Biri Sən, Biri Mən Lyrics by Ahmed Mustafayev is a latest Azerbaijani song in the voice of Ahmed Mustafayev. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Biri Sən, Biri Mən song lyrics are also written by Ahmed Mustafayev. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Ahmed Mustafayev’s *Biri Sən, Biri Mən* is a heartfelt love song that beautifully celebrates a deep connection between two souls. Through poetic metaphors, the singer compares their bond to two streams from the same spring, two sides of an apple, or the harmonized notes of a double-stringed instrument. The repeated refrain emphasizes that one cannot exist without the other, portraying love as a harmonious, inseparable partnership. The song’s lyrics are simple yet powerful, creating a warm and emotional vibe that feels both romantic and timeless.
Biri Sən, Biri Mən Lyrics
[Bənd 1]
Bir bulağın iki gözü
Biri sənsən
Biri mənəm, yar
Bir almanın iki üzü
O həm sənsən
Həm də mənəm, yar
Qoşa simin titrəməsi
Biri sənsən, biri mən, yar
Bir pərdənin iki səsi
Biri sənsən, yar
Qoşa simin titrəməsi
Biri sənsən, biri mən, yar
Bir pərdənin iki səsi
Biri sənsən, yar
Qoşa simin titrəməsi
Biri sənsən, biri mən, yar
Bir pərdənin iki səsi
Biri sənsən, yar
Qoşa simin titrəməsi
Biri sənsən, biri mən, yar
Bir pərdənin iki səsi
Biri sənsən, yar
Biri Sən, Biri Mən Lyrics Meaning
[Bənd 1]
The first verse paints a picture of two inseparable halves of a whole. It compares the relationship to two springs of the same fountain and two sides of an apple, symbolizing a natural, effortless connection. The lines express how deeply intertwined the two are, with each representing an essential, irreplaceable part of the other’s existence.
The chorus dives deeper into the theme of unity and harmony. It uses the imagery of a double-stringed instrument, where both strings vibrate together to create a perfect sound, symbolizing how their love is in sync and resonates beautifully. Similarly, it refers to two voices from one tone, highlighting how they are different yet inseparable parts of the same melody. The repetition of this imagery emphasizes the strength and intimacy of their bond, making it feel timeless and unbreakable.
Q. Who has sung Biri Sən, Biri Mən song?
A. Biri Sən, Biri Mən song is sung by Ahmed Mustafayev.
Q. Who wrote Biri Sən, Biri Mən lyrics?
A. Biri Sən, Biri Mən lyrics are penned by Ahmed Mustafayev.
Q. Who has given the music of Biri Sən, Biri Mən song?
A. Biri Sən, Biri Mən music is composed and produced by Ahmed Mustafayev.
“This concludes the lyrics of Biri Sən, Biri Mən” by Ahmed Mustafayev. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.