Antichrist (’05) Lyrics – Eminem

Antichrist (’05) Lyrics by Eminem is a latest English song in the voice of Eminem. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new Antichrist (’05) song lyrics are also written by Eminem. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. Antichrist (’05) by Eminem is a provocative and dark song where Eminem adopts a twisted alter ego, portraying himself as a dangerous figure with a devilish persona. The lyrics feature shocking and disturbing imagery, where he describes committing violent and grotesque acts, often using satire and irony to push boundaries. The song plays with the concept of his chaotic and controversial public image, blurring the line between fiction and reality. Despite its shock value, the track is also laced with humor, reflecting Eminem’s ability to blend outrage with sarcasm, ultimately challenging societal norms.

Antichrist (’05) Lyrics

[Intro: Eminem]
The devil came to Michigan

[Verse 1: Eminem]
With balls in his durag, he sags, fearing no man
He stands, pen in his hand like Edward Scissorhands
Will slice his competition and just goes about his business
Anyone who knows about him knows about his shindig
Shenanigans and all his wacky antics in the papers
Shady’s dangling a baby tangled in a blanket, strangling
Him, hanging him over the railing by the ankles on some gangster s*it
Hailie’s name I’m changing it, to Handkerchief

If I don’t stay a step ahead of Michael I go psycho
He’s like an alter ego so wherever he goes I go
Ain’t afraid to take it there, babies laying naked there
Running around everywhere wearing nothing but underwear
Yeah, I’m back more benevolent than I’ve ever been
Little boy’s eleven who never been to the Netherlands
How’d you like to come and spend a day with Marshall Mathers
Share some cotton candy, ice cream and some caramel apples
Inside a carnival atmos-phere, yeah
I’m here, there, I’m everywhere, bleh
Never thought I’d see the day I get so famous I go schizo
But it’s o-, fficial, meet my new alias, his name is—

[Hook: Eminem & Traci Nelson]
He’s the antichrist
He will slice and dice
His name is Marshall!
He’s the antichrist
He will slice and dice

[Post-Chorus: Eminem & Traci Nelson]
My brother said my mother left my father

My sister said my mother left my dad
Now we all have a brand new step father
Who touches me at night while I’m in bed

[Verse 2: Eminem]
It’s winter, as I enter the daycare center
In a disguise, mustache, some fake hair and a three piece suit
Ready set to take care of business
Suddenly, I spot little Jake, bear witness
As I move in for the kill, take a pair of scissors
To his throat, I’ll cut him like steak, hey, Mrs
Waltz, if one false move you make there, this is it
Class, get a last look at Jake here, kiss his ass goodbye
Mwah, running down the hall flipping the fu*king principal off
While I pass him by, take him home, pull his pants to his thigh

[Fu*k] him in his ass like Joe Jacks did to the Jackson 5
Die, little ba*tard, die, tape his mouth to shut him up
I can’t stand for little brats that cry, cut him up
He slices and dices, the antichrist is the anthem
Get your damn hands up

[Hook: Eminem & Traci Nelson]
Mike- I mean Marshall!
He’s the antichrist
He will slice and dice
His name is Marshall!
He’s the antichrist
He will slice and dice

[Post-Chorus: Eminem & Traci Nelson]
My brother said my mother left my father
My sister said my mother left my dad
Now we all have a brand new step father
Who touches me at night while I’m in bed

[Verse 3: Eminem]
Why can’t I slice and dice kids like the antichrist
I wish I may, or as I might
I tend to rant and go off on a little bit of a tangent

[Fu*k] a little kid in the ass until his pants split
‘Till he can’t sit, I know the thought’s a little rancid
But that’s what these little rugrats get
For dancing and prancing around in them Spider-Man pajamas
And that’s what the cameras outside the master bedroom are for
You sleep on the bed and I’ll sleep on the floor
“How come my dad never calls me anymore?”
Because he left, brat, now I’m your new stepdad
You better accept that
So you want the race car bed or the Hello Kitty comforter?
Either one of them, I’m gonna end up snuggled up with you
I’m the motherfu*king uh, Antichrist
I’m kidding, it’s a joke, psych!

[Outro: Eminem & Bizarre]
(Shady, Shady, Shady, Shady)
Get it? Like- (Not Not cool man)
No, it’s- (Not cool)
No, like the devil? Like- (Nah)
Like Shady? Haha, like- (I don’t, I don’t get it)
Come on, it’s funny, right? (Nah)
Oh, but Bizarre can say it (Dawg) What?
(Dawg, I might fu*k a Pitbull in his ass, or rape my grandmother, but Goddamn)
But it’s a joke! (Mm-mm)
It’s a joke. (Yeah right)

Eminem Songs

Antichrist (’05) Lyrics Meaning

[Intro: “The devil came to Michigan”]
This line sets the tone for the song, hinting at Eminem adopting a dark, rebellious persona where he portrays himself almost like the devil coming to Michigan, emphasizing his controversial and extreme nature.

[Verse 1]
In this verse, Eminem introduces his “Shady” alter ego, who’s bold, fearless, and willing to take down anyone in his way. The line about “Edward Scissorhands” suggests he’s sharp, capable of cutting through his competition without hesitation. He mentions wild actions like dangling a baby, changing his daughter’s name, and making bizarre references, blending humor with violence to express the chaos surrounding his life. He also brings up Michael, an alter ego symbolizing his inner struggles, and describes himself as having to keep ahead of this alter ego to avoid losing control. The verse is full of exaggerated, shocking imagery, illustrating his troubled, erratic mental state. There’s also a playful contrast between his dark persona and references to innocent childhood activities, showing the blend of innocence and darkness in his mind.

In the hook, Eminem repeats the name “Marshall” and associates it with the idea of him being the “antichrist,” a violent figure who harms children. This is a metaphorical exaggeration of his alter ego’s rebellious and chaotic nature. The hook is meant to shock and provoke with the contrast between innocence (children) and violent imagery.

This part explores a traumatic family background where Eminem’s brother and sister mention the family’s broken home. It takes a darker turn as he reflects on a new stepfather who abuses him. These lines highlight the personal pain and dysfunction in Eminem’s life, possibly contributing to the anger and aggression in his music.

[Verse 2]
Here, Eminem adopts a creepy, sinister tone, describing an imaginary scenario where he’s entering a daycare disguised, planning to harm a child named Jake. He imagines committing gruesome acts and taunts the people around him, including the principal. This verse continues the theme of violence and mental instability, symbolizing his inner rage and the distorted thoughts that come with fame and trauma. The imagery is disturbing, reflecting the extreme way he expresses his inner turmoil.

This part uses shock tactics and violent imagery to further explore the disturbed thoughts Eminem is portraying. The mention of s*xual violence and gruesome acts is exaggerated for shock value, showcasing the “antichrist” persona he’s created. He uses this to rebel against societal norms, displaying his anger toward those he deems annoying or whiny (like the “little brats”).

[Hook (repeated)]
The repetition of the hook reinforces the chaotic, violent, and controversial persona of “Marshall” as the antichrist figure. It’s meant to emphasize his anger and rebellious attitude towards the world, continuing the dark theme of the song.

[Post-Chorus (repeated)]
The post-chorus reiterates the earlier mention of Eminem’s troubled family life, with more focus on the abusive stepfather. This trauma, possibly reflecting Eminem’s real-life struggles, is part of what shapes his dark and angry persona in his music.

[Verse 3]
In this verse, Eminem questions why he can’t act out violently like his “antichrist” persona, implying that he feels frustrated with his darker thoughts. The verse hints at his internal conflict, as he often rants about various issues, leading to chaotic, tangential thoughts. It reflects his mental instability and the struggle with his alter ego.

[Fu*k (repeated)]
Here, the shock imagery continues, mixing disturbing thoughts about violence with sarcasm and humor. Eminem reflects on the odd combination of aggression and dark humor in his persona, which adds to the unsettling feeling of the song. It’s a twisted take on innocence, with disturbing thoughts masked by the exaggerated humor and sarcasm.

In the outro, Eminem and Bizarre joke around, suggesting that while the song’s violent and disturbing content is extreme, it’s all meant as a joke. They discuss how certain outrageous statements are acceptable when said by one person (Bizarre) but not another (Eminem). The humor here is dark and self-aware, showing how Eminem uses irony to deflect the seriousness of the violent imagery and controversial themes in his work. This highlights his complex relationship with fame, public perception, and his use of shock tactics for effect.


Q. Who has sung Antichrist (’05) song?
A. Antichrist (’05) song is sung by Eminem.

Q. Who wrote Antichrist (’05) lyrics?
A. Antichrist (’05) lyrics are penned by Eminem.

Q. Who has given the music of Antichrist (’05) song?
A. Antichrist (’05) music is composed and produced by Eminem.

“This concludes the lyrics of Antichrist (’05)” by Eminem. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.