Gözlerinden Gözlerine Lyrics – Semicenk

Gözlerinden Gözlerine Lyrics by Semicenk is a latest Turkish song in the voice of Semicenk. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Gözlerinden Gözlerine song lyrics are also written by Semicenk. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. The song It is about a deep and intense love that transcends all obstacles. The lyrics express a passionate desire to be with someone despite challenges and hurtful words. The singer’s heart burns with love, willing to fall from great heights just to connect with the person they adore. Love is portrayed as fearless and unwavering, even in the face of pain. The song captures the feeling of being consumed by love and refusing to let go, no matter the hardships that come along the way.

Gözlerinden Gözlerine Lyrics

Bak, yanıyor bak içimde, taşıyor kalbimden
Düşerim yüksekten gözlerinden gözlerine
Aşk tanımaz engellerini, zehir olsa sözlerini
İçerim, vazgeçmem seni sevmekten
Bak, yanıyor bak içimde, taşıyor kalbimden
Düşerim yüksekten gözlerinden gözlerine
Aşk tanımaz engellerini, zehir olsa sözlerini
İçerim, vazgeçmem seni sevmekten


Rüzgâr beni savursun, bırak onları konuşsun
Alçaklarda gönlüm, yüksekten uçanları doyursun
Gözü doysun, biliyorsun
Kaybolan bu düşlerimde yolunu bulan mavzeri doldursun
Çekip vursun, kurşunlar ger göğsüme dolsun
Bir mazlumun ahında bin zalimin yüzü solsun

Bak, yanıyor bak içimde, taşıyor kalbimden
Düşerim yüksekten gözlerinden gözlerine
Aşk tanımaz engellerini, zehir olsa sözlerini
İçerim, vazgeçmem seni sevmekten
Bak, yanıyor bak içimde, taşıyor kalbimden
Düşerim yüksekten gözlerinden gözlerine
Aşk tanımaz engellerini, zehir olsa sözlerini
İçerim, vazgeçmem seni sevmekten


Gözlerinden Gözlerine Lyrics Meaning

In this part, the singer is expressing a burning passion inside them, saying that their heart is full of love. They’re willing to fall from great heights just to feel connected with the person they love. Love, to them, has no boundaries; even if harsh words come their way, they will endure it and never stop loving. They are determined and unshaken by any obstacles.

Here, the singer talks about letting the wind carry them away, while ignoring the opinions of others. Their heart, humble and grounded, feeds the desires of those soaring high. There’s a sense of defiance and longing as the singer describes a dream world where they wish for a powerful, almost violent justice, imagining a world where the wrongdoers are punished, and the cries of the oppressed are heard.

The meaning here is quite similar to the first chorus. The singer once again describes a burning passion inside their heart, willing to fall from heights for love. Love is seen as something that overcomes all obstacles, even the poisonous words thrown at them. They remain firm in their devotion and refuse to give up on loving the person, no matter what.


Q. Who has sung Gözlerinden Gözlerine song?
A. Gözlerinden Gözlerine song is sung by Semicenk.

Q. Who wrote Gözlerinden Gözlerine lyrics?
A. Gözlerinden Gözlerine lyrics are penned by Semicenk.

Q. Who has given the music of Gözlerinden Gözlerine song?
A. Gözlerinden Gözlerine music is composed and produced by Semicenk.

“This concludes the lyrics of Gözlerinden Gözlerine” by Semicenk. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.