7 Días Lyrics – Gabito Ballesteros

7 Días Lyrics by Gabito Ballesteros, Tito Double P is a latest Spanish song in the voices of Gabito Ballesteros, Tito Double P. Its music too is composed by singer while brand new 7 Días song lyrics are also written by Gabito Ballesteros, Tito Double P. This is a popular song among the people of United States of America. It and Tito Double P is a song about the emotional turmoil following a breakup. The lyrics reflect the frustration and confusion of trying to move on, with the singer grappling with loneliness and anxiety. Despite trying to forget the person by distracting himself with others and spending money, he can’t shake the feeling that the love they once shared still lingers. He questions the other person’s feelings, sensing that they too might still care, even though they’re pretending not to. The song captures the messiness of love, heartbreak, and trying to let go.

7 Días Lyrics

[Letra de “7 Días”]

[Intro: Gabito Ballesteros]
Súbele un poquito, más

[Verso 1: Gabito Ballesteros & Tito Double P]
Van siete días y me pesa que ya no estás
Que tú no volverás, y a la verga al final
Solo somos yo y la puta ansiedad
La puta ansiedad
Treinta llamadas perdidas y un “¿dónde estás?”
¿Cómo voy a explicar que me perdí en loqueras
Las putas, los panas, por matar esta ansiedad?
Puta ansiedad

[Coro: Gabito Ballesteros & Tito Double P]
Dime qué tienes
Si tú al final no sabes ni qué quieres
Para olvidarte me comí otras pieles
Ya no me pesa gastar los billetes, pendiente
Dime qué tienes
Si nos juramos un amor pa’ siempre
Ya no te hagas la que no me quiere
Que en esos ojos se ve que aún me quieres
¿Me entiende? ¿Me entiende?

[Interludio: Tito Double P & Gabito Ballesteros]
¿Pero si entiendes o no?
Tito Double P, ¡ay!
Así suena su compa Gabito, viejo
Ay, chiquitita
Es su compa Tito

[Verso 2: Gabito Ballesteros]
Van siete dias y ahora acepto que ya no estás
Que te voy a olvidar y el alcohol sabe mal

Ya juré por mi bien que no te vuelvo a mirar
No te vuelvo a mirar

[Coro: Tito Double P & Gabito Ballesteros]
Dime qué tienes
Si tú al final no sabes ni qué quieres
Para olvidarte me comí otras pieles
Ya no me pesa gastar los billetes, pendiente
Ni tú te entiendes
¿Dónde quedó ese amor que era pa’ siempre?
Ya no te hagas la que no me quiere
Que en esos ojos se ve que sí quieres, entiende, entiende

Gabito Ballesteros Songs

7 Días Lyrics Meaning

The intro just asks to turn up the music a bit more, setting the mood for the song.

[Verso 1]
In this verse, the singer is struggling with the emotional pain of a breakup. It’s been seven days, and he feels the weight of the other person’s absence. He’s facing anxiety and regrets, especially with the fact that the person is not coming back. Despite reaching out multiple times, the singer’s attempts to move on are drowned in bad habits, distractions like casual encounters, and a need to cope with the overwhelming feelings of loss.

The chorus reflects the singer’s confusion and frustration about the relationship. He questions the other person’s intentions, accusing them of not knowing what they want, while also pointing out that he tried to forget them through other people and reckless spending. He also brings up their past promises of eternal love, which now feel empty, as he sees through their pretended indifference, sensing they still care despite pretending not to.

The interlude is a playful, casual moment where Tito Double P chimes in with some light banter. It’s a break from the heavier themes, with a touch of humor and camaraderie between the artists, showcasing their connection and energy.

[Verso 2]
The second verse shows a bit of acceptance. The singer admits that he has to face the fact that the person is gone. He tries to convince himself that he’ll forget them, but the process is hard. Even though he’s making an effort to move on, he still feels the emotional pain, symbolized by the bad taste of alcohol, signaling that forgetting is not as easy as he hoped.

The second chorus revisits the same feelings from the first, but there’s an added sense of confusion and contradiction. The singer questions why the other person can’t make up their mind about what they want and points out that their actions and eyes still reveal that they have feelings for him. The repeated plea for understanding shows how stuck he feels in this emotional loop of love, loss, and uncertainty.


Q. Who has sung 7 Días song?
A. 7 Días song is sung by Gabito Ballesteros, Tito Double P.

Q. Who wrote 7 Días lyrics?
A. 7 Días lyrics are penned by Gabito Ballesteros, Tito Double P.

Q. Who has given the music of 7 Días song?
A. 7 Días music is composed and produced by Gabito Ballesteros, Tito Double P.

“This concludes the lyrics of 7 Días” by Gabito Ballesteros, Tito Double P. If you like this song please share it with your friends and family in USA. If you find any errors in it, please feel free to submit the correct version via the Contact Us section.