Ftgb Lyrics – Ayra Starr

Ftgb Lyrics by Ayra Starr is a latest English song in the voice of Ayra Starr. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Ftgb song lyrics are also written by Ayra Starr. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. *Ftgb* by Ayra Starr is all about real, unconditional love in a world where people often fake their feelings. She reassures her love interest that while others may pretend, her love and care are genuine. She promises to be their best friend, biggest supporter, and someone they can always rely on. The song carries a vibe of deep commitment, telling the person that they deserve true love, and she’s ready to give them 100%, no half-measures. It’s a sweet, heartfelt anthem about loving someone wholeheartedly, without holding back.

Ftgb Lyrics

All the love
All the care
Them dey fake am normally o
Don’t be hard
Baby give in
I go love you specially o
All the love
All the care
Them dey fake am normally o
Don’t be hard
Baby give in

I go love you specially o

But one thing is certain
I’ll be that person
Wey go be your shoulder buddy bestie anything
Your type no many
They are not ready
I go give you 100 percent
Never no 90
More than anything
Kpelu quality
You are deserving of the love you are not getting
I’ll take the liberty
And I go love you specially o

All the love
All the care
Them dey fake am normally o
Don’t be hard
Baby give in
I go love you specially o o
All the love

All the care
Them dey fake am normally o

Ayra Starr Songs

Ftgb Lyrics Meaning

Ayra Starr is saying that in today’s world, a lot of people fake love and care—they don’t really mean it. But she’s different. She’s telling her love interest not to be guarded or resistant because she’s offering something real. She wants them to trust her, let their guard down, and accept the genuine love she’s ready to give, something special and true.

She reassures her partner that she will always be there—whether as a best friend, a shoulder to lean on, or anything they need. She recognizes that finding someone like them is rare and that others may not appreciate them the way she does. But she’s ready to give her all—100%, no half-hearted effort. She promises a love that’s not just deep but also high-quality, the kind they truly deserve. She won’t wait for permission; she’ll take the initiative to love them fully and unconditionally.

She repeats the message that most people pretend to care, but she’s different. She encourages her partner not to resist but to open up and accept her genuine, unconditional love. She emphasizes that her love is special and not like the fake kind they might have experienced before.


Q. Who has sung Ftgb song?
A. Ftgb song is sung by Ayra Starr.

Q. Who wrote Ftgb lyrics?
A. Ftgb lyrics are penned by Ayra Starr.

Q. Who has given the music of Ftgb song?
A. Ftgb music is composed and produced by Ayra Starr.

“This concludes the lyrics of Ftgb” by Ayra Starr. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.