Fool Lyrics – Vulvarine

Fool Lyrics by Vulvarine is a latest English song in the voice of Vulvarine. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Fool song lyrics are also written by Vulvarine. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It captures the struggle of living up to societal and family expectations. The song tells the story of someone who has done everything “right” — getting a degree, excelling in their job, and being the perfect child — but still feels lost and disconnected. Despite achieving all these milestones, they feel confused, pressured, and trapped in a life that doesn’t feel true to who they are. The lyrics highlight the internal battle between following the path others have set and breaking free to find personal fulfillment, ultimately questioning the value of external success.

Fool Lyrics

Here you are
Did everything right
You are your mom and daddy’s
Favorite child

You’ve been protected
By all of their means
You’ve been directed
No in-betweens

Rack your brain
You’re obsessed

Wreck your nerves
No time to rest

You’ve been selected
To fit their schemes
Just like expected

But every now and then you feel so blue
Don’t know who you are
Your world’s so confused
They feed you lies and you don’t
Wanna live the life of a fool

Yeah every now and then you feel so blue
Don’t know who you are
What you should do
We don’t care about your name
How much you earn
And whom you rule

You bloody fool

Went to school
Got a master’s degree
Now you’re the

Company’s best employee

You’ve been elected
What a relief
Your life perfected

But every now and then you feel so blue
Don’t know who you are
Your world’s so confused
They feed you lies and you don’t
Wanna live the life of a fool

Yeah, every now and then you feel so blue
Don’t know who you are
What you should do
We don’t care about your name
How much you earn
And whom you rule

Racing to blend
Where does it end?
You won’t get to live your life again
Is this what you want?
Is this all you’ve got?

Yeah, every now and then you feel so blue
Don’t know who you are
Your world’s so confused
They feed you lies and you don’t
Wanna live the life of a fool

Yeah, every now and then you feel so blue
Don’t know who you are
What you should do
We don’t care about your name
How much you earn
And whom you rule
You bloody fool

Fool Lyrics Meaning

The song dives into the life of someone who’s always followed the rules and done everything “right.” They were the perfect child, adored by their parents, always protected and guided without much room to explore their own path. Their life was carefully planned out, and they never had the chance to figure things out on their own. Instead of making choices for themselves, they were shaped to fit into a specific mold, leaving no space for individuality.

As they grow older, cracks start to form in this picture-perfect life. Despite their achievements, something feels off. They start questioning their identity, feeling lost and confused. Everything they were told about success and happiness doesn’t seem to add up. The song suggests that society and the people around them have been feeding them lies about what a “good life” looks like. Deep down, they don’t want to be just another person blindly following expectations—they don’t want to be a fool.

Their journey continues, and they go through the motions: getting a degree, landing a great job, climbing the corporate ladder. From the outside, it looks like they have it all, but that empty feeling lingers. They’ve done everything that was expected of them, but they still don’t know who they are or what truly makes them happy. The song emphasizes that things like money, status, or power don’t really define a person.

Towards the end, the song questions the point of constantly chasing after what society deems as success. Is this really the life they want? Will they ever get a second chance to live differently? It’s a wake-up call—urging them to stop, think, and break free before it’s too late.


Q. Who has sung Fool song?
A. Fool song is sung by Vulvarine.

Q. Who wrote Fool lyrics?
A. Fool lyrics are penned by Vulvarine.

Q. Who has given the music of Fool song?
A. Fool music is composed and produced by Vulvarine.

“This concludes the lyrics of Fool” by Vulvarine. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.