Kalafe Lyrics by Vinak is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Vinak. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Kalafe song lyrics are also written by Vinak. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a raw and emotional song about a toxic relationship that has ended. The singer reflects on how the love turned into pain and betrayal, feeling used and abandoned. He expresses frustration with his ex’s behavior, calling them out for selling themselves short and losing their integrity. Despite the hurt, he’s now focused on moving forward, using alcohol and partying to cope. He no longer wants to hear “I love you” or have any connection, as he’s learned from the experience and doesn’t want to go back to the toxic past.
Kalafe Lyrics
[همخوان: آرمین تجنگی]
خودتو ارزان نفروش تو قیمتت بالاس
استراحتِ ریزی بده به اون پاهات
شدی لاشیترین آدم این شهرَ
قلب پاکت خیلی وقته با تنت قهرَ
[قسمت ۱: ویناک]
وینیستون پشت وینیستون
سلامتیت زدم دویست دور
ولی دیگه نمیخوام که باشی
ولی دیگه نمیخوامت لاشی
باز منم و این الکلا
دیگه نیستی که بهم بگی مست کنا
آرامش میخوام از خدا
رفتی چون که خالی بود دست و بالم
یه زخم الان یادگاری از تو دارم
هی پیک میزنم و شبا مست و پارهام
نمیخوام بگی دوست دارم
نمیخوام دیگه باشی با من
به خودت بده استراحت
لااقل زندگی بکن مثل آدم
داداشیات پِی استفادهان
از رابطه میدم استعفا من
[همخوان: رامین تجنگی]
یه سره مرافه دیگه شدم کلافه
ندانستم عشق تو بدتر اَ خلافه
من مثل تو نیستم، بدت رو نمیگم
از تنهایی بمیرم سمت دوستات نمیرم
بیآبروم کردی، بیذات و نامردی
انداختیم گوشهی خانه افتادی با بعدی
شدی لاشی ترین آدم این شهرَ
قلب پاکت خیلی وقت با تنت قهرَ
[قسمت ۲: ویناک]
روزا میکردیم صد بار دعوا
تیر خلاص شد حرفات برام
سر تو رفتم چند سال هوا
چقدر سر تو رفتم اعصاب روان
من دیوونه به تو میگفتم ابدی
نمیدونستم بازیگری رو خیلی خوب بلدی
وقتی مست میکنم میشم خطری
نمیخوام جُرت رو بکشم مثل کمری
[همخوان: رامین تجنگی]
خودتو ارزان نفروش تو قیمتت بالاس
استراحت ریزی بده به او پاهات
دستام نمک نداشتن
منت سرم گذاشت رفت
صدم رو گذاشتم به وقتش پشت پا زد
صدم رو گذاشتم به وقتش پشت پا زد
[قسمت ۳: ویناک]
برداشتم دست از سرت
نیستی جات الکل سگ مصبه
مستیهام ضربدر صده
احتمال درگیری صددرصده
یه شبایی انقدر فکر میکنی نمیخوابی
یه شبایی حالت بده به رو خودت نمیاری
دیگه منو نمیشناسی
لعنتی مگه همینو نمیخواستی
مگه نمیخواستی جدا بشیم، الان شدیم
مهم نی برام که تو میزنی شبا تونی
نمیخوام بخونی برام کری
خونهام یه زندونه که نداره هواخوری
رفتی و کردم زود ترکت
پیِ برنامهای میزنم پوزخند بهت
اسنیف میشه روی چوب خطت
برو تموم شد چوبخطت
[همخوان: رامین تجنگی]
یه سره مرافه دیگه شدم کلافه
ندانستم عشق تو بدتر اَ خلافه
من مثل تو نیستم، بدت رو نمیگم
از تنهایی بمیرم سمت دوستات نمیرم
بیآبروم کردی، بیذات و نامردی
انداختیم گوشهی خانه افتادی با بعدی
شدی لاشی ترین آدم این شهرَ
قلب پاکت خیلی وقت با تنت قهرَ
Vinak Songs
Kalafe Lyrics Meaning
[Chorus (Armin Tajangi)]
The first chorus advises the person not to devalue themselves and sell themselves short, as they are worth much more. The singer tells them to rest and take care of themselves, pointing out how the person has become the lowest of the low in the city. The purity of their heart has long been at odds with their actions.
[Verse 1 (Vinak)]
In this verse, Vinak expresses his pain and disillusionment. He talks about drinking and how his health has been affected by the toxic relationship, yet he no longer wants the person in his life. Despite being hurt, he’s seeking peace and healing. The breakup left him with emotional scars, but he’s determined not to let the person back in. He advises them to take a break and live more responsibly. The singer also reveals that the people around them were just taking advantage of the relationship, and he’s done with it.
[Chorus (Armin Tajangi)]
The second chorus reflects the frustration and exhaustion from the toxic relationship. The singer didn’t realize that the love he experienced was worse than a crime. He refuses to turn to the person’s friends for comfort and won’t die of loneliness. He feels betrayed, humiliated, and deceived. The person has become the worst version of themselves, and their pure heart no longer matches their actions.
[Verse 2 (Vinak)]
Here, Vinak recalls the constant fighting in the relationship, and how it took a toll on his mental health. He spent years arguing, and it drove him crazy. He was deeply in love, thinking it was forever, but he now sees the person was just pretending. The singer also describes how alcohol worsens his state, making him feel dangerous, but he doesn’t want to hurt anyone. His frustration with the relationship is clear, and he’s ready to move on.
[Chorus (Armin Tajangi)]
In this part, the singer emphasizes that his hands were empty and he gave everything in the relationship, but the person let him down. Despite his sacrifices, they turned their back on him when it mattered most. The chorus underscores the betrayal and the bitterness the singer feels as he now wants nothing to do with the person.
[Verse 3 (Vinak)]
In this verse, Vinak expresses that he’s finally done with the person, stating that they no longer matter to him. He has moved on from their emotional grip. He’s no longer seeking their approval, even though he’s hurt. His thoughts keep him awake at night, but he’s firm in his decision to separate. He no longer cares about their actions, and he’s making peace with the fact that it’s over. The house, now empty of the person, feels like a prison to him, and he’s moving on with a sarcastic smile.
[Chorus (Armin Tajangi)]
The final chorus reiterates the frustration, with the singer feeling worn out and betrayed. The love he thought he had turned out to be worse than a crime. He emphasizes that he won’t seek solace from the person’s friends and would rather be alone. The person has lost their integrity, and their heart is no longer pure. The singer is done, having been hurt too much.
Q. Who has sung Kalafe song?
A. Kalafe song is sung by Vinak.
Q. Who wrote Kalafe lyrics?
A. Kalafe lyrics are penned by Vinak.
Q. Who has given the music of Kalafe song?
A. Kalafe music is composed and produced by Vinak.
“This concludes the lyrics of Kalafe” by Vinak. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.