DIEU EST GRANDE Lyrics by Youssoupha is a latest French song in the voice of Youssoupha. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Dieu Est Grande song lyrics are also written by Youssoupha. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a heartfelt message to his daughter, Imany, blending personal reflections with life lessons. He encourages her to be herself, not be swayed by societal expectations or superficial ideals. The song highlights themes of love, self-acceptance, and personal growth, stressing the importance of making peace with oneself and challenging outdated traditions. Youssoupha also touches on the significance of faith and the resilience of women, drawing strength from past generations. Through it all, he assures his daughter that his love and support will never falter, no matter the struggles she faces.
[Couplet 1]
Moi, j’suis l’genre de père un peu à l’ancienne, j’ai connu ta mère avant d’avoir une vie
J’ai eu un garçon mais, dans ma tradition, la vraie bénédiction, c’est d’avoir une fille
Alors, ma princesse, suffit qu’t’apparaisses pour qu’le temps s’arrête mille mètres à la ronde
Dieu est infini et j’le remercie de m’avoir choisi pour être ton daron, Imany
[Couplet 2]
N’écoute pas les peurs et les beaux parleurs moralisateurs, leur cœur est minime
Ils ont cette façon de d’mander pardon, pardon à Dieu et jamais aux victimes
On peut s’aimer sans toujours être d’accord, on peut s’aider même si on s’connaît à peine
Si t’as des enfants, apprends-leur d’abord c’que t’aurais aimé que, toi, on t’enseigne
Parfois, le temps d’la justice est trop long, fais le bien sur Terre avant d’parler des cieux
Certaines croyances viennent tout droit des colons, tu peux faire le tri pour t’rapprocher de Dieu
C’est pas si grave de faire des erreurs, ce qui est grave, c’est d’vouloir les ignorer
Le but, c’est pas d’être la meilleure, le but, c’est de chaque jour s’améliorer, Imany
[Couplet 3]
Eh, t’es pas obligée d’être une fille banale, t’es pas obligée d’être Michelle Obama
T’es pas obligée de vouloir être mère, t’es pas obligée de vouloir être reine
N’écoute pas les hommes, n’écoute pas les ordres, n’écoute pas les codes qui disent de la merde
Apprends encore à aimer ton corps, à aimer tes formes, à t’aimer toi-même
On a nos valeurs et nos traditions, si ton amoureux t’emmène en balade
Dis-lui bien qu’c’est lui qui paiera l’addition, dis-lui qu’c’est l’impôt sur le patriarcat
Tu m’idéalises mais même ton daddy est paternaliste, faut qu’tu me pardonnes
Dites à ces messieurs qu’c’est bien prétentieux d’apprendre la vie à celles qui la donnent, Imany
[Couplet 4]
Parfois, le bonheur a un goût amer, parfois, t’es toute seule, surtout quand tu montes
Parfois, pour être en paix avec toi-même, tu seras en guerre contre le reste du monde
Mais, quoi que tu fasses, je s’rai toujours là, même dans l’au-delà, l’amour gagne à la fin
Que tu sois patronne, que tu sois daronne, que tu sois baronne, ou les trois à la fois
Tu sais comment tes grands-mères étaient grandes, tu sais qu’elles nous manquent mais qu’elles nous répondent
Elles étaient braves, belles, élégantes, c’est pour ça qu’tu portes, fière, leurs prénoms
Tant que tu peux, il faut défier les lois, tant que tu peux, il faut défier les rois
Et, s’ils te demandent c’que ta foi représente, réponds simplement que Dieu est grande, Imany
Youssoupha Songs
DIEU EST GRANDE Lyrics Meaning
[Couplet 1]
In this first verse, the artist expresses how he feels like an old-school father. He reminisces about knowing the mother of his daughter before he even had a life of his own. He mentions that in his tradition, having a daughter is a real blessing. The moment his daughter, Imany, appears in his life, everything stops and time feels still. He thanks God for blessing him with the opportunity to be her father, showing how much he values and appreciates her presence in his life.
[Couplet 2]
Here, Youssoupha advises his daughter not to listen to people who speak from fear or those who only preach without understanding, particularly those who apologize to God but not to victims. He tells her that love and help can exist even when people disagree or don’t know each other well. He encourages her to teach her future children what she wishes she had been taught. He also talks about how justice sometimes takes too long and stresses the importance of doing good deeds on Earth before focusing on heavenly matters. He questions some beliefs that have been passed down from colonizers and suggests picking what truly brings her closer to God. He reassures her that mistakes are okay as long as we learn from them, and that the goal is not perfection, but continuous self-improvement.
[Couplet 3]
In this verse, Youssoupha tells Imany she doesn’t need to conform to society’s standards of what a woman should be. She doesn’t need to aim to be a famous figure like Michelle Obama or to desire motherhood or royalty if that isn’t her path. He advises her to ignore the patriarchal pressures from men and societal expectations, and instead focus on loving herself, her body, and her uniqueness. He humorously refers to her future relationships, advising her to challenge gender roles by making sure the man pays for dates as a symbol of challenging patriarchal norms. He acknowledges that while she may idealize him, even he has his flaws as a father and that she should forgive him for his paternalistic tendencies. Finally, he challenges the arrogance of men who try to dictate life to women, reminding her that women give life, not men.
[Couplet 4]
In this final verse, Youssoupha reflects on the complexities of happiness. Sometimes, it can feel bittersweet or lonely, especially when striving for success. He tells her that to find inner peace, sometimes it may feel like being at war with the world. However, he promises to always be there for her, even beyond death, and reassures her that love will triumph in the end. Whether she becomes a boss, a mother, or both, he reminds her of the strength and grace of her grandmothers, who live on in her through their names. He encourages her to keep challenging singerity, whether it be societal rules or kings, as long as she can. And when asked about her faith, she should simply answer that “God is great,” reflecting the strength and humility of her beliefs.
Q. Who has sung DIEU EST GRANDE song?
A. DIEU EST GRANDE song is sung by Youssoupha.
Q. Who wrote DIEU EST GRANDE lyrics?
A. DIEU EST GRANDE lyrics are penned by Youssoupha.
Q. Who has given the music of DIEU EST GRANDE song?
A. DIEU EST GRANDE music is composed and produced by Youssoupha.
“This concludes the lyrics of DIEU EST GRANDE” by Youssoupha. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.