Haz de necaz Lyrics – Bitză, Ombladon, El Nino

Haz de necaz Lyrics by Bitză, Ombladon, El Nino is a latest Romanian song in the voices of Bitză, Ombladon, El Nino. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Haz De Necaz song lyrics are also written by Bitză, Ombladon, El Nino. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. The song *Haz de necaz* by Bitză, Ombladon, and El Nino is a playful, rebellious anthem about finding humor in tough situations and laughing at life’s absurdities. The lyrics depict scenes of dodging the police, partying hard, and embracing a carefree, reckless lifestyle despite its consequences. With vivid imagery, witty wordplay, and a gritty, streetwise vibe, the song captures the spirit of making the best out of chaos—turning trouble into humor even when things go sideways. It’s a cheeky, energetic track with a sharp mix of humor and social commentary.

Haz de necaz Lyrics

[Strofa 1: Bitză & Ombladon]
Cu iarba-n buzunare fug de gardă pe trotuare
Nu vreau să mai văd procese verbal
aborii scot foi, pixuri, stilouri
Eu rād cum rāde Stevie Wonder la tablouri
Ce să fac? I don’t give a fu*k
Fac haz de necaz cānd viața-i de căcat, ayy
Mi-a zis dealer-u’ că bag mai mult ca el
“Păi dac-ai toată Jamaica-n portofel”
Planu’ meu la vară (Woo)
E să fiu praf la scară
Toți ne spun ca și cum nu știm

Alcoolu’ ne ucide lent, da’ nu ne grăbim
Vreau să bag la Mc meniu’ Happy End
Aș sorta un G după un fum īn piept (Ooh)
Acum pe bune
Nu vă grăbiți să vă-nsurați că ne lăsați fără curve

[Refren: Bitză, Ombladon, Bitză & Ombladon]
Haz de necaz cānd nu merge treaba
Haz de necaz cānd ne toarnă garda
Haz de necaz īn duba miliției
Se zguduie ca clubu’ că-i vai morții ei
Haz de necaz cānd nu merge treaba
Haz de necaz cānd ne toarnă garda
Haz de necaz īn duba miliției
Se zguduie ca clubu’ că-i vai morții ei

[Strofa 2: Ombladon, Bitză, Ombladon & Bitză]
Intru-n club, e plin, e plin de ursuze, īmi cer scuze
Că eu-s pornit pe porno, le dau buzna-n buze
(??) īn Dacie, merg īnțepat, Versace (No, no, no)
Ca heroinoșii, aranjat la patru ace
Alcool să curgă, că lumea se descurcă
Una-mi vorbește, eu īnțeleg ba-n romānă, ba-n turcă
Și jur că mai nou parcă-i cāmp de luptă (Ooh)
Băieți cu băieți, fete cu fete, nimic nu se pupă

Asta-mi dă de furcă, belesc ochii ca prin lupă
Da’ nu-i nimic, merg și borăsc la shaorma după (O, vai)
Dețin rețeta succesului din patru linii
Apoi dacă pocnesc din degete, hop, le cad bikini
Am joint-u’ perfect, lumea se uită suspect
Mă mișc pe beat-uri īncet, parc-am Sindromu’ Tourette
Apare-un gabor șiret, pare că știe ceva
Eu nu-ți dau iarba mea, baș că-mi bag pula-n basca ta

[Refren: Bitză, Ombladon, Bitză & Ombladon]
Haz de necaz cānd nu merge treaba
Haz de necaz cānd ne toarnă garda
Haz de necaz īn duba miliției
Se zguduie ca clubu’ că-i vai morții ei
Haz de necaz cānd nu merge treaba
Haz de necaz cānd ne toarnă garda
Haz de necaz īn duba miliției
Se zguduie ca clubu’ că-i vai morții ei

[Strofa 3: El Nino]
La mine a rămas doar hazu’, am dat viteză la necaz
Și-am un chef de viață, parcă sunt scăpat din Alcatraz
Una-două-trei-patru sticle, mi-am făcut talentu’
Aș zice să ne facem praf, o mānă-n aer cine-i pentru?
Să-mi pun un gram īn joint, să īmi zboare căpățāna
Am trăit vreo zece vieți, unii n-au trăit niciuna
Dau foc la mahoarcă, se ridică fum la cer
Torn o bere-ntr-un pahar, ține-o chill la frigider
Spumă de două degete, așa m-a-nvățat tata
Nu ratez niciun apel de zici că am făcut armata
Cad lat, gata, īmi revin īn cinci minute
Nu vă faceți griji, băiatu’ duce mereu doișpe runde
Am o b0mbă pregătită īn caz că pică ceva nou
Dacă mă vezi mort de beat, dau petrecere-n cavou
Am 37 de ani, vă invit la majorat
Știu să pun bine-n pahare, nu mă pricep la turnat

[Refren: Bitză, Ombladon, Bitză & Ombladon]
Haz de necaz cānd nu merge treaba
Haz de necaz cānd ne toarnă garda
Haz de necaz īn duba miliției
Se zguduie ca clubu’ că-i vai morții ei
Haz de necaz cānd nu merge treaba
Haz de necaz cānd ne toarnă garda
Haz de necaz īn duba miliției
Se zguduie ca clubu’ că-i vai morții ei

Haz de necaz Lyrics Meaning

[Strofa 1 (Bitză & Ombladon)]
This verse paints a picture of rebellious fun and defiance against singerity. The singer talks about fleeing from the police while carrying weed, making light of their relentless paperwork with a humorous reference to Stevie Wonder. His carefree attitude (“I don’t give a f[*”) underscores how humor helps him cope with life’s difficulties. Even when warned about overindulgence, he jokes about having Jamaica in his wallet. His summer plans involve being completely laid back, disregarding warnings about the dangers of alcohol. He humorously advises against settling down too soon, as it would spoil the fun of bachelorhood.

The chorus emphasizes making light of trouble whenever life goes awry. Whether it’s dealing with snitches or getting hauled into a police van that shakes like a nightclub, the tone remains cheeky and irreverent. The repetitive hook captures the spirit of defiance and humor as a way of dealing with adversity.

[Strofa 2 (Ombladon & Bitză)]
This verse dives into wild nightlife scenes. The singer crashes into a club filled with unimpressed people, unapologetically bringing an explicit vibe. His exaggerated sense of style and swagger mirrors the absurdity of trying to look fancy in mundane settings. Alcohol flows freely, and language barriers blur as everyone struggles to connect in a chaotic environment. The verse humorously highlights gender mismatches and awkward encounters, leading to a drunken fast-food trip. He boasts of having the “recipe for success,” indulging in vices that raise suspicion. His movements, influenced by a perfect joint and a playful nod to Tourette’s, blend mischief with music. A crafty cop appears, but the singer maintains his defiant stance, refusing to surrender his weed.

The chorus returns with its playful mockery of misfortune. It repeats the same carefree stance—laughing at trouble, whether it’s from bad luck or police interference, as the van shakes like a rowdy club.

[Strofa 3 (El Nino)]
This verse adds depth with reflections on living fast and embracing chaos. The singer speaks of leaving troubles behind while clinging to a zest for life as if escaping from prison. He describes carefree drinking, smoking, and reveling, urging everyone to join the fun. A sense of having lived many lives contrasts with those who’ve missed out. He evokes vivid imagery of smoke rising, beer foam, and life lessons passed down from his father. His resilience shines as he bounces back from every fall, ready for more rounds of life’s madness. Even death is a joke, as he plans a party in the afterlife. At 37, he invites listeners to celebrate like it’s a coming-of-age milestone, humorously downplaying his skills with drinks while thriving in debauchery.

The chorus wraps up with its signature playful defiance. It reiterates the joy of laughing at setbacks and staying lighthearted, even when life or the law seems determined to drag you down.


Q. Who has sung Haz de necaz song?
A. Haz de necaz song is sung by Bitză, Ombladon, El Nino.

Q. Who wrote Haz de necaz lyrics?
A. Haz de necaz lyrics are penned by Bitză, Ombladon, El Nino.

Q. Who has given the music of Haz de necaz song?
A. Haz de necaz music is composed and produced by Bitză, Ombladon, El Nino.

“This concludes the lyrics of Haz de necaz” by Bitză, Ombladon, El Nino. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.