CELOU NOC 2 Lyrics by Nik Tendo, AstralKid22, Shimmi is a latest Czech song in the voices of Nik Tendo, AstralKid22, Shimmi. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Celou Noc 2 song lyrics are also written by Nik Tendo, AstralKid22, Shimmi. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It, AstralKid22, and Shimmi is a high-energy song that captures the fast-paced lifestyle of living for the moment. The lyrics explore themes like partying all night, chasing success, and living in the moment despite the emotional toll it takes. The artists mention balancing work and play, being surrounded by luxury, and dealing with complicated relationships. The song reflects their desire for freedom, expressing the thrill of a night out and a carefree attitude toward life, even as they acknowledge the struggles they face along the way.
CELOU NOC 2 Lyrics
[Intro: Nik Tendo]
Uh, huh
[Verse 1: Nik Tendo]
Mý auto vypadá jak Batmobile, líp jezdí ve dvou (Okay)
Má boo nechce na mě doma čekat, vemu jí s sebou (Okay)
V kufru kufr Rimowa, neseru se s spotřebou (Huh)
Goyard na zadním sedadle, neseru se s spotřebou (Huh)
Vyjeli jsme ráno a vracíme se zas ráno (Let’s go)
Dvanáct hodin v práci, pičo, že prej sem netáhlo (Okay)
A v klubu nechal jsem všechno, I hlas (Huh)
A moc jsme nespali, ale máme vyděláno zas (Okay, let’s go)
Ale nechci Balenciagu, ale letenku a pas (Pas)
A nemusíme spěchat celou noc, máme dost času
Kde jsi kurva byla, když jsem byl po nocích sám? (Sám)
A to, co prožíváme teď, už neprožijem zas (Ooh)
A proberu tě, jestli usínáš, seš unavanej (Ayy)
A když chceš žít to, co my, tak musíš bejt kurva přeplej (Hey)
Chtěl bych držet režim, ale jsem teď ve stu’ seklej (Nula)
Odpočívat budu, až budu ležet v hrobě mrtvej
[Chorus: AstralKId22 & Shimmi]
Poď sem celú noc, celú noc, celú noc
Poď s námi celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, ah
Poď s námi celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, ah
Poď s námi celú noc, celú noc, celú noc, ah (Hey, hey, hey)
[Verse 2: Shimmi & Nik Tendo]
Všetci kukajú na moju baby, je jak Lamborghini (Yeah, vroom, yeah, yeah)
Neboj, ja sa nevytratím, ja nejsom Houdini (Woah, ooh, hey)
Mam dolámané srdce a stratené hodiny (Stratený čas, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Potom si vážiš, keď stretneš tú pravú (Tú pravú)
Dneska nechcem počuť žiadnu polopravdu (Žiadnu polopravdu)
Láska je droga, ja mám otravu, yeah
Láska a drogy tvoria monogamiu (Tvoria monogamiu)
Smrť sa približuje, jebem ju (Jebem ju)
Život sa nedá vložiť do obalu (Ne)
Lietam hore dole víkend čo víkend (Víkend)
Kedy konečne budeš ležať pri mne? (Baby)
Poviem to nahlas, yeah
Baby, ty si môj Xanax, yeah
[Chorus: AstralKId22 & Nik Tendo]
Celú noc, celú noc, celú noc (Celou noc)
Poď s námi celú noc, celú noc (Celou noc), celú noc (Celou noc), ah
Poď s námi celú noc (Celou noc), celú noc (Celou noc), celú noc (Celou noc), ah (Ooh)
Poď s námi celú noc (Celou noc), celú noc (Celou noc), celú noc (Celou noc), ah
[Outro: AstralKId22]
V mojom krku púšť, potrebujem drink
Idem celú noc, nemôžem zastaviť
Nonstop je môj plug, dojde na checking
Dnes je dlouhá noc, kým nezaspíme
Nik Tendo Songs
CELOU NOC 2 Lyrics Meaning
[Intro: Nik Tendo]
The intro is a short, casual expression of acknowledgment, setting the vibe for the rest of the song.
[Verse 1: Nik Tendo]
In this verse, Nik Tendo talks about living a fast, luxurious lifestyle. He compares his car to the Batmobile, emphasizing his desire for adventure and excitement. His “boo” doesn’t want to wait for him, so he brings her along for the ride. He mentions expensive items like a Rimowa suitcase and Goyard bag, highlighting his taste for luxury. He works long hours, but still manages to party all night, leaving everything behind in the club. Despite the lack of sleep, he feels accomplished, having earned money. He values experiences over material things, like preferring a passport and flight tickets over expensive clothes. There’s a sense of urgency in the lyrics, as he doesn’t want to rush through life. He reflects on past loneliness and the fleeting nature of moments, questioning where people were when he was struggling. There’s a hint of emotional exhaustion, yet a desire to live fully despite the tiredness, recognizing that rest will come only after death.
[Chorus: AstralKid22 & Shimmi]
The chorus repeats the invitation to live the night to its fullest, suggesting a carefree, hedonistic approach to life. It calls out for company and fun throughout the entire night, emphasizing living in the moment without worrying about what comes next.
[Verse 2: Shimmi & Nik Tendo]
In this verse, Shimmi and Nik Tendo explore love, loss, and personal struggles. They describe a woman who’s as attractive and fast as a Lamborghini, while also reassuring that they won’t disappear or vanish like Houdini. There’s a sense of pain, with broken hearts and lost time, but also an appreciation for true love when it’s found. They express a desire for honesty, rejecting half-truths in relationships. Love is portrayed as both an intoxicating and dangerous force, leading to addiction-like feelings. The mention of drügs and love forming a “monogamy” suggests that the two can often be intertwined in unhealthy ways. There’s also a dark tone, with the acknowledgment that death is inevitable, and they don’t care about it right now. Life is chaotic, with ups and downs, and they just want to be with someone special, despite the confusion and instability. The line “Baby, you’re my Xanax” compares the girl to a soothing, calming drug in a tumultuous life.
[Chorus: AstralKid22 & Nik Tendo]
This chorus echoes the earlier one, reinforcing the desire to live through the night without worrying about anything. The repetition creates a sense of urgency and emphasizes living for the moment, constantly seeking adventure and excitement throughout the night.
[Outro: AstralKid22]
The outro describes a restless night, needing a drink to keep going. The speaker talks about not being able to stop, constantly moving, and feeling the need for more, signaling that the night is long and they won’t rest until it’s over. There’s a sense of continuous energy, with no time for sleep, showing an unrelenting desire for fun or escape.
Q. Who has sung CELOU NOC 2 song?
A. CELOU NOC 2 song is sung by Nik Tendo, AstralKid22, Shimmi.
Q. Who wrote CELOU NOC 2 lyrics?
A. CELOU NOC 2 lyrics are penned by Nik Tendo, AstralKid22, Shimmi.
Q. Who has given the music of CELOU NOC 2 song?
A. CELOU NOC 2 music is composed and produced by Nik Tendo, AstralKid22, Shimmi.
“This concludes the lyrics of CELOU NOC 2” by Nik Tendo, AstralKid22, Shimmi. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.