Mai Sin Trunks Lyrics by Beny Jr is a latest Spanish song in the voice of Beny Jr. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Mai Sin Trunks song lyrics are also written by Beny Jr. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a catchy, confident track where the artist reflects on his interactions with a woman who’s all about style and attention. He’s not interested in getting emotionally tangled, making it clear he doesn’t play the love game, while also showing appreciation for her looks and confidence. The song’s vibe is full of swagger, with Beny Jr describing the highs of their encounters and his laid-back attitude towards relationships. He’s focused on having fun and staying cool, with a little self-awareness about not being overly invested emotionally.
Mai Sin Trunks Lyrics
[Letra de “Mai Sin Trunks”]
[Verso 1]
Es un derroche, tú con la noche
Si no le escribo me va a hacer boche
Solo en el coche, sin reproche
Tú eres herida que no se cose
Mientras me mira, yo oigo voce’
No soy famoso, no salgo en voce’
He tenido su derroche
Si no te miro por el achoche
Soy bandolero, mami, yo no te quiero
No soy un embustero, y esos que dicen ser primero
Diles que yo soy cero, frío, apago el fuego
Nadando entre los bote’ y con mi tola por si me muero (Yah)
[Verso 2]
No me digas cosas para ver si yo me enredo en tu juego, mami, que tú eres hilo
Tiene su cabello siempre fino, tiene su vestido siempre fino
Qué derroche, tú me besas y se me cambia el día de la noche
Paso en la moto, si no yo voy con el coche
Le doy con el auto por si ella me hace las voce’ (Prr)
Si la para’, te va a responder con “uh”
Tiene piel de lino, ella brilla con la lu’
Mami, tú eres Lambo, yo todavía en el bu’
Cuando a ella le tiran le responde con el fud, uh
Baila tú para mí, curvas como Brasil
Tú me pones marfil
Tiene fotos en su perfil
Pidiéndome un anillo, yo que me le hago el lilo
Tiene pompa de gym, pa’ hacerle un ski-ki
Yo sí soy bandolero, mami, yo no te quiero
No soy un embustero, y esos dicen primero
Qué derroche, tú me miras pero para que yo me le achoche
Y cuando no la veo se le desanima su noche
Dime si lo que quieres es que te regale las flores
Mami, yo tengo fallo, es que nunca le miento
No tengo corazón, yo no compro lo’ sentimiento’
Tirame la mala que de lejos ni lo siento
Trisazo en mi vaso y te lo veo como lento, lento, lento, lento
Oh, oh-oh-oh
Woh-woh-woh (Auh-uh-uh-uh)
Si la para’, te va a responder con “uh”
Tiene piel de lino, ella brilla con la lu’
Mami, tú eres Lambo, yo todavía en el bu’ (Prr)
Cuando a ella le tiran le responde con el fud
Baila tú para mí, curvas como Brasil
Tú me pones marfil
Tiene fotos en su perfil
To-To fire-fire
Con la noche
La-la-la-la-la-la, a la noche
Beny Jr Songs
- Mai Sin Trunks (English Translation)
- Pero Bueno, Qué De Menos? (English Translation)
- Pero Bueno, Qué De Menos?
- LowJet (English Translation)
Mai Sin Trunks Lyrics Meaning
[Verso 1]
In this verse, the singer talks about a woman who is living in the moment and full of energy, especially at night. There’s a playful tension as she expects messages from him; if he doesn’t text, she gets upset. He’s on his own, driving around, and seems indifferent to her emotional baggage, calling her an “unhealable wound.” The verse also hints at her looking at him while he hears voices, showing she’s trying to catch his attention.
The singer asserts his identity as a “bandolero” (a rebel or outlaw), making it clear he doesn’t want a relationship with the woman. He rejects any false pretenses and remains detached, stating that he’s not looking for love or emotional commitment. He’s cold, nonchalant, and ready for whatever comes his way, staying true to his carefree and independent attitude.
[Verso 2]
Here, the artist describes the woman as someone who tries to play games with him, but he’s not falling for it. He mentions her physical beauty—her fine hair, elegant dress, and how her kiss can change his mood instantly. He enjoys the luxury and thrill of riding in his car or on his bike. He also talks about her response when approached by others; she stays confident and unbothered, shining brightly. The comparison to a luxury sports car, Lamborghini, emphasizes how special she is, yet the singer remains grounded, still seeing himself as not quite at her level.
The bridge focuses on the woman’s physical allure, comparing her curves to those of Brazil, which is famous for its beautiful women. Her beauty is undeniable, and she has an alluring presence on social media. The singer seems to be amused by her demands for more commitment (like a ring), but he’s not taking it seriously, still focused on her physical appeal, especially her gym-toned body.
In this second chorus, the artist again emphasizes his “bandolero” persona, saying he doesn’t want a relationship and stays true to his emotionally distant nature. He knows she wants him to make moves, but he’s not falling for it. He doesn’t need to give her flowers or any signs of affection because he’s honest about not having emotions invested. He’s unbothered by her attempts to play emotional games, and he doesn’t feel guilty about it. The slow, almost hypnotic feel of the song reflects his detached attitude.
The outro repeats some of the song’s catchy and playful phrases, bringing attention back to the woman’s beauty and confidence. She’s portrayed as untouchable and strong, yet the singer remains somewhat indifferent to all her charms. The upbeat rhythm continues, symbolizing the ongoing flirtation and his refusal to get emotionally involved, despite being attracted to her physical traits. This part of the song serves as a final reinforcement of the carefree, uncommitted attitude he’s expressing throughout.
Q. Who has sung Mai Sin Trunks song?
A. Mai Sin Trunks song is sung by Beny Jr.
Q. Who wrote Mai Sin Trunks lyrics?
A. Mai Sin Trunks lyrics are penned by Beny Jr.
Q. Who has given the music of Mai Sin Trunks song?
A. Mai Sin Trunks music is composed and produced by Beny Jr.
“This concludes the lyrics of Mai Sin Trunks” by Beny Jr. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.