EPANO STO TRAPEZI Lyrics by Marina Satti is a latest Greek song. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Epano Sto Trapezi song lyrics are also written by Marina Satti. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Epano Sto Trapezi by Marina Satti is a vibrant and intense song that captures the chaotic feeling of modern life. The lyrics describe a sense of panic and emotional turmoil, as the singer’s body reacts to the overwhelming stress. The imagery of spilling a drink on the table and feeling like a wreck echoes the feeling of being out of control. At the same time, the song reflects a deeper frustration with society’s obsession with superficial distractions, from reality shows to war coverage. There’s a longing for escape, symbolized by a butterfly flying away, offering a sense of fleeting freedom.
Πανικός με πιάνει, το κορμί μου παίζει
Πάνω στο τραπέζι
[Στίχος 1]
Θέλω κι’ άλλα, παρακάλια
Comedy show, ειδήσεις ώρα εννιά
Κλείσ’ το στόμα κι’ άνοιξε τα μάτια
Panic attack, γίνομαι κομμάτια
Πανικός με πιάνει, το κορμί μου παίζει
Χύνω το ποτό μου στο τραπέζι
Πάνω στο τραπέζι
(Buck, buck, bu-u-uck) Πάνω στο τραπέζι
Buck it up
Buck it up, buck it up, buck it up
Buck it up, buck it up, buck it up
Buck it up, buck it up, buck it up
[Στίχος 2]
Κα-κανένας δεν μιλάει, σ’ άλλο κανάλι πάει
Κάτι να δει να φάει, τον πόλεμο κοιτάει
Το αίμα για νερό διψάει, ντρέπομαι και πως πονάει
Πες μου, πόσο κρατάει; Όσο αυτό κρατάει
Panic attack
Πανικός με πιάνει, το κορμί μου παίζει
Χύνω το ποτό μου στο τραπέζι
Χύνω το ποτό μου στο τραπέζι
Πανικός με πιάνει, το κορμί μου παίζει
Πάνω στο τραπέζι
Μια πεταλούδα μακριά
Σκεπάζει το ξημέρωμα
Με ένα φτερούγισμά της
Μαγικά πάνω από τα κύματα
Σύννεφα, σα ζωγραφιά
I’m a wreck-walker
I guess I’m a butterfly
[Στίχος 3]
Μεσ’ τη λούπα, μέσα στη γυάλα
Τα ‘χουν όλα, μα θέλουν κι άλλα
Μεσ’ τη στη λούπα, μέσα στη γυάλα
Τα ‘χουν όλα, μα θέλουν κι άλλα
Πανικός με πιάνει, το κορμί μου παίζει
Χύνω το ποτό μου στο τραπέζι
Πανικός με πιάνει, το κορμί μου παίζει
Πάνω στο τραπέζι
The introduction expresses a sudden feeling of panic and restlessness, where the singer’s body moves uncontrollably, symbolized by spilling a drink on the table, hinting at emotional chaos.
[Στίχος 1]
The singer expresses a craving for more—more entertainment, more distractions like comedy shows and news, but at the same time, there’s a plea to open their eyes to reality as they deal with a panic attack and emotional breakdown.
In this part, the panic grows stronger, with the singer’s body reacting to the overwhelming emotions. They spill their drink again, representing the chaos and loss of control in their mind, as they try to cope with their feelings.
The repeated phrase “Buck it up” is an attempt to encourage resilience and push through the panic, even though the situation feels chaotic and out of control. It suggests trying to keep going despite everything falling apart.
[Στίχος 2]
The verse paints a picture of societal numbness, where people turn their attention to trivial distractions like food or war on TV, ignoring the deeper pain and suffering around them. There’s a sense of shame and helplessness as the singer questions how long this can last.
The panic and chaos continue to escalate, as the singer’s body reacts uncontrollably again, spilling their drink on the table. This highlights the overwhelming feeling of being trapped in a cycle of anxiety and frustration.
The bridge introduces a more introspective and symbolic moment, with the butterfly representing a longing for freedom. It contrasts the chaos by imagining a peaceful escape, symbolized by the butterfly’s magical flight over waves and clouds.
[Στίχος 3]
This verse reflects the sense of being trapped in a loop, stuck in a glass bowl, where people have everything they need but still desire more. It speaks to the emptiness of consumerism and the constant search for more, despite having it all.
The song closes with a return to the panic and restlessness. The drink is spilled once again, representing the ongoing emotional turmoil and the inability to control the inner chaos, echoing the feelings from the start.
Q. Who has sung EPANO STO TRAPEZI song?
A. EPANO STO TRAPEZI song is sung by Marina Satti.
Q. Who wrote EPANO STO TRAPEZI lyrics?
A. EPANO STO TRAPEZI lyrics are penned by Marina Satti.
Q. Who has given the music of EPANO STO TRAPEZI song?
A. EPANO STO TRAPEZI music is composed and produced by Marina Satti.
“This concludes the lyrics of EPANO STO TRAPEZI” by Marina Satti. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.