Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack Lyrics – ClashGames

Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack Lyrics by ClashGames is a latest German song in the voice of ClashGames. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack song lyrics are also written by ClashGames. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. In *Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack* by ClashGames, the artist humorously tears into the Burgerpommes hype, claiming it’s outdated and poking fun at its creators. He criticizes their lack of originality, weak writing, and poor execution, highlighting their failed attempts to revive the trend. The track is packed with sharp jabs, including digs at unhealthy habits, awkward singing, and embarrassing reactions to their music. ClashGames positions himself as cooler and more successful, even challenging “Lukas” to a boxing match. It’s a playful, sarcastic takedown of a fading phenomenon.

Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack Lyrics

[Songtext zu „Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack“]

Burgerpommes-Hype ist längst vorbei (Vorbei)
ClashGames geht auf die Eins (Die Eins)
Die Melone geht kaputt vom Ei
“Burgerpommes 3”, lass es lieber sein
Alles schon gesehen, mir tun die Ohren weh
Für dich wird’s unbequem
Ich box’ Lukas aus dem Boxring heraus

[Part 1]
Der erste Song war ja schon derbe verkackt, huh
Es wird nicht besser, wenn ihr mehr davon macht

Curly wusste diesmal sogar, was er schreiben will
Aber nimmt seinen Namen aus den Credits, weil’s ihm peinlich ist
Ich hab’ eine Frage, sag mal Lukas, warum fresst ihr euch rund, huh?
Ich bin viel cooler, denn ich esse gesund
Und in jedem Lied von dir willst du mich battlen, warum?
Lass uns gerne in den Boxring, ich tackle dich um, ah
Marvin klingt, als hätt’ er das zum ersten Mal gemacht
Genau dasselbe hab ich schon beim ersten Song gedacht
Und gibt es Lamborghinis dann ist Cansel nicht weit
Denn sie macht wirklich alles kriegt sie ein paar Abos und Likes, hah
Guck, alle haben auf den Song reagiert
Und keiner fand’ ihn gut, du hast dich voll doll blamiert
Burgerpommes ist nicht cool, da muss wirklich jeder lachen
Die, die wirklich cool sind essen Curlyfries und Nuggets, ah

Burgerpommes-Hype ist längst vorbei (Vorbei)
ClashGames geht auf die Eins (Die Eins)
Die Melone geht kaputt vom Ei
“Burgerpommes 3”, lass es lieber sein
Alles schon gesehen, mir tun die Ohren weh
Für dich wird’s unbequem
Ich box’ Lukas aus dem Boxring heraus

[Part 2]

Bei deinem Song kam selbst der Horrorclown hier aus meinem Wandschrank, buh
Er meinte, dein Song hat auf lautlos geballert
Lukas, schau, wie ich dir deinen Traum endlich wahr mach’
Du kannst jetzt bei Mecces eine Ausbildung anfangen
Guck in die Kommis, merk’ ich brauch ihn nicht dissen
Denn seine eigene Karriere hat er selbst auf dem Gewissen
Und als ob das nicht schon reicht, muss sogar Max dir noch absagen
Kleines Interview für dich, ich hab da ein paar Fragen
Warum singt die Cansel so, als wär’ sie nicht im Takt?
Warum hört sich Marvin so wie Smithers von den Simpsons an?
Warum werd’ ich hier gedisst? Ach, das bringt die vielen Klicks
Du prankst Kiddies in deinen Clips, Lukas, bitte tu das nicht (Bitte nicht)

Du landest nur noch mit Schrott in den Trends
Die Ausnahme war der Song der EM
Burgerpommes 2 macht keine Klicks mehr
Buch doch meine Writer, deine Writer sind es nicht wert, ja

Burgerpommes-Hype ist längst vorbei (Vorbei)
ClashGames geht auf die Eins (Die Eins)
Die Melone geht kaputt vom Ei
“Burgerpommes 3”, lass es lieber sein
Alles schon gesehen, mir tun die Ohren weh
Für dich wird’s unbequem
Ich box’ Lukas aus dem Boxring heraus

Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack Lyrics Meaning

The hook highlights that the hype surrounding “Burgerpommes” is over and irrelevant. ClashGames boasts about his own success, claiming to be on top, while mocking the creators of the original trend for their repetitive content. The line about the “melone going kaputt vom Ei” could symbolize the collapse of their ideas. He warns against making a third version, expressing frustration at how tiresome the concept has become. Finally, he confidently challenges “Lukas” to a metaphorical or literal face-off in a boxing ring.

[Part 1:]
In this verse, ClashGames criticizes the first “Burgerpommes” song as a failure and mocks the creators for trying to replicate it with another version. He sarcastically acknowledges that Curly had better intentions this time but was too embarrassed to be credited. The artist takes a jab at their unhealthy lifestyles, contrasting it with his own “cooler” and healthier habits. He challenges Lukas, accusing him of constantly trying to compete with him through music, and humorously offers to settle things in a boxing ring.

ClashGames continues to roast Marvin’s poor singing, likening it to a novice attempt. He calls out Cansel, who he believes only chases likes and attention. He mocks the audience’s negative reactions to the song, claiming it brought embarrassment instead of success. To him, the “Burgerpommes” concept isn’t trendy or appealing anymore, joking that truly cool people prefer alternatives like curly fries and nuggets. Overall, he paints the creators as desperate and out of touch.

[Hook (Repetition):]
Again, the hook reinforces that the “Burgerpommes” trend is dead and buried. ClashGames reiterates his dominance and mocks the creators for sticking to an idea that no longer resonates. The egg and melon imagery might symbolize the crumbling of their gimmick, and the boxing metaphor underscores his readiness to confront Lukas directly.

[Part 2:]
This verse continues the roast, starting with a humorous image of a “horror clown” emerging to criticize the song, even claiming it’s better muted. ClashGames sarcastically offers Lukas a career alternative at McDonald’s, implying his failure in music. He points out that Lukas has ruined his own career, making disses unnecessary. Even “Max” apparently turned Lukas down, further emphasizing his fall from grace.

ClashGames asks critical and mocking questions, pointing out flaws like Cansel’s offbeat singing and Marvin’s voice resembling a cartoon character, Smithers. He accuses Lukas of using his name for clout and deems the disses against him as attention-seeking tactics. Additionally, he criticizes Lukas for creating low-effort content, like pranking kids in his videos, calling it unoriginal and unprofessional.

The verse wraps up by saying Lukas’s work rarely trends anymore, except for a football-related song during the European Championship. ClashGames dismisses the creators’ writing skills, sarcastically suggesting they hire his team instead. He concludes by underlining that “Burgerpommes 2” has failed to capture attention or clicks, sealing its irrelevance.

[Hook (Repetition):]
The hook, repeated for emphasis, drives home the point that “Burgerpommes” is a thing of the past. ClashGames declares himself victorious while ridiculing the other creators’ failed attempts to revive the trend. He again taunts Lukas with the boxing ring challenge, asserting his dominance in the ongoing rivalry.


Q. Who has sung Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack song?
A. Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack song is sung by ClashGames.

Q. Who wrote Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack lyrics?
A. Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack lyrics are penned by ClashGames.

Q. Who has given the music of Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack song?
A. Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack music is composed and produced by ClashGames.

“This concludes the lyrics of Burgerpommes 2 Disstrack” by ClashGames. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.