Kaptur Lyrics – White 2115

Kaptur Lyrics by White 2115 is a latest Polish song in the voice of White 2115. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Kaptur song lyrics are also written by White 2115. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a song about the artist navigating a complicated relationship, blending humor, self-reflection, and a sense of detachment from the world. He talks about wearing a hood, which symbolizes his desire to be offline and shut off from everything, while exploring his feelings for a girl who doesn’t fully get his jokes but still seems to have an impact on him. The song reflects his inner battles, the contrast between his past struggles and present success, and his growing connection with someone who brings both comfort and confusion.

Kaptur Lyrics


[Refren: White 2115]
Ona nie kuma, a się śmieje z moich żartów
Tylko, że to nie żart
Więc mi się pokazała jak ją stworzył Pan Bóg
Widać, że się zna
Nie wejdziesz na głowę, bo na głowie noszę kaptur
Ale możesz usiąść na twarz
Tak żebym ze światem już nie miał kontaktu
Dziś jestem offline

[Zwrotka 1: White 2115]
Przede mną kolorowa, I przede mną ona
Ciekawe która z nich bardziej będzie mi smakować
Nieważne, I tak wezmę je we dwie jak będzie pora
Ostatnio żyłem w piekle, całe szczęście mam anioła
Więc się nie dziw czemu coraz częściej chcę się wyluzować
Kiedyś patrzyłem w gwiazdy, jakbym wcale nie pasował
I marzyłem by stąd uciec, dziś to widzę w Twoich oczach
Wszystkie moje łzy schowałem pod kapturem
Ona ma wielkie serce I nic nie ma pod spodem
Byłem na dnie, zabrałem ją na górę
I w sklepie kupiłem diamentowy pierścionek, yeah

[Refren: White 2115]
Ona nie kuma, a się śmieje z moich żartów
Tylko, że to nie żart
Więc mi się pokazała jak ją stworzył Pan Bóg
Widać, że się zna
Nie wejdziesz na głowę, bo na głowie noszę kaptur
Ale możesz usiąść na twarz
Tak żebym ze światem już nie miał kontaktu
Dziś jestem offline

[Zwrotka 2: Palar]

Kaptur, mam na głowie kaptur
Na bluzie sprany nadruk o tym, że nie ma miłości
Jej wszystkie osobowości stworzyły mój fan club
To platynowa blondi, co nie kuma moich żartów
Skradłem jej uśmiech, jak mam się nie cieszyć?
Wszystkie ważne rzeczy odkładam na później
Jestem w jej guście, bo ta mała uwielbia high fashion
Jestem więźniem swojego losu, skazany na sukces
Zakochany kundel, ze mnie tak, że oddałbym duszę
Chodź na sekundę, ostatni raz teraz Ci zanucę

[Refren: White 2115]
Ona nie kuma, a się śmieje z moich żartów
Tylko, że to nie żart
Więc mi się pokazała jak ją stworzył Pan Bóg
Widać, że się zna
Nie wejdziesz na głowę, bo na głowie noszę kaptur
Ale możesz usiąść na twarz
Tak żebym ze światem już nie miał kontaktu
Dziś jestem offline

White 2115 Songs

Kaptur Lyrics Meaning

In the chorus, the singer reflects on how the girl doesn’t understand his jokes but laughs anyway, which creates a playful but confusing vibe. He mentions that she shows him her true self, which suggests a sense of authenticity. The hood he wears represents his desire to disconnect from the world, going offline and shutting himself off from everything around him, creating a sense of emotional detachment.

[Zwrotka 1]
In the first verse, the artist talks about being surrounded by choices, whether it’s women or experiences, and the idea that he doesn’t really care which one he chooses as long as it happens when the time is right. He reflects on how he’s been through a rough period in his life, comparing it to living in hell, but now he feels he has an angel by his side, which gives him hope. The artist used to dream of escaping his struggles, but now he sees the same potential for escape in the girl’s eyes. He hides his pain and tears under his hood, showing how he guards his emotions. Despite her having a big heart, he feels she might not have much depth. Still, he takes her from the bottom to the top, even buying her a diamond ring, which symbolizes his commitment and love.

The chorus is a recurring reflection on the artist’s feelings of detachment and his struggle with emotional connection. He jokes that the girl doesn’t get his humor, yet laughs at him, which could be seen as her playfulness or just a misunderstanding. His hood becomes a symbol of protection, shielding him from the outside world, making him “offline” and less connected to his surroundings, showing his desire for emotional distance.

[Zwrotka 2]
In the second verse, the artist talks about his signature hood and how he wears it as a part of his persona, while also wearing a worn-out hoodie that symbolizes his cynicism about love. He mentions how the girl has many sides to her personality, almost like she has created a fan club of admirers. She’s a platinum blonde, and although she doesn’t get his humor, she still captivates him. The artist feels like a “puppy” in love, willing to give everything for her, even if he is also bound by fate and success. He’s completely consumed by her, even as he decides to focus on what truly matters.


Q. Who has sung Kaptur song?
A. Kaptur song is sung by White 2115.

Q. Who wrote Kaptur lyrics?
A. Kaptur lyrics are penned by White 2115.

Q. Who has given the music of Kaptur song?
A. Kaptur music is composed and produced by White 2115.

“This concludes the lyrics of Kaptur” by White 2115. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.