Diib – Unstable V4 Lyrics by Diib is a latest Tamazight song. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Diib – Unstable V4 song lyrics are also written by Diib. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Unstable V4 by Diib captures the artist’s inner turmoil and reflections on life, struggles, and mortality. The song talks about feeling lost and unstable, caught between light and darkness, while also confronting the weight of responsibility, the passage of time, and the inevitability of death. Diib explores themes like personal growth, the pressures of society, and the conflict between desires and reality. The lyrics reflect the confusion of navigating life’s challenges and the constant questioning of existence, offering a raw and introspective perspective on life’s complexities.
Diib – Unstable V4 Lyrics
[Couplet unique]
Msta3d bach nmot m3a lbdya dyal l3am
Ldaba ba9i mwader rasi west mn z7am
Unstable ba9i dayekh bin nour wla dlam
Tskivi mochkil sghir ykhruj fik tram
Lmochkil woujodi kun b9ina fl3adam
Hadchy mktoub f law7 lma7foud bl9alam
L ard kant jenna 9bel mayhbet adam
Rh tri9 chahawat katsali gha bl alam
F3emri daba 30 w dazt bhal chi helma
Lwe9t kayjri dghya wlmot jay b zerba
Koulchi kaymchi wyji bla matrebi lkebda
Hit rh ghada tsali hytak 9bel matfker tbda
Lwe9t katkhle3 ki aflam james wan
Bghatk ubershman machi ghi superman
Darbha b m9ess blach mn alf takhmima
Lghariza wl9es 9bel l ego w namima
Rabe3 mra 9odam l7afa kangol chno tra
Rabe3 mra jay ntel 3la lhayat lukhra
Kent ghanrchi lmoot yji wn3tih 2oujra
Daba chadani w mess2oliya w dar w 2oussra
Mab9ach frasmali hta lwe9t li ghanday3o
Kandir li frasi wli bgha rabb nti3o
Lkwkb kan khder daba kaydbel rbi3o
Li nadaw blmadi2 hahoma fihoum kybi3o
Ga3 mafahm chno mor lmot w ach 9bel lwlada
W ach kayfre9 lkhot mn ghir solta wlmada
Dnya mtihan wela 3abat wla mada ?
Bzf dl2as2ila bla jawab w denya ghada
Rze9 L’bachariya f sak… ra2ssmali jra bih
Dimo9ratiya tioré l9ame3 howa lpratice
Hta diin kaynupliw bih f nidam sadi
Kolchi hcyafk bida3a 3adi tchofo ba3 wchra fik
3la rkabik gha thna mli thes biya
Mse7 3inik mn dmou3 3ad chouf fiya
N9i 9lbek mn l7i9d sfi dir niya
Jay nkhtaeb dik rou7 li fik w fiya
Ma3ndich wmakhsnich ana b9lil n3ichha
Resam salalo lmdad tla b demo richa
Riwa2i 9te3 lktab fch sala ta2lif l9issaa
Fenan kayghowt mafhemohch ghi hezo big up
Mafhemohch ghi hezo big up… wast cha3b kamlo make up
Diib Songs
Diib – Unstable V4 Lyrics Meaning
In the opening of the song, Diib reflects on feeling ready to face death and its inevitability, especially as the new year begins. He feels overwhelmed and mentally tangled, struggling to stay grounded amid the chaos around him. The word “unstable” captures this state of mind, caught between light and darkness. He describes how even the smallest issues seem to have a big impact on his life, symbolized by the idea of small problems leading to greater struggles. His existence feels predetermined, written in fate, as though everything is already mapped out, echoing the idea of things being destined and beyond personal control.
Diib then looks back on a time when life felt like paradise, before the fall of humanity (symbolized by Adam), and now the road to fulfilling desires is filled with pain. At the age of 30, he feels as though his life has passed by like a fleeting dream, and time is running out fast. His sense of mortality becomes more vivid as he feels the fast approach of death. The song explores how everything happens without warning or preparation, and death feels almost like a certainty in the face of life’s unpredictability. The fear of time slipping away is compared to the tension seen in horror films, heightening the sense of dread.
He expresses a desire to escape his current struggles, comparing himself to someone trying to break free from the constraints of responsibility and societal expectations. Diib uses imagery like “superman” to describe his struggle to rise above the limitations, but he feels trapped, as if his actions and thoughts are being cut down before they can even fully form. This part reflects his internal battle, where survival instincts, ego, and external judgment complicate his journey. He also contemplates the randomness of life and death, questioning the significance of his existence in a world full of questions with no answers.
The song moves into deeper reflections on the state of humanity, with Diib challenging the notion of worldly success and asking tough questions about life and its meaning. He touches on the role of society, the fleeting nature of wealth and fame, and the deeper connection to spirituality, which often feels manipulated by external forces. There’s an ongoing struggle to find clarity, and he reflects on how life’s big questions often remain unanswered. Through this, he shares his perspective on navigating a complex world full of contradictions, evoking a sense of introspection and questioning the true value of everything.
Q. Who has sung Diib – Unstable V4 song?
A. Diib – Unstable V4 song is sung by Diib.
Q. Who wrote Diib – Unstable V4 lyrics?
A. Diib – Unstable V4 lyrics are penned by Diib.
Q. Who has given the music of Diib – Unstable V4 song?
A. Diib – Unstable V4 music is composed and produced by Diib.
“This concludes the lyrics of Diib – Unstable V4” by Diib. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.