Intro (MATA2040) Lyrics – Mata

Intro (MATA2040) Lyrics by Mata is a latest Polish song in the voice of Mata. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Intro (MATA2040) song lyrics are also written by Mata. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a raw and introspective track where the artist reflects on fame, mental health struggles, and personal battles. Through candid lyrics, he explores themes of depression, addiction, and existential thoughts, mixed with moments of humor and cultural references. Mata addresses societal pressures, his complicated relationship with success, and the isolation that comes with it. The song blends vulnerability with defiance, showcasing his signature wit and unique lyrical style while expressing both regret and resilience. It’s a striking, emotional opening to his album, filled with honesty and self-awareness.

Intro (MATA2040) Lyrics

Czy to ostatnie wakacje, gdy łączę alko I trawkę?
Uczczę to zanim zasnę na zawsze, podaj mi ganję I flaszkę
Na moim grobie mają być trzy striptizerki bez majtek
Graffiti z napisem “swag”, no I pies mojej babci — Kajtek
Czuję to tak naprawdę, jestem, kurwa, abecadłem, yeah
Serio pierdolę rapgrę, dawno już was wszystkich zjadłem
Nie przyzna tego mi wielu, reszta za moim primem tęskni
Niektórzy piszą mi: “cwelu, możesz byś się już powiesił?”
Jebany nawrót depresji, jak do śniadania nie pić?
Jak do kolacji nie palić? Jak nie wpierdalać śmieci?
Szybka dopamina, szybki seks — nie, my nie chcemy dzieci

Wstaję, gdy się robi ciemno, idę spać, gdy słońce świeci
Jebany nawrót depresji — mówię na sukę “Lassie”
Mówią, że od stresu I presji, ale nie chce mi się wierzyć
Miałem dużo wcześniej tak w życiu, jeszcze bez większych przeżyć
Często o poranku myśli o tym, by po prostu nie żyć
Często gdzieś pod wieczór myśli o tym, by się, kurwa, zabić
Często w ciągu dnia myśli o tym, że nic nie potrafisz
Nawet zrobić tego, o czym marzysz, więc po prostu patrzysz
Na ludzi, na cztery ściany I resztę rzeczy martwych
Chcesz po prostu się nie obudzić, bo tak by było łatwiej
Nie pójść na wieki do piekła I wytłumaczyć matce
Utratę jedynego dziecka, chociaż to I tak straszne
Łatwiej jest przepalić genetyczny błąd czy wychowawczy?
Jebany nawrót depresji — w końcu dostałem leki
System mi się trochę zwiesił, mamo, czemu jestem taki?
Nie chciałem robić problemów, przez które rano nie śpisz
Na mojej duszy są plamy, których nie zmyje Persil
Jakie w Twoim sercu są rany? Aż w głowie się nie mieści
Twój syn jest serio pojebany, za normalnym tęsknisz?
Tak, wierz mi, nie było do szczęścia innej ścieżki
Tak, wierz mi, nie uronisz ani jednej łezki już
Węszą spisek masoński, ale nie dali mi szekli
Tylko nos mam żydowski, jak się śmieję, to jest wielki
Jak byłem małym chłopcem, nienawidziłem brukselki
Zaraz lecę do Brukseli — trzeba zrobić tam porządki

Wyjmuję spod wersalki czarne Supreme’a bokserki
Na maturze nie Tuwima, przywołują moje wersy
Może strzeliłeś szczupakiem raz, lecz nie jesteś van Persie
Wiem, że chcecie moich rad, zamiast tego wam dam mainstream
The most famous guy from Poland, mówi o mnie Bjorn, lecz pieprzy głupoty
Ale jeszcze parę lat I będę większy niż Chopin
Popping, Balling dziaram se losowe nuty
I patrzę na Wieżę Eiffla jednym okiem, kiedy skuty
Witam się w za dużym garniturze z Zinédine Zidane
“Wszystko mu załatwił stary”, pisze ktoś — mieszkał u starej ten ktoś
Czemu wszystkich boli praca no I talent
Jak połączysz nie za karę? To, to, też zbierzesz taki plon
Ja nie wierzę w to, że jeszcze daję wiarę — ktoś
Że to ghostwriterowane jest I wykreowane przez kogoś
Mata, buźka uśmiechnięta albo 33, kształt serca — moje logo
Oh, to moje logo
Jestem na to za stary, żeby wyjaśniać skandale
I że harowałem najciężej w klasie, lecz daleko od niej
Jestem na to za stary, by zwiedzać galę o rapie
Jeszcze jak byłem chłopakiem, było mi tam niewygodnie
Jestem na to za stary, by palić pety z fanami
Chociaż nie kochałem nic tak, gdy ratowali mnie ogniem
Lecz ciągle powtarzam “stary”, no bo jest polskim n-wordem
A ja najmłodszym Matczakiem
For life I all-day, yeah

Mata Songs

Intro (MATA2040) Lyrics Meaning

In this verse, Mata begins by contemplating whether this summer will be his last chance to indulge in carefree habits like drinking and smoking. He acknowledges the fleeting nature of youth and the inevitability of change, imagining a darkly humorous scene at his own grave — complete with graffiti, strippers, and his grandmother’s dog, Kajtek. This juxtaposition of life’s trivial pleasures with existential thoughts introduces a recurring theme of blending humor and darkness. His tone suggests defiance against social norms, hinting at his irreverent attitude toward conventional success and morality.

Mata then shifts to addressing his position in the rap industry. He claims to have outperformed his competition long ago, dismissing the rap game with confident indifference. Yet, despite his achievements, he feels that few openly acknowledge his dominance. While some fans long for his earlier work, others express hatred and send him messages urging him to harm himself, highlighting the toxic side of fame. He dives into the mental strain this criticism brings, describing his ongoing struggle with depression. Questions about how to avoid destructive behaviors — drinking at breakfast, smoking before bed, and eating junk food — reveal a battle with addictive coping mechanisms. His erratic sleep cycle, where he wakes at night and sleeps through the day, reflects the chaos within his mind.

As the verse continues, he delves deeper into the weight of his depression, using stark language to convey his recurring thoughts of suicide. He admits to feeling worthless, trapped in a cycle of unfulfilled dreams and self-doubt. The image of staring at walls and lifeless objects symbolizes profound isolation and emotional paralysis. He speaks of a longing for eternal rest, not as an act of defiance, but as a way to escape the burden of living. Yet, he also grapples with the idea of facing his mother after such an act, reflecting guilt and the pain of imagining her heartbreak. This moment of vulnerability highlights the complex web of familial ties and personal suffering.

Mata questions whether his struggles stem from genetics or upbringing, a poignant reflection on the nature-versus-nurture debate. He reveals that he’s finally received medication to manage his depression, but the damage feels irreparable, as if stains have marked his soul that no detergent can clean. He addresses his mother directly, acknowledging her anguish and the emotional scars his life choices have caused. The raw and confessional tone of this segment emphasizes the emotional toll of his mental health struggles, making his experiences deeply relatable.

The verse then shifts to societal commentary, where Mata humorously dismisses conspiracy theories about his success. He mocks anti-Semitic stereotypes and references his prominent nose with self-deprecating humor. This playful sarcasm masks a serious critique of prejudice. He recalls childhood moments of disliking Brussels sprouts and contrasts them with his current plans to “clean up” in Brussels — a metaphor for his ambitions and his need to organize his chaotic life and career. Mata’s clever wordplay and cultural references, including nods to football players and fashion brands, reflect his sharp wit and pop-culture fluency.

Addressing public perceptions of his rise to fame, Mata critiques how people undermine hard work and talent by attributing success to privilege or connections. He questions why people resent the combination of skill and effort, pointing out the inevitable rewards of dedication. His disbelief in the authenticity of some mainstream fame reveals skepticism toward ghostwriting and industry manipulation. Despite this cynicism, he remains fiercely proud of his own lyrical prowess, asserting his identity with his logo — a smiling face or a heart-shaped “33” — symbols that capture both personal and commercial branding.

The closing lines find Mata reflecting on the burdens of fame. He confesses that he’s too weary to explain past scandals or justify his hard work, feeling alienated from the very industry he dominates. He’s also too tired to participate in fan interactions like smoking with admirers, even though such moments once brought him solace. His repeated use of “stary” — a Polish term with meanings similar to “dude” or “man” — acknowledges its controversial undertone, akin to a Polish “n-word.” The verse ends with a mix of resignation and resilience, as Mata, the youngest member of his family, declares his commitment to life and art with the closing phrase “for life I all-day.” This intense, multi-layered verse blends dark introspection, biting satire, and fierce defiance to paint a vivid portrait of fame, mental health, and personal truth.


Q. Who has sung Intro (MATA2040) song?
A. Intro (MATA2040) song is sung by Mata.

Q. Who wrote Intro (MATA2040) lyrics?
A. Intro (MATA2040) lyrics are penned by Mata.

Q. Who has given the music of Intro (MATA2040) song?
A. Intro (MATA2040) music is composed and produced by Mata.

“This concludes the lyrics of Intro (MATA2040)” by Mata. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.