveli 2pac

Ija lem etala9at
5alit blasa ya ba
Hama w wael fi trab
Fi galb l7ouma w dar
Mazeel 5yeelkom yetra
Chauffeur nega absent
Dar alih l’volant
Rabbi ykhales whal ashibi
W hwa nchalah

[** tout le temps

Kar w far w sirene
W ta3ziz 7al lbiben
W7ouma tsayeb 7afyene
Mrazen ta3eb la3wen
Hrab alehom zideen
7gar w rakeb 3bed
Dhi9 w kolo 7sebette
Ma ta9dhich lekteftte
Ken tsaker lbeb
Chtoura bel karat
loubha metet la3bed

Madamtek ya marahbe
Jiti hdhene b a3wem
Nchala rajlek ytoub
Chkoun yanfa3kom lyoum
Solta fenya ma tdoum
Ekhertek taht lkamyoun
Jamais jetek 3al bei
Mamcha soba w rasyoun

Lerya taht tour eiffel, b!tch
Aa hassen
Ma3adech lezem tarja3
Bleed ki *]
9a3da fina ta9ma3
Aa hassen
Yhebou ometna tadma3
A5tana ma man
Wamya tched w tachna3
Galbi meet nari rmed
Ma fama chay yafja3
Ma3ach tchaja3
Saf7a men kteb mgata3
La7yout tasma3
W enty wehel hakemni b 4
Tgoul dhareblek bard3a
W ma fibelich

Bleed **** ma thebnich
Ma 3tatnich iforsa
Ta3ref sahbek zarsa
Wahdi nfokha ma nestanech
Lin tji bech nchedha
Lin nmout lin tmout
Ma tefhemna
Ma fama chay ylemna
Ken jama3 fi jannah tema3
Mech fel *]
Sghir 9rit droussi
9rit lekteb tarbyet kotteb
Mouch makteb
Fik ybahem systeme y7attem
3aimek tetyatem mouch tekhdem
3almek tel7em
Fi blaset te7lem
Fli9 *]

Aa hassen
Ma3adech lezem tarja3
Bleed ki *]
9a3da fina ta9ma3
Aa hassen
Yhebou ometna tadma3
A5tana ma man
Wamya tched w tachna3
Aa hassen
Ma3adech lezem tarja3
Bleed ki *]
9a3da fina ta9ma3
Aa hassen
Yhebou ometna tadma3
A5tana ma man
Wamya tched w tachna3

9oli ken binetkom 10
Ta na3tikom khamsa 5
Fan b khabib w hamza
Zok rojla 3la osoulha
9ohbi w 9ohbek al mizeen
Chkoun ytayah lbascoula
Nchallah taklek l firen
Bagagek fi zouzz stoula

MANIFESTA Lyrics Meaning

In the first part of the song, the artist expresses a strong desire for money and success, focusing on hustling and working hard to make it big. He mentions the importance of supporting family and fans, as well as his roots and connections, with references to his Albanian heritage. There’s a sense of personal ambition, as he speaks about overcoming struggles and feeling a little lost at times, but determined to push forward. The mention of “Makaveli 2pac” suggests an influence of rebellious, strong personalities in the music industry.

As the song progresses, the artist touches on themes of loyalty, survival, and the harsh realities of life in the streets. He talks about how loyalty can be fragile and how betrayal is something he has had to face. There’s a shift toward reflecting on the consequences of choices and the difficulties that come with living a tough lifestyle. He speaks about friends who have gone down different paths and the sense of loss in the streets. The lines about “Rabbi ykhales” hint at a plea for divine help and a hope for better days.

The song then describes a more intense atmosphere, with references to sirens and the struggle for survival in the neighborhood. The artist paints a picture of the violence, stress, and challenges people face in tough areas. There’s a sense of frustration, as well as a desire for escape from these harsh conditions. The lyrics also hint at the idea that life can turn unpredictable, with people often forced to make quick decisions to protect themselves. The song acknowledges the chaos of street life and the tension that constantly surrounds it.

In the final part of the song, the artist talks about personal growth, regret, and the pain that comes with betrayal and loss. He speaks about how life has taught him lessons, some of which have been hard to swallow. There’s a mention of the difficulty in trusting others, as well as the emotional toll that comes with pursuing dreams while dealing with setbacks. He also refers to past experiences and struggles, recognizing the need to keep moving forward despite the pain. The overall tone is one of resilience, determination, and the desire to rise above adversity.


Q. Who has sung MANIFESTA song?
A. MANIFESTA song is sung by Junior Hassen, O.G Gang.

Q. Who wrote MANIFESTA lyrics?
A. MANIFESTA lyrics are penned by Hassen Sassi.

Q. Who has given the music of MANIFESTA song?
A. MANIFESTA music is composed and produced by Wolf Beats.

“This concludes the lyrics of MANIFESTA” by Junior Hassen, O.G Gang. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.