Doctor – دكتور Lyrics – Al Shami – الشامي

Doctor – دكتور Lyrics by Al Shami – الشامي is a latest Arabic song in the voice of Al Shami – الشامي. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Doctor – دكتور song lyrics are also written by Al Shami – الشامي. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In *Doctor* by Al Shami (الشامي), the singer pours his heart out about the pain of betrayal and lost trust. He once believed his partner was a source of strength, but their words proved empty, leaving him hurt and wary of love. He likens his emotional wounds to a sickness needing a doctor, yet the warmth in his heart has turned cold. The song uses powerful imagery of falling from a trusted place and being filled with bitterness instead of affection. Its passionate lyrics and haunting melody capture the anguish of love turned sour.

Doctor – دكتور Lyrics

ظنيتك سند ما بميل
بعد كل الكلام شو يلي
ما أتى منك غير حكي
لا إنتِ يسار ولا يمين

[المقطع الأول]
خايف أنا من القرب
خايف من دقة القلب
لا أنك رفيقة درب
ولا حتى عابر سبيل
وينك من الإعراب

يا بعيدة ومن القراب
فاعل ومفعول فيي
يا عيوني هي حرب حباب

[قبل اللازمة]
رميتني من حصاني ويا ميمي أنا خيال
خابوا كل ظناني ويا ويله شو خوان
رميتني من حصاني ويا ميمي أنا خيال
خابوا كل ظناني ويا ويله شو خوان
يلا، يلا

دكتور بيا الوجع
راح ما ليا رجع
والنور بيا إنطفى
حنون وماليني جفا
دكتور بيا الوجع
راح ما ليا رجع
والنور بيا إنطفى
حنون وماليني جفا

[المقطع الثاني]
والعين مراية يا روحي
والقلب حان غياره
أزرع حجر بأحشائه

شو خبى كذب بتيابه
والعين مراية يا روحي
والقلب حان غياره
أزرع حجر بأحشائه
شو خبى كذب بتيابه

[المقطع الثالث]
ولك روح الله لا يردك
والسما تشهد لك
ما سبقك حدا يوم يا خوان
ولك روح الله لا يردك
ترجع لي تترجى
ما تفوت قلبي بيوم يا خوان

[قبل اللازمة]
رميتني من حصاني ويا ميمي أنا خيال
خابوا كل ظناني ويا ويله شو خوان
رميتني من حصاني ويا ميمي أنا خيال
خابوا كل ظناني ويا ويله شو خوان

دكتور بيا الوجع
راح ما ليا رجع
والنور بيا إنطفى
حنون وماليني جفا
دكتور بيا الوجع
راح ما ليا رجع
والنور بيا إنطفى
حنون وماليني جفا

Doctor – دكتور Lyrics Meaning

The singer expresses his disappointment, revealing that he thought his partner was his unshakable support. However, after all the words and promises, nothing real came from them. He sees no clear direction in the relationship, feeling lost.

[المقطع الأول]
He confesses his fear of getting close and letting his heart beat for someone who was neither a companion nor even a passing stranger. He questions their role in his life, likening the relationship to a chaotic struggle of emotions, where he was manipulated and affected deeply.

[قبل اللازمة]
The metaphor of falling from his horse represents a loss of dignity and trust. His high hopes were shattered, and he feels deceived by someone he trusted deeply. The repetition highlights his regret and bitterness over misplaced beliefs.

He cries out in emotional pain, comparing his suffering to an illness that no doctor can heal. The light inside him has dimmed, and while his partner once seemed caring, they are now a source of coldness and hurt.

[المقطع الثاني]
The eyes, described as mirrors, reflect the truth, while the heart needs a replacement due to the emotional burden. He metaphorically plants stones inside his heart, showing how lies and deceit have hardened him, leaving no room for softness.

[المقطع الثالث]
Here, he curses his betrayer, wishing they never return. Even if they beg to come back, he vows they will never re-enter his heart. He emphasizes the unmatched level of their betrayal, witnessed even by the heavens.

[قبل اللازمة]
The repetition of falling from the horse reinforces his profound sense of betrayal and crushed hopes. He laments over trusting someone who proved to be the ultimate deceiver, feeling bitter about his misplaced faith.

In the refrain, he returns to his aching heart that no doctor can cure. The metaphor of extinguished light symbolizes the loss of warmth and hope, with bitterness replacing what was once affection.


Q. Who has sung Doctor – دكتور song?
A. Doctor – دكتور song is sung by Al Shami – الشامي.

Q. Who wrote Doctor – دكتور lyrics?
A. Doctor – دكتور lyrics are penned by Al Shami – الشامي.

Q. Who has given the music of Doctor – دكتور song?
A. Doctor – دكتور music is composed and produced by Al Shami – الشامي.

“This concludes the lyrics of Doctor – دكتور” by Al Shami – الشامي. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.