Épilogue Lyrics – Youssef Swatts

Épilogue Lyrics by Youssef Swatts is a latest French song in the voice of Youssef Swatts. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Épilogue song lyrics are also written by Youssef Swatts. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In It, the artist reflects on his journey from struggle to success. He talks about his dreams and the challenges he faced along the way, from being broke and uncertain to gaining recognition. There’s a sense of triumph, but also a deep awareness of how quickly things can change. He shares his commitment to staying true to himself and honors his past, despite the pressures of success. The track captures a mix of nostalgia, pride, and the weight of expectations, all while hinting that his journey is just beginning.

Épilogue Lyrics

[Couplet 1]
J’vois mes rêves qui défilent par la fenêtre
On n’y croyait plus, on finit par le faire
Cette année c’est la mienne, j’ai une revanche à prendre
Vous allez le comprendre quand la salle sera pleine
Ça peut redescendre tellement vite
Alors je rappe comme au début, comme quand la salle était vide
Un nouvel épisode, qui aurait cru qu’on irait jusque là
Putain, même moi, je croyais pas en moi
Ma mélancolie va faire de l’audimat
Mais aucun chèque pourra m’payer l’anonymat
Quand j’avais treize ans, c’était déjà stressant

Mais là ça me dépasse, j’profite même pas du moment présent
J’étais fauché, pas très loin du fossé
Amoureux d’une fille, j’pouvais pas lui payer un café
P’t’être que l’destin voulait m’tester
J’avais beau avoir la foi, j’ai quand même fini par le détester

Au creux de ses paupières
Petit garçon solitaire
Fabriquait de jolis rêves
Je serai toujours aussi vrai
Tant que la mélancolie reste

[Couplet 2]
Ma vie, maintenant ils connaissent
J’m’étais juré de rendre fière ma mère
Et j’ai tenu ma promesse
J’ai tellement attendu mon tour
Nouvel épisode, nouveau jour
Nouveaux doutes, nouvelles questions
J’essaie d’encaisser la pression
Le succès, ça peut faire perdre la raison
Et on a beau s’y préparer
Y’a pas d’retour en arrière
Ce sera plus jamais pareil

Nan y’a plus d’retour en arrière
J’vais péter les barrières
Quand j’rappe, tu sens la rage
En hommage à toutes nos galères
On est sortis du grenier
Frérot, j’suis la preuve vivante que les derniers seront les premiers
Cette année c’est la mienne, j’avais rien à gagner
Maintenant j’ai plus rien à perdre
J’avais une chance sur mille que la musique me sauve de ce désordre
J’venais de tellement loin, tellement loin j’connaissais personne
Autour de moi, ils disent tous que j’en suis capable
Mais chaque encouragement c’est comme une brique dans mon cartable
L’album arrive, cet EP n’est qu’un épilogue
La suite au prochain épisode

Autour de moi ils disent tous que j’en suis capable
Mais chaque encouragement c’est comme une brique dans mon cartable
L’album arrive, cet EP n’est qu’un épilogue
La suite au prochain épisode

Au creux de ses paupières
Petit garçon solitaire
Fabriquait de jolis rêves
Je serai toujours aussi vrai
Tant que la mélancolie reste

Épilogue Lyrics Meaning

[Couplet 1]
In the first verse, Youssef reflects on his journey of chasing his dreams. He remembers a time when others doubted him, and even he wasn’t sure if he could make it, but now he’s on the path to success. This year feels like his time, and he’s determined to prove everyone wrong. He acknowledges that things can change quickly, and he’s staying grounded by rapping with the same passion as when he first started, even when the crowds were small. Looking back, he never imagined he’d reach this point. He admits to struggling with self-doubt and facing tough times, like not having enough money or being able to afford simple things. His past challenges, including his youthful struggles with love and finances, shaped him, and he sees these experiences as tests from destiny. Even with faith, the journey has been tough, leaving him with mixed feelings about his past. The verse captures his growth from humble beginnings, showing the contrast between his earlier hardships and his present success.

In the refrain, the lyrics evoke a sense of nostalgia and vulnerability. The “little boy” is dreaming and reflecting on the past while staying true to himself. His melancholy, though painful, remains a part of him, guiding his authenticity.

[Couplet 2]
The second verse focuses on Youssef’s current reality and the pressure of success. His life is no longer a secret, and he’s made his mother proud by keeping a promise to her. He’s worked hard for his moment, but with success comes a new set of doubts and questions. He’s trying to handle the pressure, understanding that fame can lead to a loss of oneself if not managed well. There’s no turning back now; his life is changed forever. He feels determined to break barriers and uses his music as an outlet for all the struggles he’s faced. He acknowledges that his rise to success was not easy, and his story is proof that those who are overlooked can rise to the top. His journey, from being broke and unknown to now having everything to gain, shows the power of persistence. The odds were against him, but he pushed through, and the encouragement he gets from others feels both uplifting and heavy. He’s now ready for the next chapter, with his EP being just the beginning before the bigger album comes.

In this bridge, Youssef reflects on the encouragement he receives from others, but he feels the weight of it. Each supportive word feels like added pressure, as he’s now expected to succeed. His EP is just a prelude to the bigger things to come.

The refrain repeats the earlier theme of vulnerability, with the “little boy” crafting dreams despite the solitude. It emphasizes staying true to himself, with the constant presence of melancholy fueling his authenticity.


Q. Who has sung Épilogue song?
A. Épilogue song is sung by Youssef Swatts.

Q. Who wrote Épilogue lyrics?
A. Épilogue lyrics are penned by Youssef Swatts.

Q. Who has given the music of Épilogue song?
A. Épilogue music is composed and produced by Youssef Swatts.

“This concludes the lyrics of Épilogue” by Youssef Swatts. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.