Bird of Pray Lyrics by Циферблат Hourplate is a latest Ukrainian song. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Bird Of Pray song lyrics are also written by Циферблат Hourplate. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It is a heartfelt, emotional song about longing, love, and the search for light and connection. The singer calls out to a loved one, comparing them to a bird, asking them to return home and share their heart with someone who truly cares. The lyrics express a deep desire for companionship and understanding, while also conveying a sense of vulnerability and hope. The metaphor of the bird flying away highlights the themes of freedom, loss, and yearning for closeness in a world that can feel distant.
Bird of Pray Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Зaйдe-зaйдeш I дo мeнe, мoя птaшкa
Kрилaми пicня злiтaє вaжкa
Ceрдeнькo ceрцe кoxaнe, нe тyрбyйcя
Дoля дoвiрилa cвiт ocтaннiм iз нac
Я cвiтлa шyкaю, гoри звeрнy
And I call you
Fly, bird
I’m begging you
Begging you, please just
Live, share
My heart with someone who
Cares of me and my little bird of pray
[Verse 2]
Beртaй-вeртaйcя дoдoмy, рiднa cтeжкa
Cпiв пeрeлiтниx птaшoк нaрoдить вecнy
I call you
Fly, bird
I’m begging you
Begging you just
Care of me and my little bird
Fly like a bird
Where do you go?
I’m begging you, please just live
Share my heart with someone who
Flies, bird
I’m begging you
Begging you, please just
Live, share
My heart with someone who
Cares of me and my little bird of pray
Bird of Pray Lyrics Meaning
[Verse 1]
In this verse, the singer is calling out to someone they care about deeply, referring to them as their “bird.” They express how the weight of their song, like the bird’s wings, is heavy but full of emotion. They reassure the one they love, telling them not to worry, as fate has brought them together at the right time.
Here, the singer talks about searching for light, implying they’re looking for hope or direction. They mention being willing to overcome great obstacles (“mountains”) in their journey and call out to their loved one, perhaps seeking comfort or guidance.
The chorus conveys a desperate plea for the bird (the loved one) to fly, live, and share the singer’s heart with someone who cares for both of them. There’s a sense of longing for love and understanding, asking the bird to return and be part of their world.
[Verse 2]
In this verse, the singer is urging the loved one to return home, to the familiar path. They also mention how the song of migratory birds will bring spring, symbolizing hope and renewal. The singer continues to call out, longing for their return.
The second chorus repeats the earlier plea, asking the bird to care for the singer and the love they share. There’s a sense of vulnerability here, as the singer wants their love to be returned and cared for in return.
In the bridge, the singer wonders where their loved one has gone and begs them to live and return. They ask for their heart to be shared with someone who will care for it, expressing deep yearning for connection and companionship.
The final chorus emphasizes the singer’s desperate request for the bird to fly, live, and share their heart with someone who cares. This repetition shows how deeply the singer desires mutual love, care, and understanding. It feels like the climax of their emotional plea.
Q. Who has sung Bird of Pray song?
A. Bird of Pray song is sung by Циферблат Hourplate.
Q. Who wrote Bird of Pray lyrics?
A. Bird of Pray lyrics are penned by Циферблат Hourplate.
Q. Who has given the music of Bird of Pray song?
A. Bird of Pray music is composed and produced by Циферблат Hourplate.
“This concludes the lyrics of Bird of Pray” by Циферблат Hourplate. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.