Man Down 3! Lyrics – Melons

Man Down 3! Lyrics by Melons is a latest Italian song in the voice of Melons. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Man Down 3! song lyrics are also written by Melons. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It paints a gritty, raw picture of street life, filled with betrayal, violence, and a sense of survival. The song captures the harsh realities of the streets, where trust is scarce, and loyalty is often tested. Melons reflects on his experiences of being surrounded by dangerous people and making questionable choices. He raps about the struggle to rise above the chaos, the weight of past decisions, and the consequences of street life. The track also touches on themes of betrayal, where friends turn their backs, and the cold reality of living in an unforgiving environment.

Man Down 3! Lyrics

[Parte I]

Ddusi mi dà un beat, lo prometto, glielo fum–

E quei ragazzi vogliono il male soltanto
Sono uscito dalla guerra, mentre penso mi incanto
Mentre mio fratello ruba come un piccolo ratto
Mentre mio fratello ruba solo per essere fatto
Hai trustato quegli amici, ora non sono più accanto
Hai trustato quella troia e mo è la troia di un altro

Io non trusto queste strade, a me che cosa mi danno?
Questa strada è una ragazza che mi sta provocando
Diversi ragazzi delle strade fanno cose di strada
Quelli sono I miei ragazzi, ti fanno fuori dai radar
Quelle cose di strada non sono quelle che pensi
Ho dato trecento a un 7arraga e dopo ti ha fatto a pezzi
Ho dato trecento a un 7arraga e mo sei cieco in un occhio
Il quartiere non è un posto dove fare il finocchio
Pensi di essere grande? Bro, fai un salto in ‘sto posto
Dopo due secondi pensi: “Cazzo, sono un marmocchio”
Io in due mondi penso a queste soluzioni
Continuo a sbagliare, non ricevo punizioni
Gente da fumare, lascio a terra mozziconi
Prendo un nuovo cavallino, mi sento il centro adozioni
Ho iniziato da una pana, no ufficio collocamento
Se ti svegli alle eight a.m, come puoi essere contento?
No, non fare quello loyal se tu vai dove va il vento
Non ti parlo di una troia se ti dico: “È entrato dentro”
Ho la faccia da mug shot, tu mi vedevi nel raggio
Invece sto fatturando, il mio culo, bro, è al caldo
Un saluto a tutti I members che ora stanno scontando
Un saluto a queste strade che ora stanno scottando
Il motivo è che ‘ste strade noi le stiamo incendiando
Finirai nell’oltretomba se vuoi venire a checkarlo
Canto I proverbi infernali dei dannati gridando

Solo io posso sentire queste voci dal basso

[Parte II]

Ddusi mi dà un beat, lo prometto, glielo fum–

Throw in the face per conoscere il piombo (Rrah-ta)
Conquistando territori, io non sono Colombo (Cosa?)
Interrogatorio, fingo di essere tonto (Ah)
Però fuori da lì posso levarti dal mondo
Tu vuoi fare l’hot boy, però poi sarai cold
Chiama I suoi genitori, riconosci il suo corpo
Io non penso mai a un cazzo oltre a fare il malloppo
Sto addestrando bambini, quindi ora van con lo zoppo
Culi vogliono sfidarmi, sono il culo madre
E, se non paga il tuo culo, paga il culo di tuo padre
E, se non tornano I miei soldi, sfondo il culo di tuo padre
Ho miscelato quella coca, ho visto il soldo lievitare
I-I-Info sul mio opp, mi si rizzan le antenne
Però non è SKY né digitale terrestre
Sei connesso a Murda TV, finirai tra le stelle
Perché ho preso quella merda? Si muovon le piastrelle
Man down, sei caduto a terra, poi mai più rialzato
Cosa cazzo cammini dentro a questo isolato?
Sono uscito dall’hood tutto pavoneggiato
Se tu mi hai nominato, avrai il culo forato
La maestra straparlava, diceva: “Lui è vivace”
Lascio squarci nella pelle, ora, sì, son vivace
Chi-Chi-Chiederò a mia madre com’è stato partorire il male
Chiederò a tua madre com’è stato pagare un funerale

Man Down 3! Lyrics Meaning

[Parte I]
The intro suggests that the artist is about to dive into a serious, intense track, as he promises to deliver something powerful and impactful.

In this verse, the artist reflects on the harsh reality of street life and the betrayal that comes with it. He talks about how people around him are driven by malicious intent, like his “brother” who steals just to get by. Trust has become a rare commodity—friends turn their backs, and even relationships fall apart. The artist expresses his distrust in the streets, realizing that the environment offers nothing positive. He compares the street to a seductive woman that lures him in, yet it brings him no real benefits. He points out the dangerous activities that many street figures engage in, including robbery and violence, and how these actions lead to tragic consequences. The reference to “300” and a “7arraga” symbolizes a dangerous deal gone wrong, resulting in severe harm, possibly even permanent damage. He warns that the neighborhood isn’t a place to act tough, and newcomers are quickly humbled. The artist admits to his mistakes, feeling stuck in a cycle where he doesn’t face the consequences. He describes a life of continuous struggle, where his actions are dictated by the streets and his need to survive. As he raps about his beginnings, he emphasizes the stark contrast between where he started and where he is now. He acknowledges those serving time for crimes, while also criticizing the current state of the streets. He uses metaphorical language, suggesting that the streets are “on fire” due to the chaos and destruction. Ultimately, he hints that those involved in the life he describes will meet a tragic fate.

[Parte II]
The intro here hints at the artist being handed a beat to work with, setting up another intense moment in the track, possibly with a promise to deliver something powerful again.

In this second verse, the artist continues his gritty narrative, making references to confrontations and the brutal life he’s caught in. “Throw in the face per conoscere il piombo” refers to being ready to face danger, symbolized by bullets (“piombo”). He contrasts himself with explorers like Columbus, saying he’s not about discovery but about taking control of territories and power. He talks about the mentality of playing dumb during interrogations, which is a strategy to survive, but outside, he’s capable of doing anything, even taking someone’s life if necessary. The artist points out the short-lived nature of trying to appear “hot” or tough in the streets—eventually, the danger catches up, and it’s a cold reality. He describes a lack of emotions or morality, where money and survival come first. He even talks about training younger people to follow in his footsteps, continuing the cycle of street life. The artist’s aggression is clear when he refers to causing harm to those who cross him, and he makes threats that show no mercy. The money and drügs are central to the lifestyle he leads, symbolized by “coca” and seeing profits rise. There’s an almost paranoid awareness of enemies, represented by antennas picking up signals about threats. The artist doesn’t care about mainstream connections; instead, he’s more focused on the danger he faces. He mentions “Murda TV,” implying that his enemies’ downfall is imminent, and they will be remembered in a violent way. The verse ends with a reminder of the risks involved in street life, as he calls out those who dare to challenge him, while also acknowledging the harsh realities of being a part of this world—he sees himself as someone who’s damaged, and this is reflected in his violent tendencies. The closing lines suggest a reflection on the cost of violence, with a dark contemplation of life and death.


Q. Who has sung Man Down 3! song?
A. Man Down 3! song is sung by Melons.

Q. Who wrote Man Down 3! lyrics?
A. Man Down 3! lyrics are penned by Melons.

Q. Who has given the music of Man Down 3! song?
A. Man Down 3! music is composed and produced by Melons.

“This concludes the lyrics of Man Down 3!” by Melons. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.