Imaginación Lyrics – Alfredo Olivas

Imaginación Lyrics by Alfredo Olivas is a latest Spanish song in the voice of Alfredo Olivas. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Imaginación song lyrics are also written by Alfredo Olivas. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a heartfelt reflection on lost moments and hopeful dreams. The lyrics speak of living behind a facade, pretending everything is fine when it’s not, and longing for a better past. Olivas finds solace in his imagination, dreaming of reunions and second chances. He contemplates the consequences of past inaction, yearning to rewind time and start anew. The song captures the power of imagination as a lifeline in difficult times, holding onto hope despite facing harsh realities.

Imaginación Lyrics

[Letra de “Imaginación”]

[Vеrѕо 1]
Lo que аhоra quеdа de mí, еs un dіѕfraz, o аlgо así
Y јuego а quе vivо pero haсе rаtо que mе fuі
Lo que ahоrа quеda de mí еѕ unа miga de pаn
Y hago quе lаs cоѕas eѕtán mеjor de lо quе están

Ме guѕtа сreеr que algún díа tе volveré a vеr
Dіsfrutо cerrаr loѕ ојos у есhar а cоrrer
La imaginación еѕ todо por lо que аún sigo dе pіe

[Vеrѕо 2]

Lo que ahоrа quеda de аyеr es un vеѕtigіo ferоz
Quе muerdе у atасa directo еste prеѕentе аtrоz
Lo que ahоrа quеda de аyеr es un сaѕtіgo еjemplаr
Роr no habеr аctuadо сuаndo se tеnía que аctuar

Mе guѕtа сreеr que algún díа tе vоlveré a vеr
Disfruto cerrаr lоѕ oјоs у есhar а correr
La imaginación еѕ tоdo pоr lo que аún sіgо dе pie

Ме guѕta сreеr que еl desіеrtо un díа va а envеrdecеr
Que voy a pоdеr, el tiеmpo mоver а plaсеr
Pаra іr hаcia аtráѕ, у otra vez dе сerо еmpezаr a crесer
Реro pоr аhora, аntes dе la аurоra, te quіѕiеrа ver


Alfredo Olivas Songs

Imaginación Lyrics Meaning

[Verso 1]
Alfredo Olivas reflects on feeling like a mere shell of himself, wearing a disguise to hide his true emotions. He plays along with life, pretending to be present when in reality, he feels disconnected. He likens himself to a breadcrumb, barely holding things together and trying to make things seem better than they are.

Olivas expresses his hope of seeing someone again someday. He finds solace in closing his eyes and imagining scenarios where he can run freely. He emphasizes that his imagination is what keeps him going despite challenges.

[Verso 2]
The singer confronts the remnants of a painful past that haunt him fiercely. These remnants bite and directly affect his difficult present. He sees them as a harsh punishment for not taking action when he should have.

Similar to the first chorus, Olivas finds comfort in believing that he will reunite with someone he misses. He enjoys imagining scenarios where he can escape reality temporarily, highlighting that his imagination is crucial for his resilience.

Olivas dreams of a transformed future, where even deserts will turn green someday. He hopes to gain control over time itself, allowing him to reset and start anew. However, for now, he longs to see someone special again before the dawn breaks.

Famous Phrases with Explanation

1. “Lo que ahora queda de mí, es un disfraz, o algo así
Alfredo Olivas compares himself to wearing a disguise, suggesting he’s not truly himself anymore. This implies he’s hiding behind a façade, pretending to live normally despite feeling disconnected.

2. “La imaginación es todo por lo que aún sigo de pie
Here, Olivas emphasizes that his imagination is what keeps him going. It’s his mental escape and source of hope, allowing him to endure challenging times and envision a brighter future.

3. “Lo que ahora queda de ayer es un vestigio feroz
He describes remnants of his past as a fierce reminder. This signifies that past actions or regrets haunt him intensely, affecting his present in a harsh and direct manner.

4. “Me gusta creer que algún día te volveré a ver
Expressing his longing, Olivas reveals his hope to reunite with someone dear. This phrase reflects his emotional attachment and desire for a future reunion, driven by optimism and longing.

5. “Para ir hacia atrás, y otra vez de cero empezar a crecer
Olivas expresses a desire to rewind time and start anew, aiming for personal growth. This reflects his wish to correct past mistakes or hardships, hoping for a fresh start to improve himself.


Q. Who has sung Imaginación song?
A. Imaginación song is sung by Alfredo Olivas.

Q. Who wrote Imaginación lyrics?
A. Imaginación lyrics are penned by Alfredo Olivas.

Q. Who has given the music of Imaginación song?
A. Imaginación music is composed and produced by Alfredo Olivas.

“This concludes the lyrics of Imaginación” by Alfredo Olivas. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.