Buzzkill Lyrics – Lanie Gardner

Buzzkill Lyrics by Lanie Gardner is a latest English song in the voice of Lanie Gardner. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Buzzkill song lyrics are also written by Lanie Gardner. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a song about a friend warning someone who’s caught up in a toxic relationship. The singer describes a woman who seems perfect on the outside—glamorous, stylish, and confident—but reveals her true nature as a manipulative, self-centered person. The lyrics suggest that she’s only after attention, causing trouble, and not fitting in with the singer’s friend group. The song’s catchy chorus serves as a blunt reminder to the friend that it’s time to move on from this “buzzkill” of a relationship, even though no one else might say it out loud.

Buzzkill Lyrics

You met a Barbie doll, show stopper, beauty queen
Looking like she stumbled out a magazine
Dirty martinis and skinny jeans
Miss Hollywood taking over Tennessee
You think she’s one of a kind
And I think lust has made you blind
But she don’t fit and friends don’t lie
(That’s right!)

Buddy, she’s a buzzkill
I don’t mean to be rude
But I think it’s ’bout time somebody tell you the truth

A pair of high heels
With a bad attitude
She’s a clout chaser, heartbreaker
Don’t be a fool
They ain’t gonna say it but you bet your ass I will
Yeah buddy, she’s a buzzkill
(Yeah buddy, she’s a buzzkill)

She’s a b****-eautiful city broad
Clearly been cut from a different cloth
She hates your friends, hates your dog
And we all agree the girl’s gotta get gone (Bye bye)
Hey man, I don’t mean to pry
And it’s no business of mine
But your mama would off me if I stayed quiet
(Oh my!)

Buddy, she’s a buzzkill
I don’t mean to be rude
But I think it’s ’bout time somebody tell you the truth
A pair of high heels
With a bad attitude
She’s a clout chaser, heartbreaker
Don’t be a fool
They ain’t gonna say it but you bet your ass I will

Yeah buddy, she’s a buzzkill
Yeah buddy, she’s a buzzkill

We’re all five beers deep and sober as a judge
Hate to break it to you but

She’s a buzzkill
I don’t mean to be rude
But I think it’s ’bout time you get to cutting her loose
A pair of high heels
With a bad attitude
She’s a clout chaser, heartbreaker
Don’t be a fool
They ain’t gonna say it but you bet your ass I will
(One time for the people in the back)
They ain’t gonna say it but you bet your ass I will
Yeah buddy, she’s a buzzkill

Lanie Gardner Songs

Buzzkill Lyrics Meaning

In the first verse, the singer describes a woman who seems to be the perfect “Barbie doll” type—glamorous, stylish, and sophisticated, with an almost unrealistic presence, like something out of a magazine. She’s a head-turner, mixing high-class drinks and wearing trendy clothes. The friend, clearly smitten, thinks she’s one of a kind. However, the singer points out that the friend’s infatuation is blinding him, and the woman’s image doesn’t quite match who she really is. The truth is, she doesn’t fit in and is far from perfect, which the singer hints at with the line “friends don’t lie.”

In the chorus, the singer bluntly tells the friend that the woman is a “buzzkill,” meaning she’s draining, negative, and ruining the vibe. The singer admits they don’t want to be rude, but feels it’s time to tell the truth: this woman is trouble. She’s self-centered, seeking attention and status, and will break the friend’s heart in the end. While others might be too polite to say it, the singer doesn’t hold back.

The next verse digs deeper into the woman’s toxic traits. She’s described as someone who’s out of place, having a rude, dismissive attitude toward the friend’s life, including disliking his friends and even his dog. The group agrees that she’s not good for him, and the singer humorously adds that the friend’s mom would probably agree if she knew what was going on.

The final chorus brings the message home again. The singer encourages the friend to wake up to the reality of the situation and cut the woman loose before she causes more damage. Despite the group’s casual vibe, the singer insists that the truth must be said—it’s time for the friend to move on from the “buzzkill.”


Q. Who has sung Buzzkill song?
A. Buzzkill song is sung by Lanie Gardner.

Q. Who wrote Buzzkill lyrics?
A. Buzzkill lyrics are penned by Lanie Gardner.

Q. Who has given the music of Buzzkill song?
A. Buzzkill music is composed and produced by Lanie Gardner.

“This concludes the lyrics of Buzzkill” by Lanie Gardner. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.